Cross-posted at CA-48: Turning Orange County Blue

Every couple of months, a Democratic politician or blogger promises to play hardball and engage in tactics employed by dirty Republican campaigns.

And then? Nothing. History repeats itself.

If Democrats want to win the CA-48 special election, they ought to ask themselves, “What Would Karl Do?”

Tasked with winning a free-for-all special election in a “safe” Democratic district, the answer is simple. Rove would recruit a candidate whose name is similar to that of the Democratic frontrunner. Chaos on the Democratic side, Rove would argue, could only help Republican candidates.
Undemocratic? Maybe. But uncommon? Hardly. In New York City, Democratic candidates routinely persuade individuals with names similar to those of their opponents to run in races for City Council…If Democrats are willing to tolerate such silliness in Democratic primaries, why not promote similar confusion on the Republican side?

Here’s looking for you, John, Jim, or Jake Campbell.