hello everyone, especially my friend brenda stewart, who told me about this site. How wonderful to have your reps at camp casey. Just reading your report and seeing the pictures brings the feelings out. I noticed that when asked to pick up “strangers” at the airport your reply was -YES! If it wasn’t for this very special moment would you have even considered doing something like that? This is the power of what cindy and other gold star mothers have created. it is the best of humanity. I am a vietnam era veteran and have been active in veteran’s issues for almost 20 years. I would like to share this poem with you from the book of poetry “Visions of War and Dreams of Peace” writings of women of the vietnam war. Edited by Lynda Van Devanter and Joan Fury. you can get more info about this from the web site http://www.vietnamwomensmemorial.org The poem was written in 1991 by Bobbi Trotter , Red Cross in Vietnam.
The Muslim Mother
The Muslim Mother went to the grotto
clutching her son’s picture to her aching breast
it wasn’t her faith in Allah
it wasn’t her faith in Jesus
that led her there….
before the statue of the Virgin Mary
she fell prostrate and begged
mother to mother
please end this war
Welcome Pam! BooTribbers are the coolest collection of folks in the blogosphere, as you have already noticed. And yes, it is a real community where there’s lots of caring and openness toward “strangers”. Although I’ve never met a stranger I’ve heard that they do exist. 😉
Thank you so much for sharing that poem, it is a real gem. It brings to mind how the pundits are trying to smear Cindy Sheehan with the reputations of everyone and every organization who has supported her. It is not these organizations and people that brought her to her courageous stand, it is her own personal grief and anger.
WELL, hello, Pam!!!! So good to see you finally made the step forward to booman tribune!! Yes folks this is my very good navy friend from Illinois I talk about at times. I would bring here here to look or lurch at articles and she and I would discuss them over the phone and I have been at her to come on board to join us here and give her very good opinions here too. I listen to her lots and I must say, she has been a very good ear for me to sound off to too. [God bless her heart!!]
Yes Folks, yet another woman vet…We met while I lived in Central IL. and joined a veterans group that she was sec/tres of and she and I have been good friends since. There have been times in my life that I would not have known what to do, if it werent for Pam. She was such a great support during my daughters death. I simply do not know how I could ever repay her for such a deed of that great friendship… Her shoulder to cry on has been my only saving grace at times…she is the only one that could tell you of this…She was my boss during the time we both worked for the Vietnam Womens Memorial Project.
Pam I am so very proud of you for coming here to be with the best of the best….HUGS, Girlfriend…pull up your own lily pad and join right on in…The water is great…and getting greater..:o)
Hello Pam and welcome to Booman Tribune! It’s a lovely place full of intelligent, loving, compassion, civil debates, one of a kind writers that are top notch, and a laugh or two when we need it the most. We hope you enjoy your experience here.
Okay folks, just so you all know I will be gone until Sunday to help the republican sister with her move. See, I can play nice. LOL! I didn’t want my extended “family” to wonder where I went. Not that I am here way too much or anything. I am counting the days until I can give Cindy Sheehan a hug…10 days!! Play nice and no wild parties while I’m gone , ya hear?
Thanks Diane. Since we have agreed not to talk about politics we do pretty well together. It’s four days but I am committed to stay in a peaceful place in my heart. I am leaving around 9am in the morning. I will miss you all too. More than you’ll know.
Now that we’re on DSL they really snapped up. Not quite like our university days when we were hardwired to the net at work, but by far the best home service we’ve had.
Here’s a seal snoozing on a dock, shot through our binoculars on a cool cloudy evening much like tonight.
Hi, everybody. Welcome, Pam! Any friend of Brenda’s is a friend of ours! And thank you for that lovely poem.
Just mowed the lawn. Over the side fence my neighbor said he wants to start a movement that doesn’t have a name yet but what it amounts to is that one Sunday a month we wouldn’t use our cars for anything except going to church, for those so inclined, or running anything but the most essential errands. He wanted to know how to get the word out and I suggested the liberal blogs were at least one good place to start.
Can anybody think of a name for such a day? He’d love some ideas. His idea also has to do with it being a “one-trip Sunday,” where we get everything done in one car trip. Hey, I guess that’s an idea for a name, but seems like it ought to have something in it that gets across more directly the idea of saving gas.
Hey gang..a heads up if you haven’t already seen it. Larry Johnson has one hellova diary up on the recommended list and he’s talking in the thread. Just thought I would let you know. Love this guy!
May not be in the morning Cafe — I’ve decided to do my stress level a favor and get out of here for a day. I’m planning on an early getaway, pack a lunch, get out and do some photography perhaps, then either come back home or just meet the spouse for the Cindy Sheehan vigil we’re attending tomorrow night. I think it will do me good to get away from the topsy-turvyness for a day…
I’m heading out tomorrow to San Diego for a few days of relaxation. I’m taking my laptop but may not have internet access. Y’all have a great week and I’ll see you around. Paz
Damn Manny…would have loved to had lunch with you or something but I will be gone while you are in my neck of the woods. Enjoy San Diego it is a beautiful city. Maybe next time kiddo!
Hi Oui
Thanks for the warm welcome – certainly a different atmosphere here than at dkos so far!
Would also like to jaw with you a little about our overlapping interests that only independent news media will cover.
Wellcome to the bootrib and welcome to our little cafe.
So how did you find your way here?
Care to tell us a little about you, a big tradition here and in the FBC…
Where are you in Texas, anywhere near Crawford?
I am a Texan born and raised in north Dallas but now am living in Shanghai, China. I have been out here — Taiwan and HK as well — since I graduated from UT Austin in 1991 doing translation, IT journalism and Asia semiconductor industry research for US banks and funds.
My interest in politics was reinvigorated by the fall 2002 run up to war, and it eventually led to me quitting my career in finance and spending my time researching politics thru independent news sources.
I spent a week in Iowa for Dean but now I see that Democrats are as guilty as Republicans of obstructing the 9-11 truth movement. My comments at dkos led me to one of Oui’s posts there, which was cross-posted here, so I came over to check it out!
Well hi Steve and welcome again. My…. Shanghai, now that is exotic.
I am looking forward to some insight into China from you perhaps.
Also I invite you to check out and join my website Village Blue, a non political for the most part site.
Would welcome some ‘human interest’ stories on China from you, if you care to. How do you like living in China…
hello everyone, especially my friend brenda stewart, who told me about this site. How wonderful to have your reps at camp casey. Just reading your report and seeing the pictures brings the feelings out. I noticed that when asked to pick up “strangers” at the airport your reply was -YES! If it wasn’t for this very special moment would you have even considered doing something like that? This is the power of what cindy and other gold star mothers have created. it is the best of humanity. I am a vietnam era veteran and have been active in veteran’s issues for almost 20 years. I would like to share this poem with you from the book of poetry “Visions of War and Dreams of Peace” writings of women of the vietnam war. Edited by Lynda Van Devanter and Joan Fury. you can get more info about this from the web site http://www.vietnamwomensmemorial.org The poem was written in 1991 by Bobbi Trotter , Red Cross in Vietnam.
The Muslim Mother
The Muslim Mother went to the grotto
clutching her son’s picture to her aching breast
it wasn’t her faith in Allah
it wasn’t her faith in Jesus
that led her there….
before the statue of the Virgin Mary
she fell prostrate and begged
mother to mother
please end this war
Welcome Pam! BooTribbers are the coolest collection of folks in the blogosphere, as you have already noticed. And yes, it is a real community where there’s lots of caring and openness toward “strangers”. Although I’ve never met a stranger I’ve heard that they do exist. 😉
Thank you so much for sharing that poem, it is a real gem. It brings to mind how the pundits are trying to smear Cindy Sheehan with the reputations of everyone and every organization who has supported her. It is not these organizations and people that brought her to her courageous stand, it is her own personal grief and anger.
Welcome to the site Pam and thanks to Brenda for sending you this way. I am unloading the welcome wagon with all kinds of goodies, flowers, etc.

Welcome to Tribune Pam…
Have a free 4 for signing up!
WELL, hello, Pam!!!! So good to see you finally made the step forward to booman tribune!! Yes folks this is my very good navy friend from Illinois I talk about at times. I would bring here here to look or lurch at articles and she and I would discuss them over the phone and I have been at her to come on board to join us here and give her very good opinions here too. I listen to her lots and I must say, she has been a very good ear for me to sound off to too. [God bless her heart!!]
Yes Folks, yet another woman vet…We met while I lived in Central IL. and joined a veterans group that she was sec/tres of and she and I have been good friends since. There have been times in my life that I would not have known what to do, if it werent for Pam. She was such a great support during my daughters death. I simply do not know how I could ever repay her for such a deed of that great friendship… Her shoulder to cry on has been my only saving grace at times…she is the only one that could tell you of this…She was my boss during the time we both worked for the Vietnam Womens Memorial Project.
Pam I am so very proud of you for coming here to be with the best of the best….HUGS, Girlfriend…pull up your own lily pad and join right on in…The water is great…and getting greater..:o)
Hello Pam and welcome to Booman Tribune! It’s a lovely place full of intelligent, loving, compassion, civil debates, one of a kind writers that are top notch, and a laugh or two when we need it the most. We hope you enjoy your experience here.
Okay folks, just so you all know I will be gone until Sunday to help the republican sister with her move. See, I can play nice. LOL! I didn’t want my extended “family” to wonder where I went. Not that I am here way too much or anything. I am counting the days until I can give Cindy Sheehan a hug…10 days!! Play nice and no wild parties while I’m gone , ya hear?
Well we shall miss you Aloha and wait for your return. Hope you have a good time with your sister.

Thanks Diane. Since we have agreed not to talk about politics we do pretty well together. It’s four days but I am committed to stay in a peaceful place in my heart. I am leaving around 9am in the morning. I will miss you all too. More than you’ll know.
We’ll be sending positive thoughts your way (my Dad was a very trying Repub, so I sympathize with you!)…and we’ll miss you too!
By the way Pam, beautifully sad poem.
Another great day to laugh at the pitiful lying bush!
Anyone care to join me?
Oh… And Larry Northern is ready to do time for running over those crosses at Camp Casey! He strongly believes in the need to be jailed…
Oh my GOD!!! That is way too funny! Thanks for sharing.
Mark Fiore
Check out his Homepage for more great stuff.
That was great!
Now that we’re on DSL they really snapped up. Not quite like our university days when we were hardwired to the net at work, but by far the best home service we’ve had.
Here’s a seal snoozing on a dock, shot through our binoculars on a cool cloudy evening much like tonight.
Hi, everybody. Welcome, Pam! Any friend of Brenda’s is a friend of ours! And thank you for that lovely poem.
Just mowed the lawn. Over the side fence my neighbor said he wants to start a movement that doesn’t have a name yet but what it amounts to is that one Sunday a month we wouldn’t use our cars for anything except going to church, for those so inclined, or running anything but the most essential errands. He wanted to know how to get the word out and I suggested the liberal blogs were at least one good place to start.
Can anybody think of a name for such a day? He’d love some ideas. His idea also has to do with it being a “one-trip Sunday,” where we get everything done in one car trip. Hey, I guess that’s an idea for a name, but seems like it ought to have something in it that gets across more directly the idea of saving gas.
Any thoughts, either on the idea or the name?
Hey gang..a heads up if you haven’t already seen it. Larry Johnson has one hellova diary up on the recommended list and he’s talking in the thread. Just thought I would let you know. Love this guy!
May not be in the morning Cafe — I’ve decided to do my stress level a favor and get out of here for a day. I’m planning on an early getaway, pack a lunch, get out and do some photography perhaps, then either come back home or just meet the spouse for the Cindy Sheehan vigil we’re attending tomorrow night. I think it will do me good to get away from the topsy-turvyness for a day…
I’m heading out tomorrow to San Diego for a few days of relaxation. I’m taking my laptop but may not have internet access. Y’all have a great week and I’ll see you around. Paz
Damn Manny…would have loved to had lunch with you or something but I will be gone while you are in my neck of the woods. Enjoy San Diego it is a beautiful city. Maybe next time kiddo!
Hi Oui
Thanks for the warm welcome – certainly a different atmosphere here than at dkos so far!
Would also like to jaw with you a little about our overlapping interests that only independent news media will cover.
Our next story at BooMan’s Place with captain Boo – SusanHu – Sirocco @EuroTrib – Supersoling – Sven – literally everyone contributes!
Bull Boo at Dusk
Inspiration at every corner of the Frog Pond – a round pond or circle has infinitesimal number of corners – hi hi!
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Daily Kos apparently shut down!! their archives during the day due to high traffic. The links of a few hours before are then null and void.
Here are the cached versions through Google —
Our next story at BooMan’s Place with the captain Boo –
Excuse for the inconvenience – of a large site like Daily Kos – for not being accessible.
FBC Cafe – Humpday Edition ◊ by Abbott
texas steve you are welcome at the end of a hot day!
Wellcome to the bootrib and welcome to our little cafe.
So how did you find your way here?
Care to tell us a little about you, a big tradition here and in the FBC…
Where are you in Texas, anywhere near Crawford?
Hi Diane,
I am a Texan born and raised in north Dallas but now am living in Shanghai, China. I have been out here — Taiwan and HK as well — since I graduated from UT Austin in 1991 doing translation, IT journalism and Asia semiconductor industry research for US banks and funds.
My interest in politics was reinvigorated by the fall 2002 run up to war, and it eventually led to me quitting my career in finance and spending my time researching politics thru independent news sources.
I spent a week in Iowa for Dean but now I see that Democrats are as guilty as Republicans of obstructing the 9-11 truth movement. My comments at dkos led me to one of Oui’s posts there, which was cross-posted here, so I came over to check it out!
Hope this helps!
just by chance I linked you to an earlier Asian Welcome diary!
Here at BooMan’s impressive personalities on Independent News Search & Investigation – see also Soj here and @EuroTrib.
Drop me a line foia @ xs4all.nl
See list of my diaries here/archives and @dKos with nicknames creve coeur/archives and new creve coeur. You can always Google.
Glad to have your insight around.
Well hi Steve and welcome again. My…. Shanghai, now that is exotic.
I am looking forward to some insight into China from you perhaps.
Also I invite you to check out and join my website Village Blue, a non political for the most part site.
Would welcome some ‘human interest’ stories on China from you, if you care to. How do you like living in China…
and has loads of great and beautiful places to visit – just like the US in that regard!
Of course Shanghai and most of the other big cities here are booming since the western world has outsourced their entire economies over here!