I make no bones about despising Bush and his cohorts. He is not my president. Hell he ain’t even in my prayers at night. He made his hell-and many of ours-and can suffer the consequences down the line. And he will.
Any hoo, I read this article from New York Times this morning LEFT Behind by Thomas Lynch. The author is comparing his August vacation to Bush’s and this last snippet says it all:
we humans, if we are to look our own kind in the eye, should at least be willing to say we’re sorry, that all over our smaller and more lethal planet, whatever the causes, we’re still killing our own kind – the same but different – but our own kind nonetheless. Even on vacation we oughtn’t hide from that.
“The loss of humanity”, on so many levels, is the most glaring sadness of the world today. And the Republicans are accountable for much of it.
In this administration, Christ just turns cheeky…
I could not express the anguish that I feel better than
The Evangelos Society Eagle response to george’s statement “I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place.”
Bush is the spoiled rich child of a spoiled rich child. As a business man, he failed over and over. As a soldier, he was an insincere drunk who went AWOL. As a politician, he is a liar and a cheat. As president, he is an egomaniac, easily manipulated, and is a danger to our democracy. As a human being, he’s a pathetic wretch who doesn’t have a drop of compassion for his fellow human beings.
he has ordered the killing of National parks which in turn will kill wildlife. He has deregulated EPA protections against pollution which kills flora, fauna and humans.
He is anti-life, pro-death. Just one miserable being, not even human because to be human, you have to get there, you have to earn it.