Cross-posted at CA-48: Turning Orange County Blue

Two candidates have already taken strong stands on the “Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan Primary.” Their thoughts follow. As the balance of candidates respond to the Jewish Federation of Orange County’s request that Governor Schwarzenegger change the date of the special election, their thoughts will be posted as well.

Marilyn Brewer:

We don’t think that the Governor would schedule an election on New Year’s Eve…and for the same reason this special election should not be scheduled on the first day of the Jewish New Year.

The most appropriate date for this election would be in conjunction with the statewide special election to be held in November. This would save taxpayers money and would ensure the largest voter turnout.

Steve Young:

The Governor’s scheduling of the special election on October 4 shows either: 1) the Governor’s insensitivity to the High Holy Days of two important religions (October 4 is also the first day of Ramadan), or 2) his intent to disenfranchise a body of voters who traditionally side with Democratic candidates.  If he really cares about the democratic process, he will of course reschedule the election.

If the Governor does not move the special election to October 18, I intend to go to every congregation in the district with an “Anti-Terminator Absentee Voter Registration Campaign” to prevent voter nullification of this important voting body in our district.

More from Young here.