With 8 Republicans, two Independent write-in’s, one Green, one Libertarian, Jim Gilchrist of the AIP and founder of the Minutemen and one ‘ghost’ Dem, who has zero support in OC, and one Democrat, Steve Young, running hard full time, we have a real shot at this seat.

For a full run down of every entrant as of 5pm yesterday go to The Political Dogfight. That will be updated as of 5 pm today as the Registrar expects more entrants.

But Steve Young, the one Democrat who has a unique ground game strategy for the Open Primary Election on October 4th, is running hard and collecting local endorsements from Grassroots organizations committed to providing the shoe leather and tacit committments from Dem Clubs who have to wait for the Endorsement Elections of the Party in the area to issue Formal Endorsements.

Steve Young hopes to have some statewide Political Endorsements by the end of the week. Everyone is playing phone tag right now.

It’s important to know the rules, which are very different than most states. The Primary is an Open Primary. All Candidates on one Ballot. If any one candidate gets 50% + 1 vote…that’s the game. They win. If not, then the top vote getter from each party moves to the General Election on Dec 6th. It is in the Democrats best intersts to take this thing at the Primary. And in lays the unique ground game that is the basis for Victory. Against a fractured field we can do it.

Finally today, after one false start that was taken down, Steve Young has a website and statement of his intentions for you to see. It is not finished by any means but it will give you a solid idea of the man and his mission: to take back the CA-48th when no one thinks we can.

Here’s the statement I’ve made on other blogs. I’m not on his staff nor a paid blogger. But this is the man that can make it happen.

Steve Young for Congress is obviously a work in progress but gives a solid look into the basic philosphy of Steve Young and his full time quest for winning the CA-48.

Still to come are areas to sign up for newsletters, a blog connection, ActBlue connection and much, much more. But I think the log jam has been broken and I hope the rest will follow quickly.

I urge you to take a look.

Steve is still hoping to touch base with some of his statewide political supporters and be able to provide some major endorsements this week.

Steve Young for Congress