Oh my how time flies. It’s Humpday again, halfway through the work (or study) week as the case may be. How are things going for you? Getting anything good done between eagerly checking the internets for Cindy updates?
Regardless, the Cafe is alive, kicking and (just for Diane) finally OPEN FOR BUSINESS!
Today is stats day for me. While you sip your lattes and snarf down bacon and bagels, I’ll be desperately trying to re-learn a basic statistics course I took maybe 10 years ago…
Let’s see what you all remember, or maybe you need to spend next week at Math Camp!
oh for the love of html… it won’t let me edit my dork’o’poll. crud.
oh well, come on in and have a seat… I need me some good old procrastination time!
Mornin’, all.
I’m just getting my morning tea and wiping the blear out of my bleary eyes. Here’s a current hump-related view of Puget Sound doing what it does best. A low ceiling cuts off the top of the nearby hump at the same time the Olympic Mountains are visible in the distance.
I suspect people often wonder why I love my state, and god knows I don’t blame them for wondering, you hear so many awful things about it lately.
So here’s one of the reasons why.
I do understand that not everyone loves wide open spaces, but there is something in my psyche that needs them. When I travel through tall grass prairie or the high plains, my body and soul relax and expand.
And a lovely Kansas morning to all of you!
Kansas, I need wide open spaces too. That’s why I love the ocean and the desert. Valleys make me claustrophobic.
Ditto on valleys, lil. Gotta see a wide horizon.
If I were standing there now I’d be choking and scratching my eyes out. Both of us had the autumn hay fever bad during the 50 years we lived in Ohio.
But as a sailor I do miss those great continental storms, and the slow pulse of steamy gulf air, cold Canadian air and dry desert air pushing each other back and forth over the course of the year. There’s nothing like 80 knots of wind and lightning to wake you up!
I tell people that the Puget Sound weather, lacking any of those great contrasts, makes me feel like I had a rotary heart put in.
G’sundheit. I’ve always had it, too, though it has much improved with (my) age. And yeah, thunderstorms are the BEST. When you’ve stood in a pasture and watched a huge one marching toward you across the prairie, with the lightening flashing and the thunder rumbling and the cumulus building, and the wind kicking up in the treetops, and the birds go silent, and the cows bunch together. . .
Great prarie photo.
I know what you mean about the plains thunderstorms – truly beautiful – not the greatest example but here’s one near the KS/CO border earlier this summer

I wish I could take credit for the prairie photo. It’s from: LINK
That is one wicked lightning bolt in the second pic! Very interesting curl towards its top — I wonder if an atmosopheric scientist might be interested in seeing that.
my answer: whaaaa? Statistics is a big reason it took me 30 years to graduate from college. Finally I got to take Math for Dummies er Humanities majors.
Gooserock, I find that I’m more and more drawn to your photos. Thank you for enriching my mornings on the old computer slog!
Well, Here I am.
I found this place a couple of days ago and jumped right in with my first diary yesterday. And I also posted my first comment, and the response was tremendous. You all really know how to make someone feel welcome.
Let’s see, how about a little about me? I’m a liberal elitist from New York City, though between you and me I’m really not that elite. I’ve been involved in debating politics online for a while now, but I only started my own blog last November right after the elections. It grew for a while and then I took a break for a bit, and I recently put a lot back into it, this time with a few co-authors.
I used to post quite a bit on dKos, and I recently started up again. And now it looks like I found another excellent community to explore.
good to have you here!
Welcome! I hope you have a long and happy stay here.
A big hearty Welcome to you, Up2date. You just may find, like many of us, that the Frog pond is a great place to hang out. Lots of friendly smiles and deep, honest discussion without the flames.
I just checked out your first BooTrib diary. Great start!
…again, I welcome you here to our own pond…find a lily pad and come on in into the waters of good company of nice frogs…ribbit ribbit.. do you have a mrs and some tadpoles there with you?
Sorry I keep introducing myself. 🙂
No little tadpoles, but there’s a Mrs. in the works…
Good afternoon, everyone! Nice to see you all…things are a little slow though. Guess people are actually working? I might try that sometime.
Is anyone else a little creeped out by the personalized Google ads on this site? They take one word in the diary, in this case “stats” and generate ads based on that word. Kind of makes me feel watched.
Anyway, things have cooled off here in NC…briefly. Tomorrow will be back into the 90’s with matching humidity.
I know what you mean, but it mostly makes me want to get mischievous. We could take a vote on what kind of ads we’d like to see and then prime the pump, tee hee. Apparently they key on the diary, not the comments, as I learned last week when suddenly Kansas real estate ads appeared. (It still makes me smile to think of you guys reading ads for property in Hutchinson.)
Tomorrow’s my day to host this place. I think I’d like to see some ads for women’s shoes, lol. Any other requests?
It would be fun to see what they’d come up with if the word “vibrations” or something similar showed up in the diary.
Or we could creep out the men and generate some ads for yeast infections or feminine products. They might understand the pie wars a little better then. 🙂
That is diabolically funny!
Well you’re up tomorrow, and I’m Friday! A new game for everyone to play. 😉
Do it! Do it! Do it!
(I feel like a frat boy egging someone to do a keg-stand.)
lol! And you started it all, if I recall, when you were the first to remark that my diary attracted Kansas ads. If we get in trouble with the Dean of Students, we’re blaming you!
I’ll be happy to accept responsibility for the mayhem that ensues. I love tweaking authority with bogus results. I was thinking, for instance, of the best way to ensure that putting a remark about vibrations in a diary will produce the type of ads y’all are attempting to elicit. That one might be a bit difficult, since you’d want “adult” ads, and I’m not sure how Google serves those. Maybe a clever combination of “infrasonic vibrations used to examine ground structure” and “sex determination in such-and-such species” would work. That might be too round-about, but methinks a diary titled “FBC: SEX TOY EDITION” might scare off some n00bs.
GoogleAds for feminine hygeine products, OTOH, you could probably get just by mentioning Jon Stewart’s name for Robert Novak….
CG — you requested Aaron Barlow’s ePluribus Media interview of Chuck Pennacchio on another thread.
Wasn’t sure if you saw the response with the new link to its temporary home on the ePMedia community site. (Apologies for the link to the Dkos archive that didn’t work!)
Here’s that link in case you still wanted to read the interview!
ePluribus Media interview with Chuck Pennacchio by Aaron Barlow
Hope you find it useful!
Thanks! (I can’t believe you remembered!)
I like Chuck.
I remembered… just was nervous about breaking in on a conversation to tell you!
We reposted the interview, without pictures, but at least it is accessible now.
my kids interrupt me all the time! 🙂
Excellent interview, BTW. Anyone who hasn’t read it should check it out!
Maybe Aaron Barlow, who is a regular here too, will stumble on your comment and get to see your praise of his work!
Oh yes, Google is watching you. No doubt about it. The only thing between them and world domination is their first corporate mantra, “Do No Evil.” How long will that protect us?
I’m beginning to think that America has gone Crowley
Cookies are based on this principle too.
Everyone’s rightly creeped out about being watched, but the other serious negative is a loss of serendipity.
My present craft biz is based on having put together elements of 3 different fields that aren’t usually remotely related: art, home repair and science.
The more we segregate into same-interest groups, efficiently served by all elements of society, the harder and harder it is to encounter different activities and ideas whose joining is often the spark for a leap forward.
Economic efficiency–it could cost us our ability to imagine the ways it can be bad for us.
Hi everyone,

Just back from vacation – 3.5 weeks of blissful peace (mostly) back home in Norway. Offline the last 2 weeks.
Evening sky last Thursday, torrential rain was to follow:
Sunrise next morning:

Good to be back, trying to catch up.
OMG, what a great sunrise….so pretty…I love it….thanks for sharing it with us here…
As a long time ex-pat I can comfortably state that

Kansas = too much flat…I need to sense the presence of the mountains or an ocean to keep myself balanced. There are some great photo-ops on the praries tho…
Lake Storm
Gotta go to work, Happy Humping Yawl…
I’ve got about a buhzillion things to do today. I’ll be back later. So I’m recycling my C&J post a bit. 🙂
Ribbit -to having long discussions with your spouse about how he served his country, it’s my turn to go and “be what I can be.”
Croak -that he is now so worried that counter-protestors, the police or – worse – riot troops will harm any of us. I have tried to explain to him that when he signed up he knew he could be hurt or killed to protect his country. – this is the same thing. This is war. It’s now his time to stay with the kids and wait for me to return.
September 22, I’m flying from California to Washington, DC to hook up with CodePink. A place I’ve never been before and all by myself. It’s beyond “I have to do this”… It’s to the point of “how can I not do this.”
Ribbit -to “Supersoling, MilitaryTracy, CabinGirl” (anybody else?) who I will be meeting up with as we march to tell Bush to stop this fucking war.
People, this isn’t easy for anyone in my family. It’s going to be a fucking hardship. Unlike Bush, we don’t have a ton of money, we don’t have any fucking vacation time. But unlike Bush…. we love our country and we love our troops and we love Cindy Sheehan and all the Veterans.
We want to restore: Freedom, Democracy and INTEGRITY back to the USA and it’s people.
Abbott, is there any rum in the joint? I’ll be back in a few hours and maybe I can help you tend bar? 🙂
Anyone wanting to hook up with us in DC, feel free to email me at azulism at yahoo blah blah.
all the rum you want!
Go to Texas and kick ass! And then kick DC’s ass too! WAHHOOOOO!!!!!!!
I found this recipes on a slip of paper in one of my books from wayyy back when. Doesn’t even have a name.
It’s delish!!
2 oz Capt Morgan (Passion Rum is great, too)
1 oz Peach Schnapps
8 oz Orange Juice
Splash of Rose’s Lime
Splash of Rose’s Grenadine
Serve over ice in a tall cup.
Very purrrrdy.
Do you live in San Francisco? Going to a vigil tonight? I’ll be at the Panhandle with my daughter and wearing my Booshirt.
I live north of Calistoga. Wayyyy north
The vigil they are having in Clearlake is on the corner of a Wal-Vart… ACK.
Tonight my husband has to get ready to travel for business. So he’s going to have to go to bed at 8 and get u and be gone by 4 am.
I wish I could be there with you in the district.
I wish I could be there with you in the district.
me too! I have to go to D.C. in October so don’t think I can swing a trip in September. Well I’ll march with others in San Francisco and to heck with those ANSWER people.
I have no doubt we will see each other soon… (oooh that sounds so stalkerish LOL)
I have met so many wonderful folks here … it’s enriched my life and my spirit.
Lil — I probably won’t be able to make DC, but I plan on being up in SF on the 24th; possibly a Bay Area Booman get-together? (If not dinner, at least an adult beverage or two… 🙂 )
I’m thinking along the same lines, Cali Scribe.
Well this is a guy who took calc in college 3 times, and withdrew from it 3 times. Recently I picked up a great coursebook in calc, thinking I could finally overcome this hurdle, but I find the early chapters demand a solid grounding in trigonometry. Heck, trig was nigh on 20 years ago for me, and now I’m expected to know sin and cos and tan all the sudden? <sigh> So as so often happens, I find myself casting about for more background, in this case a good trig book. I don’t need a “For Dummies” book, I need a “For Old Farts Who Learned This Sh*t Long Ago but Forgot It All Shortly Thereafter” book.
But otherwise, shall I tell you about my day, having put an ad in Craigslist to find a new housemate to share this house with? And how I’ve already met a few people I’d like to have take the place, and how it’ll disappoint me to turn most of them away? I had a feeling the response would be good — it’s a great room in a house with character in a really cool neighborhood, oh and the rent is way lower than it should be and did I mention the private parking? — but the response was greater than I expected. I have a few more people coming by this evening (one begging me not to give away the room before she’s visited) and a couple stragglers tomorrow, but when all is said & done it will have taken me about 48 hours to rent the room. Go go Craigslist! Huzzah for August in DC, bringing not only some reasonable temperatures but a huge housing turnover! Yay Adams Morgan, for being one on the hippest neighborhoods in town!
Honestly, I was tempted to put the phrase “NO REPUBLICANS NEED APPLY” in my ad, but at the last minute thought that might be a bit over the top. As it is I’m taking note of people’s reactions to my fridge art, which centers on that great caricature of Shrub published by The Nation back in 2000 (you can find it here). Well, I’ve got some emails to answer, so have a good Hump Day everyone!
Hey Bro, can we (me and Dammit and Tracy) hit you up for some DC info for our stay during the march in September?
Yeah CG, I was going to put a comment somewhere to find out who’s planning on coming to DC for the march. What sort of info are you looking for? Dare I hope there could be a small BooBrigade on the march that day?
I was hoping you’d join us! We’re figuring out where to stay/where to meet up, etc, and I was hoping for a little feedback from someone who lives there. Can I email you off-line a little later?
I hope you will write a diary about your trip to DC…beforehand! I would be really interested in going if things worked out as far as hotel rooms, ride-sharing and stuff. It would be awesome to meet up with some of you guys!
I’ll email you in a bit (I have to make dinner and head out to the local Cindy vigil first)- we’d love to see you in DC!
Yes, please do, though I warn you that right now my gmail is swamped with petitioners from Craigslist…. Perhaps in a day or two, after this flurry has abated? BTW, has anyone done a “roll call” diary here about the DC march, about who’s coming, who might be coming, and so forth?
Brother Feldspar.. We have some time to work this out. Thank you!!!
I just found out that my brother Ryan is joining me in DC from Boston!!!!!!!! Two military brats marching – WHOOOOOT!!!!!!
Okay, maybe over the weekend?
Weekend sounds good! I think I’ll take a quick poll in my Café diary on Sunday to see if I can get a quick & dirty preliminary head-count. Totally non-scientific & non-committal, natch.
We’re All Ears While Writing …
Our next story at BooMan’s Place with the captain Boo – SusanHu – Sirocco @EuroTrib – Supersoling – Sven – literally everyone contributes!
Bull Boo at Dusk
Inspiration at every corner of the Frog Pond – a round pond or circle has infinitesimal number of corners – hi hi!
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Daily Kos apparently shut down!! their archives during the day due to high traffic. The links of a few hours before are then null and void.
Here are the cached versions through Google —
Our next story at BooMan’s Place with the captain Boo –
Excuse for the inconvenience – of a large site like Daily Kos – for not being accessible.
Thanks for the explanation — when I first attempted to access those diaries, and got the “story not found” message, I wondered whether or not another anti-tinfoil purge had occurred. Glad to hear the absence wasn’t nefarious after all.
You’re right – there’s a very wide spectrum of folks here.
I keep thinking of the smooth beatiful round rocks out on a place called Stone Island off the S.E. coast of Finland. Every one you pick up is a Henry Moore. These rocks started out shattered and broken bits of geological history.
But clanking together, first in the rolling grind of two kilometres thickness of Ice Age slo-mo and then in the gentle turbulence of the Balticv over 7000 years, they got smooth.
We clank together here. Hopefully it won’t take 7000 years till we are all beautiful 😉
Hi, Sven. I’ve been meaning to say, it’s good to have you back.
Hehe – I guess with me being in China we will miss each other a lot on threads like this. But you never know – I don’t have a fixed schedule and my on-line time is all over the place. Anyway thanks for the great diary on the de Menezes shooting and let’s keep highlighting the angles that mainstream media ignore!
just by chance I linked you to an earlier Asian Welcome diary!
Here at BooMan’s impressive personalities on Independent News Search & Investigation – see also Soj here and @EuroTrib.
Drop me a line foia @ xs4all.nl
See list of my diaries here/archives and @dKos with nicknames creve coeur/archives and new creve coeur. You can always Google.
Glad to have your insight around.
thanks for the links – people from everywhere here!
Helooooooo Everyone!!!!!!
I am a little late posting here today, had a late night posting on my site. Hope you all will hop over and have a look. You know where the link is right, on my tag line!!
How is everyone, what did I miss!
Same scene as “Mist Covered Humps” above. This, and no hay fever. Oh my.
Wow–Big Ed Schultz is broadcasting out of Crawford, not at Camp Casey but nearby. He says he’ll be at the camp through much of the night. He’s one of the kinds of characters we need pulling for us.
You make me homesick. Which is a hard thing for me to feel because I don’t generally feel that having moved all over and a wanderer myself. You get this military brat all choked up for Whidbey Isle. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
What a goofy place. Low clouds and you can see mountains; clearing sky and the mountains are gone.
One thing about those oceanic clouds–they’re big and low. I remember coming back from our honeymoon in the U.K. and getting off the evening plane in Columbus OH. There was scattered cirrus that looked about two thousand miles up.
Do we have any Floridians here? Speaking of oceanic skies, Florida’s the lightning capital of the planet, and August should still be ripe for big afternoon thunderstorms. Some of the W. coast islands like Marco Island & up by Ft. Myers have seashell beaches to-die-for.
We’ve had some tropical scenes from the Carribean but I don’t recall seeing any from Florida.
Well, I was going to hopefully have some nice scenery shots to share, but things didn’t work according to plan. I left here at about 7:30, intent on making it down to Vasona Park in Los Gatos — they have a lot of trees, as well as a lake (well, technically reservoir, but it’s still water). I tired out way earlier than planned and ended up home shortly after noon…and found out the spouse didn’t get a damn thing done, and still didn’t even when I was napping. I’m not feeling too charitable towards him right now…hmmm, wonder what I can guilt him into buying me this week? (I could probably guilt him into sending me to DC, but I’m too chickenshit to go that far from home without him…long story there…)
Most of what I shot today was light rail related; I had a lot of fun using the Movie Mode on the digital, getting both motion and sound. A friend of ours (the best man at our wedding) is coming out from NYC this weekend, so I’m planning to burn the movies onto a CD-ROM for him to take home.
I did take this one shot specially for Dammit Janet; it’s from the carousel on the Arena Green, across the street from the HP Pavilion where the Sharks will be playing in a couple of months:
I’m really enjoying my “new toy”…I’ve decided I need to get a spare battery and a bigger memory card before the trip!
The spouse and I are hoping to make it to one of the vigils tonight, but I’ve got a bit of a headache tummy trouble (probably tried to do too much on not much sleep today), so may have to scratch those plans. I’ve still got about 3 hours to rest up, so we might still make it…