In order to discuss this question, I will take a news release by the Conservative Party, change one word, and let you decide for yourself. The excerpts below:
Here you go:

Michael Howard has promoted the cause of “Whiteness” and called for a stronger sense of national identity.

And the Conservative Leader has also pressed for allegiance to the White race to be made more meaningful, with the wider use of existing powers to cancel the citizenship and right to remain in the UK of those who pose a threat to national security.

He declared: “We should be White first and White last, while staunchly adhering to our respective faiths. You have to have allegiance to our values and the White way of life. We must build on and strengthen our shared sense of Whiteness while recognising it is not incompatible with a continuing attachment to other traditions.”


He went on: “Perhaps one of the mistakes that we have made in recent years is a tendency to place too much emphasis on the need to encourage the retention of attachment to other traditions, and not enough on the White identity that we all share. By celebrating our differences, we have neglected our common interests and shared values.”

He stated: “If we can establish a strong sense of shared White identity it will fill the void that to some extent exists, which is often filled by philosophies and views that are utterly alien to our society, which breed hatred and which ultimately lead to the kind of catastrophe we saw on July 7.”

Stressing the need to inculcate a sense of allegiance to the values that are the hallmark of White England – decency, tolerance and a sense of fair play – Mr Howard declared: “This sense of allegiance needs to be made more meaningful. For example, the Government has powers to revoke the citizenship and right to remain in this country of those who acquired those privileges by naturalisation.

All I did was change all instances of “British” to “White” and I came up with a White supremacist tract.

When I, or many other people think of someone from the UK, we immediately think of a white person in my mind. Despite its respect for diversity, the UK is still around 90% White.

Although I am not suggesting that Mr. Howard is a racist, I do think that him and other such leaders are not different enough from the British Nationalist Party and other such White Supremacist parties. And I do think Mr. Howard is pandering to the worst elements of UK Society in a desperate attempt to gain vote share before the next election.

He has failed utterly to increase his share of the vote despite the unpopularity of Tony Blair. The Liberal Democrats were the ones who gained the most at the expense of the Blair government. So, despite the fact that Howard hates Bush and Rove almost as much as he does Blair, this could be the start of Howard engaging in the same kind of dirty politics that Rove is infamous for here.