Cindy is going to L.A., I think she said, to be with her mother. And she’ll return to Crawford as soon as she can. She said other Gold Star Moms will be at Camp Casey in her stead. Cindy’s mom is in her 70s. (On CNN.)
Update [2005-8-18 20:41:23 by susanhu]: A thought: Whoever can should redouble efforts, and make arrangements, to go to Camp Casey and represent Cindy and her quest, which is ours too.
PHOTO: Seattle vigil and march at Greenlake, Seattle P.I.: “Galvanized by the grief and grit of a soft-spoken woman on a quest for answers, more than 1,500 Seattleites Wednesday night fell silent, sang and lit candles in her honor.”
Blessings and peace to Cindy and her mom.
But what do you want to bet that Bush’s handlers will say, “Hmmm…we can make room on the calendar for Cindy on…wait, she’s out of town? Whoops, missed her chance…” And the Right-wing talkers will spin this as her cutting and running like every other chicken-livered liberal, relaxing in a La-La Land hotel while her deluded supporters are suffering outside.
They make me sick…
I’m listening to Morning Sedition from today, and they said that Bush is going to Idaho next week … cuz they love him up there. Dunno more than that.
You’re too gentle — the right wing talkers will BLAME Cindy for causing her mom’s stroke.
Thoughts and prayers for Cindy’s mom and her entire family.
The notion is ridiculous, by the way — I’m noodling on ways to counteract the obvious right wing attacks that are coming. I can’t imagine the pressure/stress put on Cindy’s mother by the RIGHT WING attacks on CINDY — but getting THEM to accept any responsibility would be like holding anyone accountable for this whole Iraq fiasco.
Cindy has already shown there are no limits to the vicious, personal smears against anyone that dare question the neocon agenda.
NO, they will say that GOD punished Cindy by giving her mother a stroke.
Didn’t take long….here ya go!
Even his fellow Red Staters did not like that remark.
I think it’s kinda’ lame to expect this too… The same way some might say the government sent the deltaforce or some shit to cause her mother’s stroke…
not dissing or harping– just saying… it hands the remaining power of other lib pinko christians to fundies who, aside from stereotypes, don’t have much power over the christian world as a whole.
Anyone that judges through God isn’t going to get much respect in any circles.
To me, it’s just more proof that when it rains it pours…
Even the left can be a bit too clever … from Salon’s War Room:
Breaks camp? Sounds like she just blew out of town.
Surprising departure? Oh yeah… it’s really surprising that children (both Cindy and her sister, who’s been at Camp Casey all along) go visit their mother in the hospital when she’s had a stroke.
The f*ckers probably made crank calls to her mom, or sent hate mail, or otherwise started harassing her.
I wouldn’t put it past them.
Then there is the winger side of the family with their form of harassment.
Poor thing. The mom should not be afraid, no matter what. But moms are afraid for kids, no matter how old they are.
off topic but speaking of moms, thanks for the diary on Coretta S. King. I certainly hope she will recover.
Uitzending donderdag 18 augustus
Vredesactiviste neemt het op tegen Bush
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VU werkt aan deltaplan tegen dikke kinderen
Complete uitzending
Interview in English – excellent links to related websites – amazing for the Dutch! Cindy’s campagne reverberates even in Dutch media.
to Keep taking the fight to boy bush and his cabal. It would be so heart warming to see the protest intensify in Crawford as well as in the country, as well as the World, why Cindy is away. Cindy deserves this, as well as her mom. EtJ
All the best to Cindy Sheehan and her family.
I am confident the other Gold Star families in Crawford will step up to the plate.
Bush can go to Idaho, or wherever, but he will never rebound from these past 10 days.
Bush cracked under the pressure by smirking and talking about his bicycling prowess. Cindy Sheehan’s pressure created that blunder, and now Rasmussen reports that Bush’s numbers have dropped from -3% to -12%.
Maybe a tad off topic, but found this article that I printed out in June. Mother of dead soldier vilifies Bush over war
“The president of Gold Star Families for Peace, a mother who lost a son in Iraq, criticized the United States’ “illegal and unjust war” yesterday during an interfaith rally in Lexington.
Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif., accused President Bush of lying to the nation about a war which has consumed tens of billions of dollars and claimed more than 1,700 American lives — including the life of Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan.”
Priceless quote: ” “Beating a political stake in your black heart will be the fulfillment of my life … ,” she said, as the audience of 200 people cheered.”
Would anyone else like to take a swing at the stake???
Overlooked from previously mentioned article; Her definition of HARD WORK….
“Hard work is seeing your son’s murder on CNN one Sunday evening while you’re enjoying the last supper you’ll ever truly enjoy again. Hard work is having three military officers come to your house a few hours later to confirm the aforementioned murder of your son, your first-born, your kind and gentle sweet baby. Hard work is burying your child 46 days before his 25th birthday. Hard work is holding your other three children as they lower the body of their big (brother) into the ground. Hard work is not jumping in the grave with him and having the earth cover you both,” she said.”
May true Americans rally behind this brave and loving lady, and put an end to this senseless war, as well as this bloody regime. Let’s learn from Vietnam, and hold these blood thirsty bastards accountable, as well.
I posted this in the earlier vigil thread but it’s worth repeating. A speaker at the vigil last night here in Arcata CA said that Cindy Sheehan is the Rosa Parks of the antiwar movement.
In terms of history we won’t really know for awhile, but the analogy is apt otherwise: an unknown woman with a heartfelt reason to not take it silently anymore, does something unexpected to which many others respond.
Bush’s daughter had appendicitis and he never went to the hospital..
“Cindy wanted to pass this message on to her supporters, both here in Camp Casey and and around the world: “I’m going to take care of my mother right now, but I hope to be back before the end of August. Meanwhile, keep the camp together, and keep your spirits high. I may have started this camp out, but I’m counting on you to continue the movement. The call to end the war must be made by everyone!” Cindy, we’re thinking of you and praying for your mother’s health. Do what you need to do and we’ll see you soon! We’ll move our camp early tomorrow morning before the Interfaith service at noon, and we’re really looking forward to having more space and security (and being closer to Bush’s ranch) The camp will be even bigger and better by the time you return to us.”
-Emily Sharpe posting on Crawford Update via, OF COURSE, Howie in Seattle!
Man this lady is cool.
If her motivations were so political than she would have stayed to continue to rain on someone’s 5 week vacation… (Hey I’m jealous I’ve had literally 2 weeks vacation in the last three years, maybe that’s one reason why no one protests me on a daily basis– that and the only war i’ve started was with dairy queen over an undercooked breakfast).
Anyway… She rocks… She made an awesome point. She exposed the right’s (and honestly politricks in general) attack your opposition-like-Home Depot-does- an-injured-customer… She’s helping make W himself look more and more like an unreachable pop star that never answers your letters rather than a man of the people…
If she has to take the rest of the summer off, God bless… She’s proved alot for someone that needn’t prove anything at all.
I only wish I had some of the same fortitude and courage.