If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention. Are you paying attention?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
without saying yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You might be very depressed. Or suicidal.
I have outrage overload. So in reponse to your post, I have to say, “All of the above.”
Think I’ll unplug the computer for a while and go putter around in the garden…
And I’m outraged! I feel a good rant coming on.
Not when I’m eating Mountain Huckleberry ice cream from Tiillamook, with chocolate sauce on it. I don’t give a rat’s ass about politics or rage then … I’m just too fat and happy.
I love that ice cream!!!!!!!! I usually fall for coffee flavored ice creams or gelato but that is … damn… what politics?? 🙂
Why don’t we have some of that ice cream down here???
Arrrr! (does a Medea, pulling hair out)
if I could send it to you, I would … glad Janet has access!
Tillamook ice cream is very very creamy.
And, to slip a bit of politics into this, they’re the Oregon dairy co. that told Monsanto to go fuck itself. Yeah.
P.S. Their sharp Cheddar is to die for … as far as supermarket cheeses go!
Also, their butter. I usually buy whatever butter is on sale because it’s so expensive. I got Darigold recently, and it’s very so-so. Tillamook’s butter is not only much tastier, even its regular price is cheaper than the other brands.
WTG them. GET Monsanto!
I so want to move to Oregan and away from TX. Maybe one day !
On a related topic i AM learning to bake. When I can make things that dont have the consistency of bricks im more than willing to send some.
You could alway send those baked bricks to the people going to Washington… I am sure they could find a use for them.
For some presidents you throw confetti and shredded ticker tape… For others ya just gotta throw baked bricks…
Trying to be practical here, and not waste a good recyclable.
OK….where do you get that ice cream??
Was my hockey chat signature for a long time.
Now it’s HUGE and with links. LOL.
“Tell me again how our torture chambers are better than their torture chambers.” [Tell Me Again, George]
Please visit: The [Whispering Campaign] My heart belongs to: [CodePink]
Not quite appropriate for hockey chat, I know… but I don’t effing care. Cause I’m outraged. 🙂
Hey Mr. Boo, it appears you are going to have several of your own in DC, too. Congrats 🙂
Go Habs Go!
“To you from failing hands we throw the torch. Be yours to hold it high.”
You must have the book “The hockey sweater”? 🙂 Only two teams.. Montreal and the Maple Leafs.
Great little book, story.
A friend brought my son a Leafs sweater “CuJo’ when he was still with them… all the way from her brothers house in… in of all places… Montreal. She has to smuggle it aboard she said 🙂
I am a huge Habs fan (and I hate the Leafs of course! lol) BUT I have both jerseys (I got my Habs jersey from “Eaton’s”<<< Note the apostrophy from before Bill 101 when the apostrophy SS came and took it away).
I would toss/burn the Leafs jersey EXCEPT that a buddy of mine in the Army gave it to me as a gift. I know he wasn’t much of a hockey fan so he had no clue that it is the equivalent of giving a Bosox jersey to a Yanks fan (LOL), and so it hangs in the closet with my old Army uniforms.
I was thinking that (maybe?) I would pass it along to one of my cousin’s sons since my cousin is a diehard Leafs fan in London, Ont..
ARRRGGGGGG!!!! Razafrizenfrats!
What did you say?
Sorry but I was too busy being outraged to pay attention…
More in that long-range view taken when you’ve got your evidence gathered, it’s been presented, it’s unimpeachable, you delivered your opening statement, and the jury already looks pissed. And you realize the other side is running on quicksand, and you’re standing on concrete.
Actually feeling a little resolute lately.
If you visit Brad Blog you probably know there are some war games scheduled for Charleston today. According to the time frame, they should have started about half an hour ago.
Google news also has a headline story about China and Russia cooperating in war games today. Why all these war games now?
China Russia War games
Shrub’s polls are off again. He does Charleston war games to make himself feel better.
Russia and China do war games to say “don’t you even THINK about it, chimpboy…”
mmmmmmmmmmmm, very interesting to say the least….putting on my tinfoil hat once again….wonder for real what they REALLY are doing this for…..there is always an alterier motive in my opinon when it comes to those two countries…but then agan with China owning us, what can we do about it without getting the finincal crash for a boost…:(
I’M TOTALLY FUCKING FREAKED OUT! (And outraged. Not to mention scared.)
Gee, thanks, Jerome!
Countdown to 100$ oil (10) – Simmons says 300$ soon – and more
by Jerome a Paris
Thu Aug 18th, 2005 at 09:29:17 AM EDT
Matthew Simmons gave a fascinating interview to the financialsense.com people (an economics site I also highly recommend) on the occasion of the publication of his book, “Twilight in the Desert” (helpfully subtitled “The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy”).
Simmons says emphatically that he expects oil prices to rise 5-10 fold in the very near future:
that would totally kill our economy and immobilize this country.
Orrrr they just don’t want people traveling to protest this major asshat.
I am outraged that there’s nothing on cable news except for that BTK killer hearing … I can’t stomach hearing about him, and don’t want to know one more thing about him! Get him off my TV set. Him, and the entire island of Aruba.
(Listening to today’s archived “Morning Sedition” — Marc and Mark make me laugh so much! Plus they know a thing or two about politics and the world.)
Unsung Heroes
Outrage and Pain
I’m tired of paying attention… But maybe that’s because I’m so busy working on two shows at the New York Fringe Fest, including blogging’s own Rude Pundit Show. And he finally announced another show to add to the sold out run (there may be another one coming):
Rude Pundit dates added
If you’re in the area, check it out. I’ll be playing the music and doing the blackouts, so come say “hey”.
VIDEO, please!
Not this time around. But the Rude One is talking about trying to continue the show around NYC, festivals and elsewhere after this run (since it’s gotten pretty good press). The space we’re at is really too small to record. It’s literally an overgrown living room and the seats are mostly couches. Really nowhere to put a tripod (or two). Patience… If he performs it anywhere that he can record it, I’ll make sure he does.
I’m so outraged, I’m flying to DC to march against this fucking administration and their fucked up wars.
Got my E-tickets 🙂
I’m staying till Monday so I can maybe help CodePink hand out pinkslips to the asshats. 🙂
Oh yeah. I’m glad I’ve got some free time in Sept. to go to DC too! It’s really far past time to stop this debacle.
I would like to coin this phrase for the Democrats.
In addition to a quote I read today by Sam Ervin:
“the truth shall make you free”.
<click on pic for source :: Racerocks.com>
Posted a bit earlier in diary by up2date
would like to coin the phrase
“Supposedly we support the troops but won’t demand the truth”
“We don’t care”
Listeners to Rush Limbaugh’s (feh!) show recently got to hear this pronouncement:
“Frankly, I’m also fed up — not fed up. I retract that. I’m weary, ladies and gentlemen, of even having to express sympathy. ‘Oh, she lost her son!’ Yes, yes, yes, but (sigh) we all lose things.”
[Thanks to Choska, a commenter on TPM Cafe]
Uh, Rush, dear? Cindy Sheehan did not lose a “thing”, she lost her SON, a human being (which you ostensibly are) whom she gave birth to, raised to be a decent person, and who went off and served his country with honor, neither of which (serving your country or honor) you have any personal knowledge of.
Oh, but you’re “weary of expressing sympathy”. Well, I’m weary of you and those of your ilk professing to support the troops, but who would ignore those who have fallen. I’m weary of you and your ilk getting outraged when someone flashes a tit on TV while ignoring the real obscenity of men, women and children dying in the streets of Iraq in a war increasingly revealed to be built on a bed of lies. I’m tired of you and your ilk focusing on the trial of a celebrity accused of child molestation and the disappearance of a white blonde in Aruba, while the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and his cronies go uncaptured and unmentioned. And I’m extremely tired of you and your right-wing ilk continuing to vilify and demonize fellow Americans who see the world with different and possibly clearer eyes than you.
Here endeth the rant du jour…
A “thing”? good lord.
(((Cali Scribe)))) This nation is filled with such hate.
I sometimes fear it will take a civil war to stop the insanity.
with a novel speculating about the secession of the West Coast states from the rest of the US, and the US unable to stop it because of being involved in an impossible to win war.
Maybe it’s not such a pipe dream after all…
What’s he lost except his oxycontin dealer?
and have to get on with my life, which means at this time of year having my backside welded to the lawn tractor, or to my season seat for Marlins games (where I’m going again tonight, yessiree).
The only thing that outrages me these days is having “God Bless America” usurp “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” on Sunday afternoon game days. For which the umpires and ball players stand at attention and face the flag during the 7th inning stretch. All the fans (except me) rise and sing like it’s the “Nat’l. Anthem.”
I’m outraged at this example of arch-empty-act-pseudo-patriotism that has hold of our nation’s sensibility. Get a grip, America!
So there.
Man, I’ve hated that sh*t since well before 9/11. I’m the guy who would go to St. Louis Blues hockey games (or Cubs games when I lived in Chicago) and would make sure I was in line at the concession stand when they sang the anthem. Reminds me too much of that European nation we had a problem with last century (to paraphrase Billmon). Again, this was before “everything changed”. Just imagine how much it drives me nuts now that I live in New York and they simply refuse to ever play “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” ever again.
with playing the National Anthem before the games, especially when they play “O Canada” as well when Canadian teams come in.
“God Bless America”, though, I have a problem with. Who was the baseball player that wouldn’t stand for “God Bless America”, because he wasn’t American? You’ve got to wonder what all the foreign players in baseball think during the 7th inning: “God Bless America…does that make our countries chopped liver?”
I know Chicago has returned to “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”…I’m not sure about my local teams (A’s and Giants). If it must be sung, save it for the anniversary date…it would make the date more meaningful anyway…
What arena was it that booed the Canadian anthem last year? Was so disgraceful.
I can’t stand to hear ours anyumore… “the bombs bursting in air”
so much death and destruction…
maybe it’ll mean something to me again one day when Bush is out office and sanity has returned.
I truly consider myself an internationalist. I’m a member of the fucking human race, first and foremost. That is, after all, what we all have in common. So nationalism and patriotism are inherently jingoistic in my mind. And the glorification of violence ain’t too grand either.
I kind of doubt our founding fathers (and mothers) would have been too keen on it. Seems to go against a lot that they warned us about.
Carlos Delgado. He’s on my fantasy team and I refuse to trade him for that reason alone. (He’s also pretty good.)
I guess I’ve always been sensitive to the anthem, and more so after learning it was only instituted during war time and somehow stayed around. Reminds me…
Sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” at the top of my lungs. No “God Bless Amerika tonight.
Full moon on the rise over right field. Ah, yes, the legendary moon over Miami — a beautiful night.
Carlos Delgado did all right. but we didn’t need much offense as Josh Beckett shut out (League leading 14th SO this year and tied with last year’s record for the Marlins) the Padres. What’s with them being in 1st place in the NLW when they’re below .500?!?!?! Get in a real division — the NLE. Talk about exciting down-to-the-wire baseball.
Anyway, pulled into local gas station on way home and got to talking with an African American fellow pumper who was carrying a newspaper.
“Any good news in there?” I asked.
Well, the floodgates opened!! Damned Bush up one side and down the other for being (in no particular order): a liar; a crook (“Even Nixon wasn’t this bad!); a fool; nuts; no business saying he’s trying to bring democracy to a place where they’ve been killing each other for centuries and are now killing us; a waster of gold and blood; poison to education; the worst preznit ever. . .
And he caps it off with, “And I’m a conservative!”
Bigod, he warmed the cockles of my little beatin’ machine!
Baseball! It’s what’s good for America.
It’s Nationalism not Patriotism.
It’s the same thing the Nazis did. Sometime ago PBS did a special about how the Nazis changed and used the Olympic games as way to boost the “nationalism” of the masses.
I know I’ll get jumped for bringing up the word “Nazi” but so much of this Bush administration is much like what Hitler did to get away with all that his regime did.
We have a family of 4 deer in our midst. One with small antlers, a mama and two babies (one has a little nubs and both have white speckles.
They are in our fenced in yard by the canoe and swingset. Kids have been watching them from the open windo for 30 mins.
Kids are trying to not say “awww” so loudly 🙂 “it’s like peeking in on another world” my daughter said.
of course our cat is totally pissed off at the lack of attention she isn’t receiving for this short amount of time 🙂