This diary is an email I received today from Progressive Democrats of America .  PDA formed largely from groups who came together around the Kucinich and Dean campaigns and has launched a number of initiatives – including a key role in Ohio. I encourage you to let Kerry / Edwards know what your thoughts are via the link in the extended text.

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Dear Friends,
 We have learned that the Kerry/Edwards campaign is preparing to withdraw from the Ohio recount case, which is pending in federal court. This move comes as Federal Judge Carr in Toledo prepares to hold a status conference on August 30 on this case, along with two other pending voting rights cases.

(more, including letter from Conyers, after the jump)
crossposted to dKos and MLW – recommendations appreciated
When most others stood aside, PDA stood for voting rights and untainted elections in Ohio and in the halls of Congress. We stood to make sure that every vote counts. We have continued to fight together without slowing down.

Yesterday, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. issued a letter to Senators Kerry and Edwards urging that they not withdraw from this case. Here is a link to the letter:

The National Voting Rights Institute and its general counsel John Bonifaz, a PDA National Advisory Board Member, represent 2004 presidential candidates David Cobb and Michael Badnarik in their request for a meaningful recount of the 2004 Ohio presidential vote. During the recount last December, NVRI and its clients documented extensive irregularities in the way county boards of election conducted the recount. This included evidence that the Triad corporation had tampered with voting machines prior to the start of the recount, as well as evidence the county election officials had directly violated rules and procedures so as to avoid a full hand count of the ballots.

In late December, Cobb and Badnarik filed amended counterclaims in this case alleging the recount was not conducted in accordance with basic equal protection and due process guarantees under the US Constitution. At stake in this case today is whether the court will grant the plaintiffs declaratory judgment, setting forth the constitutional standard for how recounts should be conducted in future federal elections. This is a critical precedent to set for any future presidential or congressional election.

Please call/write/email Kerry today urging that he not withdraw and that he join Cobb and Badnarik’s amended counterclaims on the way the recount was conducted. To contact Kerry/Edwards campaign office, go to:

In light of the upcoming August 30 hearing before Judge Carr, time is of the essence.  If the proper precedent – of creating a constitutional standard as to how recounts should be conducted in regard to due process guarantees – is set in this case, it will help assure that future elections can and will be held without taint or improper interference. Kerry and Edwards must not back away from this all-important struggle. If they do, they will not only be abandoning all those who stood for them in the campaign and all those who fought for a fair counting of the votes, but they will also be abandoning the fight to make sure that elections in this country do not become the murky purview of corporations whose machines and managers cannot be trusted. Please contact them today and tell them to keep standing for the vote.

In peace and solidarity,

Tim Carpenter

P.S. Thank you again for all your work this week with the launch of the People’s Petition for an IRAQ PEACE PROCESS. If you have not signed the petition please go to:

The vigils last night were amazing. Thank you again for all your help and support.

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