Yes, it’s another Cindy Sheehan diary. I’ve been on holiday in Italy and returned to find that the ground has shifted underneath Bush’s feet…caused by a force of nature named Cindy Sheehan. And I returned from Italy with a photograph of Michelangelo’s “Pieta”, a sculpture he did in his early 20s, which has significance for the strange and wonderful saga of Cindy Sheehan.
By the way–many thanks to MilitaryTracy for her reporting on the scene!
Cindy Sheehan is the beginning of the end for Bush. Everything that has accumulated thus far–the scandals, the growing doubts about his character, all the lies he’s told, all the American blood and treasure that have been poured into the sands of Iraq–is now going to come crashing down on him. Oh, and latest reports I have from the States is that petrol has crashed throught he $3 a gallon barrier. Not even Bush’s Saudi friends can rescue him now.
Bush cannot win with Sheehan. If he meets with her now, it looks as if Mr. Tough Guy has caved. If he refuses to meet with her, it looks as if he’s running away. Sheehan’s strategy is so brilliant because it’s so damned simple–my son gave his life for this country, on this President’s orders, and I want him to explain to me face-to-face why this had to be. This has quite unnerved Bush’s cult followers, as evidenced by the fact that even Bush’s red staters (including a neighouring rancher!) appear to have given support to Sheehan. Sheehan is almost a religious figure, a lone grieving mother–she brings to mind Michelangelo’s Pieta (he made more than one….I write of the Pieta of his youth, protected behind thick glass in St. Peter’s), in which a grief-stricken Mary has taken her grown son down from the Cross and is cradling him in her lap.
The grieving mother is a powerful image in all cultures and one against which even a President is helpless. If Bush were Clinton–which he is not–he would have gone out and prayed with her. I can picture Clinton turning this whole thing to his advantage, but also being sincerely moved (rather than annoyed and frightened, as the sociopathic Bush has been) by Sheehan’s grief and anger. Clinton would kneel down beside Sheehan, take her hand, and say a prayer…but that’s because Bill Clinton was a real, feeling human being and not a monster wearing human skin. It’s a good job they don’t allow Cheney near the woman; he’d kick the memorial crosses over himself and then sic his dog on Sheehan (I’m pretty sure Cheney has savage dogs who attack people…I’ve never seen them but somehow I just know they’re there).
Anyway, what will concentrate the minds of the American public quite wonderfully will be skyrocketing petrol prices. One of my neighbours is an Iranian exile whose daughter is pursuing a Ph.D. at Berkeley. Mr. Nasfiranyah is a petroleum industry consultant and he says that what started as old-fashioned price gouging has now got quite out of control. There is genuine fear over the instability of the petrol supply from the Arabian Peninsula, and he is predicting pump prices of $3.75-$4 a gallon before year’s end in the United States. Nasfiranyah told me that his own estimate was considered spot-on by most other analysts, some of whom–the minority, you understand–predict some sort of rationing scheme may have to be instituted (shades of the 1970s and Carter’s “American malaise”) in parts of the US. Of course President Cheney will use all of this as pretence to call for drilling for oil through Teddy Roosevelt’s nose at Mount Rushmore and for getting rid of those pesky pollution controls once and for all, but the American public aren’t going to listen–they’re going to turn on Cheney, Bush, et al. It goes like this:
Bush invaded the Middle East to get cheap oil (actually, he didn’t, but that’s what people think);
Gas prices doubled.
Bush is the problem!
Which is my way of saying that Sheehan is not the David who is going to “kill” Goliath; but she has certainly wounded him. Everyone has been waiting for The Event that finally destroys Bush, but to destroy a religious cult figure actually requires multiple events concentrated in a relatively short period of time.
What happens next is going to be quite frightening, actually. Picture Bush and Cheney cornered until January 21, 2009–that’s when they will begin their true reign of terror. I have a hard time imagining what they might do, but I put nothing beyond or beneath them in their futile endeavour to save their own skins. Except this time, with each new move, instead of frightening the people into submission, as they have in the past, they will only anger them more.
Sheehan has punctured people’s fear of Bush. It is quite obvious that this woman is not afraid of Bush, but that he is afraid of her. Bush and Cheney will try to re-establish fear, but once it has been lost in people’s hearts, it cannot be relocated…I have some experience in this. Nothing is more dangerous to a monarch than a population who have been ruled through fear once that fear is gone…because fear turns to rage, and rage must be focused on someone. That does not mean that we are due for a seismic shift in American politics, but certainly the ground is falling from beneath Bush’s feet. I dare not predict what will happen next.
However…there is one thing that Bush’s puppetmasters might do, and that’s round up military moms who support Bush. I’m sure they will set up a counter-vigil to say that Sheehan is a Communist and a lesbian and steals cookies from Girl Scouts…think of the “Swift Boat” veterans and the 9/11 widows who supported Bush and you have the right idea. I don’t know if that will be enough to blunt Sheehan’s wounding of Bush. Ordinarily I would say “yes” but I think the fabrication and artificiality of it all will appear quite evident even to the half-blind American people. What do you think? Would such a transparent ploy work?
Will I get to be the first to post on your diary? He’s going down! I saw it and I felt it. Making up new words for dangerous things so that our minds won’t have a memory track for the words will not diminish Cindy Sheehan’s message or Lila’s message or Bill Mitchell’s message because it isn’t a message from the brain…it isn’t an idea. Theirs is a message from the soul and it is a reality. I saw those counter protesters pull back from me and they were afraid. Reality verses Wispy Pink Cloud Ideas! I saw who has the power and who has the strength. It is no accident that Camp Casey protesters are still out there and counter protesters seem to only have an hour or two in them at the most. He is done. It is only a matter of time from here on out as the heat in kitchen rises and he begins to bake himself thoroughly!
Ok, but question is–what do we do with a Bush who still has more than three years to run on his term? Back Bush and Cheney into a corner and you’ll find out just how nasty things can get.
Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
And again–good on you for joining in the protest, MilitaryTracy. Who said ordinary people can’t make a difference? We’re the only ones who can.
landslide for the Democrats unless they steal those elections in some way. Then we have those fucking nasty investigations that will make Bill Clinton’s Whitewater look like an episode of Sesame Street. I have no idea what will happen to the man if the Dems take the Senate or the House or both, but something better or I’ll spend the rest of my life running them off. I think Air Force One might be heading out of the country for another country that doesn’t extradite to the U.S. I’m not sure where the idiot would go though because he has few friends in the world and I don’t think he ever found Saudi Arabia appealing as a homefront. Since Iraq is such a grand flourishing great democracy to live in maybe he ought to set up house over there…….sounds good to me. He’ll probably run off with Air Force One though the dirty low life. I suppose the tax payers will have to come up with a new Air Force One for our next Commander in Chief to use!
it will only be a landslide if they move away from Biden’s and Hillary’s positions and toward Feingold’s. The DC Dems can justly be seen to be part of the problem, and if there are no good candidates running against them next spring we could see a serious “pox on both of their houses” movement spring up, which could set the stage for a populist in ’08. It could be a good populist, like Feingold, but we could also very easily see a Pat Buchanan like winger spring up too.
Uncertain times indeed. The Dems need to apologize for their part, show backbone on Roberts, and start really presenting an alternative if we hope to take down many Republicans in ’06.
…if they move away?
“They” is us. That’s the battle we’re in – only partially engaged so far – that will determine who runs the country. I’m not sure all of the candidates will be brand-name “D”emocrats.
it is possible that one thing this godawful administration will do is change the political landscape forever, because I cannot vote for business as usual, and if some candidates offer a new vision and promotes peace and responsibility, I’ll bite. Maybe others will to. It may not be a dem landslide, could be green, could be indie. That might not be such a terrible thing.
This is the message that beltway Dems refuse to get. We can’t simply return to the way things were and treat this like an aberration. The Bush Administration is the inevitable result of a system that may not have been broken, but was in very bad repair. I still say a hard rain is going to fall. The dirt that comes out in the wash will emerge from both sides of the political aisle. This mess is far more bipartisan than a lot of Dems care to admit, and I don’t think either party will look the same when its over, if they survive. The same could be said of the country.
Personally, I think they will eventually self-destruct. I don’t think Cheny or Rove will crack first. They are both far too disciplined. It’s going to to Bush himself that unravels.
We’ve been getting all sorts of accounts of Bush getting testier.. and we know that he is a bit unhinged anyway. If there is any truth at all to speculations into his paranoia or grandiosity then he will eventually help bring himself down… even with the help of his handlers keeping his mega nuttiness from the cameras.
His press briefings will probably become fewer and farther between but they can’t be nill.
Still, prediction here is hit and miss..but I fully expect that this increasingly isolated pres. will eventually be seen talking to himself and laughing at his own jokes. (something like that ๐
…but I fully expect that this increasingly isolated pres. will eventually be seen talking to himself and laughing at his own jokes. (something like that ๐
Or waving at Stevie Wonder… Oh, wait. He already did that.
The issue is, what happens when President Cheney’s sock puppet is no longer presentable in public?
When all the medication in the world isn’t enough to make Bush “ready for prime time”?
Why, the Dark Lord himself, Vader Cheney, will have to come front and centre. Now THAT is a scary thought, but I think in the next two years we will definitely see Cheney governing openly and not even maintaining the all-too-flimsy pretence that Bush is “the President”.
Cheney is so damnably arrogant that he thinks that public perceptions don’t matter…and one can easily see how impatient he is with the charade that Bush Junior is “in charge”…and in case anybody thinks Cheney is “too smart” to come out in the open and all but declare himself President de facto, take a look at the photo of him at the 60th Auschwitz Memorial (in parka and ski boots) and tell me how “smart” President Cheney is.
Oh, now, in fairness, it wasn’t a bright green parka, or anything. It was… kind of somber. Actually if you want proof of his unbridled arrogance, the fact that he’s talking about a run for the presidency in 2008 is key indicator. Well, it will probably be more of slow walk. I think his running days are over.
I hate to say it, but I think if the shrub became too embarrassing, they’d… um… how say… remove the obstacle, and let Cheney ride the wave of incumbency into 2008.
We elect Dems and impeach him. Then we send him to Europe to stand trial for crimes against humanity.
Thank you for sharing that as it’s beyond similar. Brought me to tears.
Lesson for today: You don’t mess with somebody’s mother! Bush has completely backed himself into a corner. Cindy Sheehan is a powerful spokesperson, not just because she is a grieving mother, whose son shed his blood wearing this country’s uniform. She’s powerful because she has given voice to the developing zeitgeist of a country that feels confused, betrayed, and increasingly angry. By going down there when we are taking some of the heaviest losses to date and Bush is taking yet another vacation, she is giving the lie to their whole patriotic facade. Bush has doomed himself by being Bush: petulant, self-centered, cowardly, and disconnected from the populace he is supposed to represent. The Republican noise machine is panicking and swinging wildly because the one thing they know very well is the power of symbols. They’re really tripping over their own dicks, on this. They just look worse and worse. We are watching a lot of illusions shatter, and its going to get very interesting.
And, it bears repeating. Three cheers for Militarytracy for having the courage of her convictions, and walking her talk all the way to Crawford.
I agree that bush being bush is what is ultimately defeating him…with Cindy showing up and his refusal to meet with her I think a lot of the public are starting to see him for what he really all your own adjectives.
It also didn’t help him when his first week of vacation he refused to go to any funerals or meet with families in Ohio of the Marines killed that week….I think that will stick in peoples minds especially in Ohio.
You really should thank Michelangelo. He had some small part in its creation.
My bad. I’ll be sure to give him a call.
I really like this theme. We are not afraid. Not afraid of BushCorp and, above all, not afraid of terrorists.
Freedom from Fear
People are ready not to be afraid. Clinton was about HOPE not fear. Remember his tagline: I still believe in a place called Hope.
Feel how good it feels not to be afraid. We don’t have to be afraid. The red staters don’t have to be afraid.
You don’t have to fear the government in your church.
Marriage will be decided by your church (notice this is a radical change in policy). Government will stay out of your church. Government will help you to thrive.
You don’t have to fear want.
Americans work hard. We can compete in a fair global marketplace.
I made this point at dKos yesterday.
The military strength of terrorists is that they’re asymmetrical warriors. They don’t fight us the same way we fight them. They fight in ways our superpower military can’t easily defend against while presenting few of the kinds of targets it’s designed to attack.
I had started to call Cindy an asymmetrical political warrior, but I liked the term ‘pacifist’ better. But she’s definitely asymmetrical. The Republican machine, like our military, is designed to fight institutional opponents. But Cindy’s not institutional. She isn’t making the kinds of institutional moves Republicans know how to expect and deflect. And their character attacks don’t work because she’s not tenuously supported by investors or potential voters who might stampede over what they fear other supporters will do. She’s supported by friends and a cultural network that error-checks in all the traditional human ways that corporate media doesn’t.
She’s not sufficient to bring them all the way down, but she has brought them down a notch in part by reminding the nation that this mob cannot bear to have even one nonsupporter anywhere near them.
I find this interesting now that the Democrats are starting to ramp up precisely the type of institutional force the Republicans are best at defeating: big money and broadly organized strategies. I’m sure to some extent that the Democrats will have better luck now because their support structure won’t be as easily spooked as it has in the past.
On the other hand, up stands Cindy Sheehan, Human Being, and the whole Republican army has run away screaming. This is an image that will penetrate.
I don’t think Ms. Sheehan is a pacifist…but that point aside…
All this time, many on “our” side have counseled that we must match or exceed the Republicans in nastiness and cruelty in order to “win”.
Turns out that our greatest weapon–and the only one that has been truly effective–is human decency.
Love and grief, not hatred and cruelty, will bring Bush and his kind low.
Just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., told us it would…all those year ago.
Yup. It’s not about stooping to their level. One need not be nasty to speak truth to power. It’s something that eludes most politicians and pundits because they don’t trade in honesty.
ever face. SHE IS A MOTHER!
This is so true and so important.
I do not want to draw the analogy too far, but would still like to remind you of the dramatic events in Romania in December of 1989 when Nicolae Ceauşescu’s regime came to a crashing end (scroll towards the bottom for the dramatic finale). Bush will be spared Ceauşescu’s final fate, but will still face an eventual popular severe jugement. His lack of apparel is becoming obvious even to true believers.
Liberal At Heart
Liberal Family Values
Liberals Support Our Troops
Liberals Die In Iraq
Liberal’s Stand For Truth
<click photo for story>
21st century Liberal Democrats … a New Century :: Build on the values of the Greatest Generation under FDR – JFK – JC – BC
Support the WAR on ERROR!
God Created Bush
That’s Why I Prefer Apes
When You Don’t Believe in Evolution
Human Kind Rights Monkey Business
I Believe in Evolution
Upon Realizing Bush Is a Monkey
When Bush Entered
Freedom Left
Liberal SUV Drive
~ Cross-posted from Sticker slogans @dKos ~
Bush & Co., Inc. are pushing the same buttons to see if they will move public opinion.
“Our troops know that they’re fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere to protect their fellow Americans from a savage enemy,” the president said in the recorded broadcast.
They know that if we do not confront these evil men abroad, we will have to face them one day in our own cities and streets, and they know that the safety and security of every American is at stake in this war, and they know we will prevail.”
Then he is going on the road to Utah and Idaho (Utah and Idaho? Are they reduced to those states to get a pre-selected, partisan crowd?)
The next 2 weeks are going to be interesting. Either Bush will whip-up support for his little adventure or not. If not watch the GOP start running for the exits.
The polls are starting to turn and there are sitting CongressCritters that have to be elected in ’06.
Bush’s rhetoric is sounding pretty stale these days, and he seems unable to change his tune at all. People are seeing through it and his downfall seems inevitable. My fear now though is that we are going to see some ‘synthetic terrorist’* event timed conveniently to get the now emboldened public runnning back inside for cover.
thanks to brad blog and for this new phrase.
Bush’s Weekly Radio Address
Enjoy :{)