Cross posted from It Affects You

I was shocoked (shocked!) to learn that Republican lawmakers are providing aid and comfort to meth dealers everywhere.

As everyone no doubt knows, the Super Glorious Leader announced a comprehensive strategy to combat methamphetamine.  (Macho words like “combat” are always good to sprinkle into a press release for a really kick-ass sound.)  It is a brillaint and flawless plan to rid the world of the scourge of meth.  Our Leader is going to fight the meth dealers on the street so we don’t have to fight them in our living rooms.  I don’t want to fight them in my living room, do you?  Well, believe it or not, some people do want to fight meth dealers in their living rooms.

Rep. Mark Souder, a Republican from Indiana, wants drug dealers  in your living room:

“If this is a cohesive national policy, it is embarrassing.” […]

He suggested that the initiatives announced Thursday may be just a public relations ploy aimed at curbing congressional criticism of the administration’s lack of response to the illegal meth problem.

Souder’s hatred of America is just sickening.  If that’s the way he feels, he should just leave the country.  Move to the Netherlands or something.  By criticizing the Bush Global War on Drugs (or GWOD), all he is doing is giving aid and comfort to Meth dealers everywhere.  How can Bush be expected to effectively fight the War on Drugs when he’s attacked at every turn on the home front?  How does it make our DEA and other law enforcement officers on the front lines feel to see this kind of anti-American garbage in the press everyday?

DEA badgeIn fact, I think we should all proudly display DEA badges to show we love America and support the troops in the War on Drugs.  I’m going to have this placed on a magnet and stick it on my car to show I support President Bush and his Global War on Drugs.  Souder would never put the magnet on his car, because he hates the troops in the Drug war.  He secretly roots for drug dealers to win just to make Bush look bad.  Every time a Republican like Souder criticizes Bush’s drug policies, the drug dealers win.  They’re trying to undermine America’s resolve to fight the War on Drugs, and people like Souder play right into their hands.  You know all the drug dealers voted for Souder.

And Souder is not alone:

Another Republican lawmaker from a meth-plagued state, Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, said the meth proposals announced Thursday leave administration officials with “egg on their face.”

Grassley, chairman of the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, promised to “jack up the pressure through more hearings” if the administration fails to adopt a tougher meth policy. […]

Grassley said the administration’s plan shows that White House officials are “listening more to Wal-Mart than to the economic and social problems” caused by meth.

The administration officials will have “egg on their face”?  I bet drug dealers agree with you.

The Bush plan also would not require that cold medicines be sold from behind pharmacy counters, a key part of congressional legislation proposed by Sen. Jim Talent, a Republican from Missouri, and Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

“Their plan is inadequate,” Talent said. “If they are not in the dark (about meth), they are in the twilight. They need to come up with a strategy.”

Jim Talent, why do you hate America?