A sign we spotted today on the well-traveled Old Olympic Highway, in the country near the Dungeness River and near a highly popular game farm. The land owner — a farmer who grows turf for lawns — has repainted the sign after it was defaced recently. PHOTO: Darcy
We’re so thrilled to have a digital camera to use! Hope we don’t overwhelm you with photos!
Sadly, one sign we’ve wanted to photograph is no longer up. It always cracked Darcy up. It said, “Slow Children At Play.”
“Slow children at play”
Some buddies of mine have that sign hanging in thier bodyshop. The sad part is that I don’t think they even get it. The irony :o)
There’s a sign just like the one above around the corner from me. The owner has been keeping a running tally of the casualties for about a year now. Others have come along and put smaller signs there that say “support the troops”. They don’t get it. Stopping this war is all about supporting the troops by getting them home alive and in one piece. I’ll try and get a picture of it tomorrow and post it here on this diary. I’ve been meaning to head over to that house for a long time now and introduce myself and to thank them. I guess it’s about time I did that huh.
Speaking of photos, I have a couple gems of you, thanks to Adastra! You handsome devil! Did you get interviewed by the newspaper and did they consent to let you retype it? We can add your photos to the story, with your permission.
Yikes! I haven’t blushed in a while Susan :o)
Yes, they did do the story, and yes I was given permission to re-type it as long as I credit them of course. I wasn’t too happy with the way it came out though. It just seemed a little all over the place and disjointed. Part of that was my fault I guess because I wasn’t prepared to tell them what I thought I wanted to say. Does that make sense? Anyway, I usually have no problem running my yap :o) but they caught me off guard. But of course I will re-type it in a diary in the next couple of days and add some clarifying thoughts. I will let you decide whether or not to add my pictures to it. It’s fine with me either way. Btw, Adastra is an artist, is he not? You have to be born with a sense for truly good photography and he surely was.
I’m trying to read the orange letters behind the black ones. I’m sure the word on top is “SADDAM.”
Beats me what the second line is.
I called my daughter … it’s “SADDAM AGREES.”
I’m not as pessimistic as my post below might indicate. It is truly amazing what happens when one starts down a progessive path instead of a regressive one, no matter how tiny the steps seem to be in the beginning.
We can smash our reliance on foreign oil. We can get productive with new fuel efficiency techonologies and whap the fuck out of our trade balance. Go bio diesel.
We can invest in our kids and stop locking people up for pot. We can insure all for health care and get day care for all of our working families. It’s not hard to do the right thing and take care of the country while not lying about it. Really. Not hard–we just have to start.
Peace be with you. Thanks for the post.
Sick delusioned fux.
Saddam and the Iraqi people had done nothing to us. I don’t care how many times I have to say it.
It never was relevant what he could do. Never, not in one tiniest fraction of gray.
A stolen election and a pre-emptive war that turned out not even to be pre-emptive. Then we could not beat the guy in 2004.
You know what? Look at those three facts above and tell me we have not run completely off the rails. The country has failed and we’re in the squirm in a ditch–how long before all pronounce us a corpse?
Look at the debt numbers, both private and public, then the job market. We had to win that last election and it may have been our last chance. Maybe.
good catch, Susan.
I do not intend to change the topic of your diary, but as of late, it seems that c-span has steered to the right. I can not find anything of interest today or the weekdays either for that matter.
Do you suppose that the WH has gotten to them too or is it just me? Good God, they that Neil Boortz on today. He is such a natzi. such hubrus and nonsense.
I am looking forward to this evening to see cnn and how they do this intellegence production.
Tell Darcy, thanks for her picture.
I just found the link for the article Robert Shetterly wrote about the portrait he painted for Cindy as part of his Americans Who Tell the Truth series.
I saw it last Monday at a vigil in support of Cindy. It’s very powerful, just radiates with purpose and clarity.
Thanks for the link. What an extraordinary piece.