Cross posted a larger version at Daily Kos

This week we have had the following developments in the Able Danger story:

  • Curt Weldon confesses his chart is a “reconstruction” and not the true chart (2)
  • Thousands of false positives: NYT’s Philip Shenon said that Able Danger came up with names not just of Atta [but] with a tremendous number of  names of very decent American citizens.(3)
  • Lt Cmdr. Shaffer comes out of the woodwork saying he was one of the military talking about Able Danger to the 9/11 commission (1)
  • The 9/11 commission admits it was warned but not by Shaffer (link pending)
  • Lt Cmdr. Shaffer admits  “We didn’t [think]  that Atta’s name was significant” at the time (1)
  • Strange Retreat from Right-wing bloggers  (John Podhoretz, Jim Geraghty) who now appear to be backpedaling on Able Danger (5)
  • Lt Cmdr. Shaffer said Thursday that many of his allegations were based not on his memory but on the recollections of others. (4)

(1) Officer Says Pentagon Barred Sharing Pre-9/11 Qaeda Data With F.B.I. – New York Times
(2) The Washington Monthly
(3) Eric Umansky: Thousands of False Positives?
(4) Claim about 9/11 takes new twist / Officer admits he based allegations on what others told him
(5) The “Two Atta” Theory – It might explain the Able Danger scandal. By Mickey Kaus