“Senator Reid feels fine. There are no complications or any restrictions on his activities. He has undergone evaluations this week, and his doctors have recommended that he take advantage of the summer congressional recess for some down time,” said a statement issued by Reid’s press secretary, Tessa Hafen. Reid is not hospitalized.
The statement said Reid sought medical attention at the urging of his wife, Landra. He was told he had experienced a transient ischemic attack.
The statement did not say where Reid was where the episode occurred or where he received treatment. Congress has been in recess since the beginning of August.
Such an attack is described by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke as a transient stroke that lasts a few minutes and occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is briefly interrupted.
Symptoms including weakness and dizziness usually occur suddenly and are similar to those of stroke, but usually disappear within an hour, though they may persist for up to 24 hours.
The National Stroke Association says transient ischemic attack, considered a type of mini-stroke, is a brief episode of stroke symptoms that usually last less than 24 hours and usually does not involve any permanent loss of abilities.
I wish him health and strenghth.
make that strength.
Harry, we love you! You’ve made great strides, despite overwhelming disadvantage (uh, like almost no power).
You take care. We need you, and yours.
Reid suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), not a stroke. There was no neurological damage, as would be the case with a stroke. A TIA is similar to a stroke in that it involves circulation blockage in the brain, but with a TIA the blockage is transient and short enough in duration that the neurological effects are also transient.
A TIA is a warning sign and lifestyle changes and medication can prevent/delay the occurance of future real strokes.
Yours from the reality-based community,
This is an important point to make. My father, who is 61, just had a TIA a few months ago (and a series of seemingly related seizures). He’s on medicine to handle the symptoms, but he has absolutely no neurological deficit.
This shouldn’t affect Reid’s ability to do his job in the slightest.
I hope Senator Reid feels better soon. I wish him the best.
But …
He should step down. He’s not strong enough, and too far to the right, for him to properly reflect our party’s values. A pro-life Senator SHOULD NOT be the minority leader of the party that is supposed to be fighting for women’s freedom.
He always sounds weak on the floor, his speeches lack punch, and he is far too quick to suggest compromise. In ANY negotiation, the more powerful party suggests the middle ground, NOT the minority. Daschle and now Reid have let the Republicans flip that on it’s head.
He’s too cozy w/ the corporations, too cozy w/ Senator Ensign and much too cozy w/ Republicans in general.
I wish him the best, but he should take this opportunity to step aside, and let Senator Durbin, a true progressive and fighter, take his place.