Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Reminiscenses of Einstein’s visits to Leiden are described elsewhere. Here we present the three Einstein manuscripts preserved in our archives. Read the story of their discovery (in dutch).
A lot, frankly! I am so compounded by them, I can hardly seperate them. Lots and lots of things for this old mental computer of mine to disect and digest. I find it most difficult to understand ppl somedays! Maybe because it is just me that is being difficult! Who know…:o)
Booman, what is it that you have on your mind today?
Booman, have I told you lately just how much I respect you and your opinions and your site? The ppl on here are so intelectual. They have minds to think with and not to play with, it seems. That is a compliment, hope you all know!
Respect has to be earned, not just given. One has to earn it..and to me you all have, as far as I am concerned.
I am with you on the Weldon thing. He is digging his own grave, it seems; however, it will be interesting to see the spin given to this issue.
Thank you, young man for your tanicity of doing us a great favor in giving your site to us to have to challenge our minds. I learn every day from this site.
I was hoping someone would tell me it’s not worth the effort. I found this info just a few days ago, as there are recent publications – July 2005. I viewed a small portion of video interview with her, I find her a fascinating person who so far deserves benefit of the doubt.
She has something extraordinary in her personality that is attractive, and I feel connected with. At the very least she has deep beliefs, does not waiver and is very determined. I have respect and give her credit for that, also in the face of a dangerous undertaking.
The perversities have been found with J. Edgar Hoover, Bush Sr. administration and now with Jeff Gannon …
Perhaps a connection with European equivalents as Operation Gladio and Italian P2 loge – reference to Alexander Haig! I will read and research some more and will keep you informed.
Oui, I would definately be interested as to your research. I know just a little about this and find it somewhat to the point of believable. I am suprised though that she is still around to keep her story alive…
I sure do hope that we find out the truth soon as to things such as this. What a world we all live in!!!!
Salima Tlemcani, a reporter for El Watan newspaper in Algiers, Algeria. Tlemcani has covered armed Islamic groups in Algeria for more than 12 years. During Algeria’s 8-year-long civil war she reported accounts of rapes and murders. As a result, she was put on a death list by the Armed Islamic Group, which has assassinated 10 of the 22 journalists named to the list.
Gwen Lister, founder of The Namibian newspaper in Windhoek, Namibia. Lister began her career at the Windhoek Observer criticizing the apartheid government of South Africa, which then controlled Namibia. She founded The Namibian in 1985, and the harassment continued. At one point, South African military intelligence even sent a mercenary to kill her.
Mabel Rehnfeldt, investigations editor for ABC Color newspaper and host of a daily radio program on Radio Primero de Marzo in Asuncion, Paraguay. Rehnfeldt covers government corruption in what is one of the most politically corrupt nations in the world. In 1989 she was attacked by an unknown assailant, after publishing an article about police department corruption.
Nothing too little can be said of these fighters for freedom and democratic principles, through personal hardship and suffering. Many compelling stories – amazing – should be researched and diaried!
Still pretty impressive – community service at USC
Yes, this site is the best! I am thinking that I miss MilitaryTracy’s debriefs on Camp Casey. And I would like to see some photos of the new camp site.
And I am thinking about the September anti-war protests and hoping they will be the largest in history.
I spent 4 1/2 hours this morning at a T’ai Chi workshop (I am at gold sash level) — it was SOOOO wonderful to be OUT of my mind for that amount of time — I LIVE inside my head and I absolutely love the balance that T’ai Chi brings, the focus on the natural mecahnics of the body, the unlearning of all of the bad physical habits, and best of all, the CHI!! The best buzz ever!
BooMan — I have been following your Able Danger stuff and need to ask: am I the only one who is confused? What the hell is going on here? I saw Shaffer on CNN the other day and counted how many times he siad the phrase “data-mining” (about 15 in a 10 minutes spot) — all I could think of was that they wanted to bring back TIA in a BIG BIG way….(thanks to lawandorder for the diary on that, too!!)
There seems to be something “off” about this “Able Danger” business. My sense is that Lt. Col. Shaffer is part of some sort of “PsyOps” campaign directed at fooling the public, but I can’t come up with a plausible motive for it yet.
Of course it could all be part of a “blame Clinton” scenario in some weird way, but even for that this confusing mixture of stuff seems far too complex.
What’s on my mind? My vacation in Alaska! I’ve been so consumed with war and politics and my job that I’m almost completely unprepared for flying to Anchorage tomorrow night. Never been there before– any BooTribbers in Alaska? I’m bringing my BooShirt!
Catching up with the Sunday paper just now I read an excellent article by a S.F. Chronicle columnist about Cindy Sheehan. It is most sympathetic and revealing of her determination and character. Highly recommended reading. Here’s a quote:
You can question Sheehan’s stand, or her tactics. But there is no debating her commitment. Or her guts. You have to live in Vacaville, a tightly knit community in the shadow of Travis Air Force Base, to understand what it means to take such a public stand against the war.
I have always wanted to go to Alaska to whale watch (something I have done before) and see the Northern Lights (something that is on my list of things to do before I die) and the last 11 years in the Texan AUGUST have made me want to go even more!!
Please take pics and share stories when you get back!
This is Charlie Anderson (an IVAW) playing/singing a song called “Let’s Pretend” last night at Camp Casey.
I had the pleasure of talking with Charlie several times as he made his way out to Texas and it was really good to hear his voice again. The song reminds me of Loudon Wainwright III, though I’m pretty suree Charlie wrote this one hisownself!
Hasten ye, to the NYTimes web site to read Frank Rich’s column, The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan.
I’ve said before that I think Rich’s columns are brilliant: He writes about politics as if it were truly bad theater, which it is. In this one, he takes the gloves off and starts sounding like us.
Cindy Sheehan couldn’t have picked a more apt date to begin the vigil that ambushed a president: Aug. 6 was the fourth anniversary of that fateful 2001 Crawford vacation day when George W. Bush responded to an intelligence briefing titled “Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States” by going fishing. . . .
Once Ms. Sheehan could no longer be ignored, the Swift Boating began. Character assassination is the Karl Rove tactic of choice, eagerly mimicked by his media surrogates, whenever the White House is confronted by a critic who challenges it on matters of war. . . .
True to form, the attack on Cindy Sheehan surfaced early on Fox News, where she was immediately labeled a “crackpot” by Fred Barnes. The right-wing blogosphere quickly spread tales of . . . her association with known ticket-stub-carrying attendees of “Fahrenheit 9/11.” . . .
But this time the Swift Boating failed, utterly, and that failure is yet another revealing historical marker in this summer’s collapse of political support for the Iraq war. . . .
yesterday and today. Feels like the readership of Booman has cut loose. I had too much work around the house to do today so I didn’t get to read most of them yet. This press release from Clear Path International from about August 8 has been rattling around in my head because it really is pretty horrific.
Concerning unexploded bombs/ordinance(is that redundant?)in Vietnam…since 1975 our bombs have continued to kill…anybody want to guess how many people have died in the last 30 years long long after we’ve left there? Try 40 fucken thousand people-men/woman and children dead due to this ..war, the fun never stops right and the article doesn’t even mention how many are maimed and disfigured for life. I was marginally aware of this information but for some reason this particular press release just kinda was the very last straw about war and how terrible the continuing price is for war on the civilian population.
This July alone at least 6 people were killed by coming across these unexploded the young 14 year old boy found dead in his parents field while harvesting due to an unexploded ordinance.
So right now we can add some 40,000 Iraqi’s that are no doubt going to be killed over the years due to this very same thing. And another story also ignored by the press as I write this.(and we can add the depleted uranium that will continue to keep on giving also)
This really is obscene. If there is any more reason to be anti-war and renew our efforts to speak out against the debacle in Iraq this is it.
Pessimist at the left coaster has a (long, but) very interesting diary post on how the White flight is helping the republicans gain ground (for their short term benefit), but points out that it is ultimately self defeating.
It’s worth a diary entry if anyone is interested.It’s long, takes a couple of hours to fully digest and I have something else in the works.
….I got in yesterday. Trying to keep him alive. In addition to being completely emaciated, I suspect he’s got West Nile Virus, which would be the first live rehab case in Santa Barbara County (a few dead birds have been found, but no live ones). Say a prayer for him all. He’s beautiful.
Reminiscenses of Einstein’s visits to Leiden are described elsewhere. Here we present the three Einstein manuscripts preserved in our archives.
Read the story of their discovery (in dutch).
A lot, frankly! I am so compounded by them, I can hardly seperate them. Lots and lots of things for this old mental computer of mine to disect and digest. I find it most difficult to understand ppl somedays! Maybe because it is just me that is being difficult! Who know…:o)
Booman, what is it that you have on your mind today?
today. Also, what I can do for fun on a Saturday night.
Booman, have I told you lately just how much I respect you and your opinions and your site? The ppl on here are so intelectual. They have minds to think with and not to play with, it seems. That is a compliment, hope you all know!
Respect has to be earned, not just given. One has to earn it..and to me you all have, as far as I am concerned.
I am with you on the Weldon thing. He is digging his own grave, it seems; however, it will be interesting to see the spin given to this issue.
Thank you, young man for your tanicity of doing us a great favor in giving your site to us to have to challenge our minds. I learn every day from this site.
This story? In addition based on this interview.
Oui, do you think Kay has any reason behind her allegations?
I was hoping someone would tell me it’s not worth the effort. I found this info just a few days ago, as there are recent publications – July 2005. I viewed a small portion of video interview with her, I find her a fascinating person who so far deserves benefit of the doubt.
She has something extraordinary in her personality that is attractive, and I feel connected with. At the very least she has deep beliefs, does not waiver and is very determined. I have respect and give her credit for that, also in the face of a dangerous undertaking.
The perversities have been found with J. Edgar Hoover, Bush Sr. administration and now with Jeff Gannon …
Perhaps a connection with European equivalents as Operation Gladio and Italian P2 loge – reference to Alexander Haig! I will read and research some more and will keep you informed.
Oui, I would definately be interested as to your research. I know just a little about this and find it somewhat to the point of believable. I am suprised though that she is still around to keep her story alive…
I sure do hope that we find out the truth soon as to things such as this. What a world we all live in!!!!
So I guess eating fudge and watching Entertainment Tonight Celbrities Scandals Uncovered probably makes for a lame saturday night…
CNNi – Diplomatic License – reports item today, although it appears the awards covers the year 2004.
Journalists from Algeria, Namibia and Paraguay Win Courage in Journalism Awards
Nothing too little can be said of these fighters for freedom and democratic principles, through personal hardship and suffering. Many compelling stories – amazing – should be researched and diaried!
Still pretty impressive – community service at USC
Yes, this site is the best! I am thinking that I miss MilitaryTracy’s debriefs on Camp Casey. And I would like to see some photos of the new camp site.
And I am thinking about the September anti-war protests and hoping they will be the largest in history.
I spent 4 1/2 hours this morning at a T’ai Chi workshop (I am at gold sash level) — it was SOOOO wonderful to be OUT of my mind for that amount of time — I LIVE inside my head and I absolutely love the balance that T’ai Chi brings, the focus on the natural mecahnics of the body, the unlearning of all of the bad physical habits, and best of all, the CHI!! The best buzz ever!
BooMan — I have been following your Able Danger stuff and need to ask: am I the only one who is confused? What the hell is going on here? I saw Shaffer on CNN the other day and counted how many times he siad the phrase “data-mining” (about 15 in a 10 minutes spot) — all I could think of was that they wanted to bring back TIA in a BIG BIG way….(thanks to lawandorder for the diary on that, too!!)
There seems to be something “off” about this “Able Danger” business. My sense is that Lt. Col. Shaffer is part of some sort of “PsyOps” campaign directed at fooling the public, but I can’t come up with a plausible motive for it yet.
Of course it could all be part of a “blame Clinton” scenario in some weird way, but even for that this confusing mixture of stuff seems far too complex.
I agree, this whole thing so far is a bit strange and confusing…what is really going on and what’s being covered up this time?
What’s on my mind? My vacation in Alaska! I’ve been so consumed with war and politics and my job that I’m almost completely unprepared for flying to Anchorage tomorrow night. Never been there before– any BooTribbers in Alaska? I’m bringing my BooShirt!
Catching up with the Sunday paper just now I read an excellent article by a S.F. Chronicle columnist about Cindy Sheehan. It is most sympathetic and revealing of her determination and character. Highly recommended reading. Here’s a quote:
I have always wanted to go to Alaska to whale watch (something I have done before) and see the Northern Lights (something that is on my list of things to do before I die) and the last 11 years in the Texan AUGUST have made me want to go even more!!
Please take pics and share stories when you get back!
Safe travels to you!
Thank you! I’m getting excited. No digital camera but I’ll do my best to post some pics.
This is Charlie Anderson (an IVAW) playing/singing a song called “Let’s Pretend” last night at Camp Casey.
I had the pleasure of talking with Charlie several times as he made his way out to Texas and it was really good to hear his voice again. The song reminds me of Loudon Wainwright III, though I’m pretty suree Charlie wrote this one hisownself!
Hasten ye, to the NYTimes web site to read Frank Rich’s column, The Swift Boating of Cindy Sheehan.
I’ve said before that I think Rich’s columns are brilliant: He writes about politics as if it were truly bad theater, which it is. In this one, he takes the gloves off and starts sounding like us.
Read it all, and smile.
and we can’t forget the Drudge report…he’s been on her case from day one with his lies.
I will worry about him when he shows up with a whole bunch of supporters who actually make some kind of sense!
yesterday and today. Feels like the readership of Booman has cut loose. I had too much work around the house to do today so I didn’t get to read most of them yet. This press release from Clear Path International from about August 8 has been rattling around in my head because it really is pretty horrific.
Concerning unexploded bombs/ordinance(is that redundant?)in Vietnam…since 1975 our bombs have continued to kill…anybody want to guess how many people have died in the last 30 years long long after we’ve left there? Try 40 fucken thousand people-men/woman and children dead due to this ..war, the fun never stops right and the article doesn’t even mention how many are maimed and disfigured for life. I was marginally aware of this information but for some reason this particular press release just kinda was the very last straw about war and how terrible the continuing price is for war on the civilian population.
This July alone at least 6 people were killed by coming across these unexploded the young 14 year old boy found dead in his parents field while harvesting due to an unexploded ordinance.
So right now we can add some 40,000 Iraqi’s that are no doubt going to be killed over the years due to this very same thing. And another story also ignored by the press as I write this.(and we can add the depleted uranium that will continue to keep on giving also)
This really is obscene. If there is any more reason to be anti-war and renew our efforts to speak out against the debacle in Iraq this is it.
Pessimist at the left coaster has a (long, but) very interesting diary post on how the White flight is helping the republicans gain ground (for their short term benefit), but points out that it is ultimately self defeating.
It’s worth a diary entry if anyone is interested.It’s long, takes a couple of hours to fully digest and I have something else in the works.
Anyway, here is the link:
….I got in yesterday. Trying to keep him alive. In addition to being completely emaciated, I suspect he’s got West Nile Virus, which would be the first live rehab case in Santa Barbara County (a few dead birds have been found, but no live ones). Say a prayer for him all. He’s beautiful.