She’s used to doubters. Even I’ve doubted some of what she’s written. She’s heard the tin-foil comment a thousand times. Thing is, do you believe her, and what do you believe?
My view: At the least, she has the intellectual curiosity and the cajones to question “official” B.S. Right?!
She co-edited The Assassinations:
“The JFK assassination became the turning point of the great American experiment, the moment when, as this book graphically illustrates, Americans began to disbelieve their government. And that disbelief was deepened by the three killings that followed.” (Intro)
(Who do you think killed JFK?)
She is the Chief Archivist of the Real History Archives:
This site exists because we are not being
told the truth about our history. Are you under the impression that Oswald killed Kennedy? That the Media
is independent? That the CIA never operates without
presidential authority? If so, you need to peruse these archives and find out what you’ve
been missing.
On June 23, she blogged about “The Reality Gap between Bush and Science”:
In Europe, I spoke about what I call “The Reality Gap” – the difference between what the government says and what is actually true. Yesterday, the ACLU released a report describing how science has been under siege ever since September 11.
Now, below, the text of “my talk on the 9/11 Environmental Disaster” — which she gave throughout Europe this summer — by Lisa Pease:
– – – – – – – – – –
America has had its share of problems in my lifetime. Growing up with the Vietnam War, I used to hear about the “credibility gap” between what the government told us and was really going on.
The more I studied, the more I realized that it’s not an issue of credibility. It’s an issue of reality. The government has been trying to sell the American people and indeed, the world, a pack of lies ever since I was born.
They told us that President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all killed by demented lone assassins. But how was it that these unaffiliated lone nuts managed, in a five-year span, to entirely behead the Left in American politics?
They told us the break-in at the Democratic Headquarters at the Watergate complex was just a “third-rate” burglary. Some burglary. It brought down a president.
They told us that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. But the only weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are our troops.
Mark Twain once said, a lie gets halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on. Today, at least, the truth gets to catch up.
The central issue is this:
In the wake of the attacks, with numerous horrific chemicals in the air, is it possible our agencies were so inept that appropriate warnings could not be issued? Or, did agencies of our government flat out lie to the citizens about health hazards? And if they lied, why? Who benefits?
Contrast the following two statements, both from the EPA – the Environmental Protection Agency.
One week after the towers were struck, with cleanup efforts hardly even begun, EPA Administrator Christina Todd Whitman said in a press release:
“I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C. that their air is safe to breathe”
This statement could hardly have been further from the truth. And the EPA even admitted as much, nearly two years later, after its own internal investigation.
The EPA said of itself,
“When EPA made a September 18 announcement that the air was ‘safe’ to breathe, it did not have sufficient data and analyses to make such a blanket statement.”
So what should they have warned New Yorkers about? A horrific combination of toxic materials.
– hundreds of tons of asbestos
– lead from personal computers
– mercury from computers and thousands of fluorescent light bulbs
– dioxins from burning nylon carpets and insulation
– fiberglass and dust from 600,000 square feet of glass
– PCBs, and PAHs.
PAH stands for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons – a group of over 100 chemicals commonly formed by the incomplete combustion of oil, gas, garbage, and more.
PAHs can cause cancer, impair fertility, and cause birth defects.
Let’s look at how the EPA handled the PAHs as an example.
– Between 2 hundred thousand to 2 million pounds of PAHs were released in the first few days after the attack within half a kilometer of Ground Zero
– EPA claims it detected no PAHs in the air initially – inconceivable given what was burning
– Later tests of EPA-captured particles showed significant amounts of PAHs
So either they didn’t test what they captured, or they tested inaccurately, or they lied to us. Any of these is a bad scenario.
Let’s look at another example – the caustic dust.
pH levels have a scale of 0 to 14, with both extremes representing something harsh. Lower numbers represent acidity, higher numbers represent alkalinity. Neutral materials are in the 7-9 range.
The pH scale is logarithmic. Meaning, a pH level of 10 is 10 times more alkaline than something with a pH level of 9, and a pH level of 11 is 100 times more alkaline than pH 9.
– Ordinary soil has pH level of 6.7 to 7.3
– USGS found WTC dust had pH ranging from 9 to 11, comparable to ammonia or a common pipe cleaner called DRAINO.
– High pH causes burning of moist tissue in eyes, throat, and nasal passage.
Is it possible the EPA just really didn’t know the truth? Can we even entertain that as a possibility? The evidence amassed answers this resoundingly, NO. They had the information. They knew what to expect. And other agencies had information they shared.
For example, the US Geological Survey, a federal agency charged with studying the earth and making recommendations about the environment, studied the dust at the World Trade Center and found very high pH levels.
They reported these to the EPA.
The EPA mentioned the USGS’s data in a conference call, but never told the public. It eventually leaked out to the press, months later.
In addition, the EPA wrote that their own analysis agreed with the USGS. They knew of the caustic pH levels and didn’t tell the public.
There are many such examples.
And when, on occasion, the EPA did try to make warnings heard, the White House Council on Environmental Quality stepped in and altered their statements.
Look at this before and after example. A draft EPA statement included this phrase:
“The concern raised by these samples would be for the workers at the cleanup site and for those workers who might be returning to their offices….”
But the White House Council on Environmental Quality took that out and put in instead:
“Our tests show that it is safe for New Yorkers to go back to work in New York’s financial district.”
This procedure happened so often that the EPA’s Inspector General made special mention of White House pressure in its report.
So what should the government have done? Rather than hearing my answer, let’s hear from one of the people closer to the scene, Health and Safety officer Micki Siegel de Hernandez:
“They should have said, ‘We may never have all the answers but we know that people are sick, so let’s stop the exposures.’ But they didn’t do that. And they still have their heads in the sand.”
Please note that this quote was dated just about a year ago. In other words, many years after the event, the government has not properly addressed the health issues.
Why did the government misrepresent their own data? Why did they downplay health concerns? Can it really all be about money?
Consider that just prior to 9/11, the US economy’s bubble had burst. Stocks were on the decline. The Federal government was rightly concerned that failing to reopen Wall Street could have serious consequences for the economic health of the country.
But did that give them the right to sacrifice the health and safety of the people who happened to live and work near Ground Zero?
Even the EPA couldn’t justify this. In their IG report, we find this compelling statement:
“[W]e fully recognize the extraordinary circumstances that existed at the time the statement was made about the air being safe to breathe. It continues to be our opinion that there was insufficient information to support that statement.”
So what can do?
We can start by recognizing when we’ve been lied to.
George Seldes, one of the best journalists of the previous century, gave us the key to closing the Reality Gap.
He said:
“If you take nothing for granted, and try to find the facts, you will soon be safe from false propaganda… If you look for the social-economic motive you will not have to wait for history to tell you what was propaganda and what was truth.”
In time of their greatest need, the government utterly failed to protect the health of its citizens.
Cui Bono? Who benefits?
The same people who put President Bush in office.
The same people who received billions of dollars in tax breaks while ordinary citizens are struggling to find jobs and feed their families.
The same people who are profiting from the war in Iraq.
And who’s losing? The people of New York, whose health is being recklessly endangered.
But all of us around the world stand to lose a great deal more if we don’t press for the truth about all the events surrounding the September 11th attacks.
Thank you very much.
LINKS: the text of the talk, at her blog, Real History Archives Blog.
Lisa’s bio from The Assassinations book site:
Lisa Pease, Editor, Contributor
Lisa Pease, a lifelong information activist, became a researcher while trying to win arguments on the Internet about the JFK assassination. She found that her arguments were more persuasive when she backed them up with cold, hard data. Before she knew it, she had accumulated a massive library of books (including a full 26-volume set on the Warren Commission’s investigation), recordings, clippings and documents on these cases. When she discovered that the Los Angeles Police Department’s records of the Robert Kennedy assassination were available at her local library, she spent many lunch hours, nights and weekends pouring through the files on microfilm to research that bizarre case. She co-edited, wrote for and published Probe Magazine. This is her first book. Lisa supplied the valuable glossary for The Assassinations. Lisa has been a featured speaker at several seminars in Dallas and Los Angeles, and has had numerous radio appearances.
She’s also a friend. She, my daughter and I went to the movies about three years ago in Seattle (we saw “Whale Rider” at a theater near Queen Anne), after first connecting via mutual friends … and we had lunch out, and coffee later … she’s a kick in the shorts. So full of enthusiasm and good humor that it’s a lot of fun to be around her.
great post Susan! I’m still reading on it…
PS. I just saw Whale RIder last week… i loved it
‘a kick in the shorts’.
Just noticed this in today’s WaPo:
CIA Report on 9/11 Is Complete
Inspector General’s Findings Have Yet to Reach Congress
(The Washington Post)
I just came downstairs and my wife left the Reality Show channel on. Some dude just said, “When I walk into a room you can smell the pheromones, that’s how I roll.” I think I need to use that in my sig line.
Maybe you can combine it with your old one:
When I walk into a room you can smell the pheromones, so support the site and visit our store. 🙂
I was recently listening to an interview with Indira Singh, on Guns and Butter LINK
(Interview is about half way down page)
The interview brings up a lot of the same points, she worked at Ground Zero and has many interesting things to say. It backs up a lot of what is in this diary. The more I read and listen the less I trust anything the government says.
Great diary!
Helen Caldicott is on CSPAN2
Like Lisa, another friend who died (sigh :(:() in 1999, believed there was no way that James Earl Ray murdered Martin Luther King.
J.J. Maloney was a teenage robber and murderer who, through the help of the literary editor of the Kansas City Star, got out and became an award-winning journalist, poet, and novelist.
He and I collaborated on his Web site before he dropped dead on New Years Eve, 1999. Here’s the first part of his story about KNOWING James Earl Ray and his views on the MLK assassination:
Another snippet from J.J.’s story about Earl:
Time magazine. … yeah …
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve wished that J.j. had lived to see 9/11. Like Lisa Pease, he would have been on it like a dog on a bone.
No research project was too daunting for him. No amount of detail ever hampered his writing because he had that rare capacity of explaining, so clearly and simply, the most complex story.
And I mourn for the people he was trying to help — several people in Missouri who were convicted of arson/murder and who didn’t do it. He worked tirelessly for them, helping lawyers write their appeals (he was also a paralegal in later years), writing stories about their cases. I should check again but the last time I did, they were still languishing in prison. They lost their champion that New Years Eve. And I lost a true friend and champion of MY writing .. he encouraged me and criticized me like only a good writer can. It was a gift to know him. I digress.
Interesting article, Susan. Too bad I didn’t get a chance to meet your friend.
Btw – George McMillan, the guy in the article you referenced, who wrote a horridly inaccurate book on James Earl Ray, was married to Priscilla Johnson McMillan, who wrote an equally horrid book on the JFK assassination called “Marina and Me.” Years later, we find out Priscilla McMillan was listed in CIA files as a “witting collaborator” (as opposed to the unwitting collaborators who do the CIA’s work thinking they are working for a different organization). In addition, Donald Jameson of the Soviet Russia division noted that the CIA could pretty much get McMillan to write anything they wanted. So how interesting is it that Priscilla is one of the journalists to interview Oswald BEFORE the assassination, in the USSR? So that begs the question – does CIA complicity run in the family, and could that explain how a book so provably false as George’s could have gotten published?
And that we can find out about her here. I think that the web is going to change things for serious historians like Ms. Pease.
I’ve just been following some of her links at her Assassinations book site … and ran across this reader’s comment on a book by a former FBI agent, William Turner — Rearview Mirror: Looking Back at the FBI, the CIA and Other Tails — that sounds like a must-read:
The CIA.
God, that’s so hard for me to grasp. Really hard.
Do you think it’s possible the CIA was behind JFK’s assassination?
P.S. like that reader, I’ve been deeply affected by JFK’s assassination. I was in high school. Two months before his assassination, we’d just all ridden in a school bus to see him speak at Hanford — out in the dust and sun — on a specially erected dais. He was up high so that all of us, standing in the desert, could see him well.
It was before I was born, however, this is so interesting to me because about two months ago my mom was cleaning out some storage and found some items wrapped in newspaper from that time. As is often the case, the newspaper was more interesting than the item. She was remembering that the last time things were as politically weird as they are now was the Johnson Era.
I’m not sure what I beleive, but I know a lot of people thought of Johnson as “mob” and felt he was behind all of those murders.
No, I don’t.
The assassination of John Kennedy was the most traumatic event of my youth (I was in Junior High) other than the death of my father which had occurred two years earlier.
All the evidence points to the Warren Commission, flawed though it was, coming to the correct conclusion – Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. There is absolutely no hard evidence of any other possibility.
I’ve always thought that the grand conspiracy theories were an attempt to make the stature of the criminal more closely approximate the stature of the victim.
What about the magic bullet?
What about the physical/logistical impossibility of shooting with that accuracy and that speed from that angle and height?
Lisa’s articles on James Angleton yet, but I want to. Of all the conspiracy angles I have ever seen, the Angleton one has always carried the most weight for me. But even if Angleton was involved, and I’m not saying that he was, it still would be too simplistic to say “The CIA did it”.
This is also the problem with most of the 9/11 conspiracy theories. They don’t take into account that if such conspiracies actually occurred, whole agencies or departments of government would not be involved or knowledgeable of the conspiracy.
They also don’t take into account that our enemies may have penetrated our agencies and used inside knowledge against us.
Much is made or war games allegedly played on the morning of 9/11. But isn’t is possible that someone in the Pentagon or NORAD gave that information to al-Qaeda and helped them pick the most best date and time to buy their plane tickets?
Likewise, with JFK. Couldn’t a mole in the Secret Service have used his inside knowledge to help plant Oswald at the perfect spot?
It’s not enough to show we haven’t been told the whole story. You have to show how it could have been done, and how it could have been kept secret.
Most conspiracy theories fail at these two points. But that doesn’t mean we know the truth about some of the major events in our history.
If you haven’t read my articles on Angleton, then I think you have 1) a marvelous reading list and 2) solidly informed intuition. Angleton had a backchannel to Win Scott, outside normal CIA communications channels. Win Scott ran the Mexico City station. Oswald’s alleged visit to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City a month before the assassination is one of the most interesting pieces of the story. Angleton himself is a fabulously twisted, interesting character. Here’s something he said towards the end of his life to his good friend, Joe Trento (to whom he also showed a memo from him to Richard Helms saying, someday we’ll have to explain E. Howard Hunt’s presence in Dallas the day Kennedy was killed):
“I am afraid that whatever sins I have committed in my life… have come home to roost…I am fundamentally a failure. I failed to protect the CIA from the enemy.”
Earlier he had told Trento, “Sometimes you can find he real enemy in the mirror.”
I have to close with this amazing scene from Trento’s book. These quotes are all from Trento’s book “The Secret History of the CIA”. Angleton’s words are in quotes; Trento’s words are not:
“You know how I got to be in charge of counterintelligence? I agreed not to polygraph or require background checks on Allen Dulles and 60 of his closest friends.” … “They were afraid that their own business dealings with Hitler’s pals would come out…” The real problem, Angleton concluded, was that “there was no accountability. And without real accountability everything turned to shit.” … “You know, the CIA got tens of thousands of brave men killed….We played with lives as if we owned them. We gave them false hope. We–I–so misjudged what happened.”
I [Trento] asked the dying man [Angleton] how it all went so wrong.
With no emotion in his voice, but with his hands trembling, Angleton replied: “Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. These people attracted and promoted each other. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was a part of it and loved being in it…Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Offie, and Frank Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton slowly sipped his tea and then said, “I guess I will see them there soon.”
What did you feel the first time you read that?!
It’s poignant, disgusting, riveting, nauseating.
I was only surprised he admitted it. This is the agency that did “terminal” mind control experiments on its own citizens. (Terminal as in tested unto death.) This is the agency that fomented coups in Democratic regimes unfriendly to American business interests and replaced them with dictatorships amenable to our bribes and greed. This is the agency that spied on anti-war movement citizens, and the agency that admittedly and aggressively courted both reporters and media owners so they could claim in 1992 that they now had “full control” of the media.
Why WOULDN’T they kill Kennedy? He wanted make government to goverment loans to impoverished countries so they would not forever be indepted to the private interests of the World Bank and IMF. He wanted to reach an accord with Kruschev. He promised Cuba not to invade, after the Cuban missile crisis, while the CIA was busy trying to manufacture evidence that Castro was exporting his revolution to other countries as justification TO invade. Kennedy wanted us out of Vietnam, and wanted to return Irian Jaya (now West Papua) to the native people. RFK was helping at the United Nations on that particular front. In short, the Kennedy’s were trying to undo much of what the CIA, on behalf of its business class sponsors, had spent it’s lifetime doing. AND, Kennedy was not only holding the CIA accountable (that dreaded “a” word Angleton talked about) he was moving to replace some of their functions by creating the DIA – the Defense Intelligence Agency. The way Kennedy saw it, the CIA was running around doing operations not sanctioned at the top of the chain of command. He wanted to move covert operations into a military structure where operations would be rigidly controlled. The CIA saw that as treasonous. All of this is fact.
Why is it hard, under the circumstances, to believe that the criminal cabal running the CIA and not accountable to its director John McCone took things into their own hands? I’m always curious why people find that hard to believe.
I don’t know why it is hard to believe but it just is.
Those Angleton quotes above are amazing. I didn’t know about them.
I think I first got turned on to the Angleton angle from reading Prouty. Prouty knew him and suspected him. And Prouty was in a position to have good intuition on such things.
He didn’t convince me, but he got me to keep an open mind.
LOL. I’ll assume for arguments sake that you are honest and sincere in this. But I can guarantee that you have not spent 10 years reading through the government’s own documents on this case, or you could not say that. If you only read Case Closed, you should see what history professor David Wrone, who the author quotes as a respected authority, had to say about the book.
“for arguments sake”?
It appears that you are so invested in your opinion that it takes an effort for you to allow sincerity in anyone who disagrees.
I repeat, there is no evidence of the involvement of anyone but Lee Harvey Oswald. The fact that the Warren Commission was flawed does not mean that their ultimate conclusion was incorrect.
Ed, did you read Posner’s book?
Yes, a few years ago.
Susan – this is why I detest online participation and encourage people to READ THE DOCUMENTS. Anyone can have an opinion, but the facts are found not in summaries, not in Internet posts, but in the raw documentation. Ed has not shown any knowledge of the case beyond Posner, who has been thoroughly discredited by respected historian David Wrone (whom Posner himself lauds) and of course, the entire research community. Ed’s welcome to his opinion, but frankly opinions on this case aren’t worth the time it takes to read them. Only facts matter. And the facts show that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy that involved people within high levels of our government, and that the cover-up was planned in advance of the assassination. If Ed were to inform himself beyond Posner’s disinformation he would see that there’s a lot more to the story.
Don’t tell me to READ THE DOCUMENTS, provide THE EVIDENCE. Where are the bullets, where are the witnesses, why has nobody talked about this in 44 years? Three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead.
You keep disparaging my right to an opinion but you present no evidence.
Let’s see, Oswald didn’t kill JFK, Sirhan didn’t kill RFK, and Ray didn’t kill King. Does a deranged individual ever pick up a gun and just kill someone?
Frankly, the conspiracy community resembles the Christian Right with their espousal of “intelligent design” – they make their claims and challenge everyone else to prove them wrong. That’s not the way the burden of proof works.
Saying “the CIA” killed Kennedy is a bit misleading in that “the CIA” rarely does anything as an organization. Case officers are given extraordinary budgets and operations are highly compartmentalized to preserve “deniability”, the key to success in conducting covert operations. (I mean, if you can’t deny it, then it becomes an overt operation, and that might actually mean accountability, and the a word scares people in the government.)
But that said – if you read our book (shameless plug) The Assassinations, I think you will see how many names are named at high level positions in the CIA doing things are extraordinarily difficult to explain if those people did not plan to kill Kennedy. And their actions after the fact are so devious as to beg the question of whether they are covering their guilt in the event. The short list of people in this category includes Richard Helms, Allen Dulles (gone from the CIA but not, really – he was still very much in touch with Helms and Angleton and even worked with Gordon Novel to sabotage Jim Garrison’s case against Clay Shaw – the story from the film JFK), as well as Bill Harvey and David Atlee Phillips. But there are other, quieter names you wouldn’t have heard of – people who may still know where most, if not all, the bodies are buried – people like Anne Goodpasture, Birch O’Neal, E. Howard Hunt, and a few more.
If you read Jim DiEugenio’s excellent articles about the sabotaging of the only body to ever come close to investigating the case, the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the seventies, you would find it hard to believe the CIA was NOT directly responsible for Kennedy’s death.
What a sweet thing to say. It’s been a long, dark journey, and sometimes it’s really hard to read all about such evil in our midst. I really appreciate comments like yours. It reminds me why I need to keep fighting to find and expose the truth to the best of my ability.
Thanks for posting this. I had never heard of her before, and she sounds very interesting. After seeing the documentary “The Men Who Killed Kennedy” there just seems to be overwhelming evidence for a conspiracy. I feel that the attempted neocon takeover we are currently living through probably has it’s roots back in the Kennedy assasination, and some of the same people around then are still around now.
First – thanks, Susan, for such an embarrassingly warm introduction here. That was very generous of you.
Tauri – your comments go to the heart of my interest. I see the assassinations of the sixties as the taking over of America by the big money interests. Ironically, by supporting the thuggery and black operations that made those assassinations possible, the big money interests now find that same gun being pointed at their own head by a monster of their own creation – George W. Bush and company. I believe the reason Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld knew they could get away with the Iraq war was because the left rolled over and played dead after JFK, MLK, and RFK were all killed. So after that, anything goes. If we hold people accountable, if we press for the truth, however late after the fact, that’s a strong disincentive for people to use such tactics to enact policy in the future. But if we stay silent, we’re giving the thugs permission to lie, to steal, to assassinate again.
Today, my biggest concern is our vote, or lack thereof. If we don’t press to count votes ON PAPER than the Republic is truly gone. The most cynical move along those lines was one i heard today. Diebold has now hired a former DNC chairman to do a PR campaign across the country. I can hear it now. “Look! We’re bi-partisan. Go back to sleep, America! You’re vote is safe with us. Pay no attention to those suits behind the curtain.”
We have to protest LOUDLY, in all corners, every time we are lied to. We can’t just roll over and say yeah, another lie, and go back to sleep, or the lies will get grosser still.
Stop me now! I can and will go on forever on this subject….
My husband subscribed to Probe magazine when it was still being published.
We have heard Lisa speak several times in the LA area on the RFK assassination, and of the research that she done. We have also heard her speak on the JFK assassination.
Lisa is a very impressive lady; smart, articulate and accessible with a ready laugh, and eager to share her information and answer questions.
Thank you Susan for writing about her. She deserves to be better known.
She has two enthusiastic fans in Venice.
How cool .. i’ve never seen her speak. Just heard her on radio shows.
So, what’s your take on the RFK assassination?
So, what’s your take on the RFK assassination?
I think it was a pre-emptive coup d’etat.
Thinking in writing… JFK was to begin troop withdrawal after the 1964 elections (and LBJ reversing the executive order immediately after becoming President); MLK was opposing the war, and was a possible Vice-President for RFK; RFK entering the primaries after Eugene McCarthy showed that an anti-war campaign could attract voters. That is the common thread that I see (after coming in for a break from gardening on a sunny – finally! – August afternoon with brugmansia, abutilon and houttuynia on the brain instead of deep politics).
Thanks! Who are you??? I used to know most of the names on our subscriber list, since we had to print and hand label all the issues of Probe so many times…!
Pants on fire…
That argument sound familiar? He’s been using it since 9/12. It’s why I think the debate needs to stay focused on just those statements. We MUST keep the focus on the entire record post-9/11, and not simply on Iraq. If you ask even the most radical right-winger, they’ll tell you we’d be safer had we spent 300 billion actually fighting terrorism.
For that kind of money, we could have bought Iraq without firing a shot.
his repeating this over and over hasn’t been as successful as once it was earlier in his presidency. But then, he probably just gets on his bike and quits worrying.
There is a wealth of information available from the Centers for Disease Control, and their NIOSH site. The testing done around the WTC was performed between 9/18 – 10/4/2001, and further validates Pease’s article. Here’s their Summary Report.
Even a damn 99 cent dust mask would’ve helped.
Remember the propaganda teams feeding information to the newsroom as “news”? Without very much protest even after it was revealed.
And if the people’s confidence in government was not damaged by the killings, then the EPA’s note about the “clean air” and the numerous senators and news media comments that investigations into the rising gas prices have found no wrong doing on the part of oil companies (whose fortunes just keep going up and up with the prices) probably has made a dent in even the kool aid kings and queens. But for sure, anybody living in OHIO has got the best reasons to know that government can lie and lie. (Just say “Noe”)!
I was watching, glued to tv, watching the clips of the JFK killing, watching Ruby killing Oswald and none of it made sense. You can not begin to imagine how strange that whole time was. And the Warren commission did not address any of the pieces to the point where the puzzle made sense. It was ripe for conspiracy theories just simply because the premise that Oswald was the lone shooter, that Ruby shot Oswald just because he was insane, that Oswald had been to Russia and brought home a Russian wife and therefore was a malcontent, just didn’t add up to a coherent reason for it all to have happened.
I felt the same way watching the post-9/11 press coverage. Something just felt wrong – terribly wrong. How could an unarmed jet attack the Pentagon? How was it that “the best air force in the world” could be so unprepared for attacks? And when I heard that most of the jets we’d normally scramble were up in Canada participating in War Games, I thought, who tipped off the hijackers that 9/11 would be a day when the US Eastern seaboard would be particularly vulnerable?
Allen Dulles, the former head of the CIA, used to teach his operatives that there were no coincidences. We need to take a page from intelligence training if we are to understand what happened. Whatever else it was, 9/11 was absolutely an intelligence operation. WHOSE intelligence, I’m not certain, by any means. Bin Laden was, after all, a CIA creation to help us fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.