Poor Lucky has been excoriated,
His contribution no longer appreciated.
His final demise,
With contributors lies,
Into the loch, tied to pot of gold weighted…?

(other sick suggestions considered, limerick form or otherwise…)

Ah, the wonder of procreation mid-flight,
One of nature’s most soul-stirring sights!
After years of hard labor,
And a roll on the tabor,
They’ll deliver NASA’s new orbital kite!

(four more after the fold)
After taking pot-shots at a ship,
Attackers then gave `em the slip.
The Ashland was spared,
By the width of a hair;
While the life of a soldier was stripped.

Northwest Strikes! What a confusing score card.
Who’ll do this, and just whom from whom’s barred?
Wall Street analysts opine,
Northwest’ll cross all picket lines,
And mechanical scabs won’t send folks to the graveyard.

Harry Reid frightened all his supporters,
With a TIA that was leaked to reporters.
His diet he’ll change,
To bring cholesterol in range,
But won’t stop dining on Republican porkers!

In a story resembling “The Rainmaker”,
Merck & CO has been dealt a back-breaker.
But of course they’ll appeal,
With six hundred million in zeal,
And Vioxx for the pain by the acre…