I don’t see anything up about this right now but sorry if its a duplicate of an earlier diary.. well, let’s just let good ole Raw Story say it. I’ll just say holy fucking shit.
The writer of article: Nafeez Ahmed who is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research & Development in London, and a Doctoral Candidate in International Relations at the University of Sussex, Brighton.
The US Air Force later argued that they “might not” be the same persons, due to some “biographical discrepancies” – which of course were never revealed to the public. When Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) tried to investigate, shocked at the possibility that Pensacola Naval Air Station could have hosted and trained Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alghamdi, among others, he was told by the FBI – after several weeks – that they were trying to work through something “complicated and difficult.”
Daniel Hopsicker, a former Producer at PBS Wall Street Week and investigative report at NBC News, decided to investigate. [snip]…It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that these people were, for reasons undisclosed, protected
More below.
If seeing this for the first time (unlikely but here ya go):
Get ready for the “liberal civil liberties advocates caused this intel failure” ad nauseum argument. Expect Rush the Lush to pound in that talking point. And maybe that argument-to-be explains loon Congressman Curt Weldon’s reasons for outing this coverup of intel failures and likely worse: setting the stage for an American declaration of a military state. Just in time before losing Congress in ’06?
The law [that prevented the Pentagon from going to the FBI] supposedly provided a disincentive for sharing intelligence with law enforcement. [Get ready for the “civil liberties caused this intel failure” ad nauseum.]
The law, it was claimed, bars US citizens and green-card holders from being targeted for intelligence-collection operations
The explanation was disingenuous. “Mohammed Atta and his terrorist cohorts were clearly and factually established as Al-Qaeda functionaries of a foreign government [Taliban of Afghanistan] with Al-Qaeda itself being a Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (DFTO)”, noted Sean Osborne of the US Army’s Program Executive Office – Command, Control, Communications Tactical (PEOC3T) within the Special Project Office (SPO).
In fact, there are 13 exceptions within Executive Order 12333 allowing intelligence-collection on US Persons and bona-fide green card-holders, including for Counterintelligence purposes, allowing for collection of against individuals reasonably suspected of involvement in international terrorism, as well as their associates.
I posted this previously but got no response. I think the question really, really matters.
The Bush people knew something was going to happen. They sinmply had to be in positon to use it when it occurred. Any deviation from the plan was dangerous.
They were batting for the fences, knew that more sensible people (their political opponents) would reject the effort, and have found themselves scrambling for “kludges” to save the plan since the looting occurred after the Bush War “preemptive” invasion.
Is there any doubt that secrecy is paramount? When (not if) the American public learns how this administration has manipulated America, there will be Hell to pay!
But does anyone have any answers to my question above? Did the Iraqi Intelligence really offer to remove Saddam, send him into exile and commit to a democracy under a Contitution? And could they have done it?
The Dots connect in a frightening pattern…. Multi-billion agencies fail to do their jobs. Critical info was stonewalled in suspicious fashion. Whistleblowers ignored, as well as stonewalled. NO ONE held accountable. The bigger the failure, the better the chance of promotion. Quite simple NO ONE was held accountable, ’cause nothing went wrong. The more you research, the more that you find. Even sadder, the bush/cheney family, has benefited the most from 9-11. The 911 commission a joke, professional cover-up appointees, with many ties to the bush-cheney crime family… America would rather hear about pretty white chicks, and follow their sports team. Pathetic…. EtJ
A TRUE investigation is a MUST for the health and well-being of America.