Here is The Real Tour de Crawford:
Enough! Full Stop! How about some fiery populist T-shirts:
The REAL Tour de Crawford
There is one jpeg photo making the “tour de media” from the bucolic 17 mile bike ride Lance took with W thru a field of sunflowers. The jpeg is an official WH released photo.
BTW, Lance, don’t hawk your sodden anti-war message with me, people like you give Bush and his pro-fundie, anti-science, pro-ID in the classrooms, anti-stem cell research, pro-snowflake, &c. policy messes cover.
The rest of the imagery from the ride is exclusive to Team Discovery Channel who are partners with Lance and have an upcoming, oh, let’s call it a splash on him. Frankly, (full disclosure) he bores me. In San Francisco we are full to the gills with the aftermath of Republican policy and death. Thankfully Lance survived, but it is only a chapter…. Those who do not survive also fought that very fight. Cancer, AIDS, worsening infant mortality, it is all part and parcel of political policy and a mess of a health care system.
Much more deserving of a salute than the WH games of cute T-Shirts (embargoed imagery as well, it seems) for Lance, who serves (and was just renamed) on the president’s Cancer Panel and appears in ads for Glaxo Smith Kline, much more deserving is Cindy and Camp Casey I and II. The T-shirts gifted to Lance from W read “Tour de Crawford” on the front and “Peloton One” on the back. Lance (and fellow cyclers) got red white and blue socks with the presidential seal on the inside ankle. Lance needs socks.
Lance and entourage also had lunch and pool time with the president. I call that a very full day.
Cindy got the ditch (after she BUSSED to Crawford from Dallas on the 6th) and fire ants. Murderous Texas summer heat. Pouring rain (camped in a ditch remember), shots into the air, a mad truck with chains and pipes across the tribute crosses that were brought in from the Arlington West beach memorial by driving thru the night to Crawford… and not least, Hadley, that tired prick sent out — probably drenched in DEET — in courtier style, to tell her to go away.
And the spewing hatred of the various and sundry degenerates from Dana Milbank (please get a real reporter’s life, Dana, we know you can do it) to Drudge to Novakula to George Will to Limbaugh. Both Milbank and Limbaugh labeled her “LaRouchie”, Dana fig leafed himself by inserting a “?”, meanwhile Garance on TAPPED was taken in by Dana…but later she was with Arianna on MSM and Cindy… go figure!, it seems elective punditry is an attractive, multi-dimensional ditch. While there is no Texas heat, no fire ants, no pouring rain, the MSM have each other, all in their special ditch.
I swear to god what is stuck in their throats is the word: PROTEST. And Cindy does not hesitate to call BushCo, singly and all, LIAR.
A critically ill mother, she is still there (last I heard, due back by mid week this week) in Crawford. Even before the vision of Crawford, she planned with Buddy Spell and his wife a Peace Train vigil, to ride on the Crescent from New Orleans, thru stop after stop in the Deep South, to DC for the 9/24 demonstrations.
The South, the West, the East and the far corners of this country DO NOT BELONG TO BUSH.
Cindy Sheehan is The Real Tour de Crawford.
And a blazing, righteous Croix de Guerre goes to her and her cohorts. Better than socks from Bush….
How about some fiery populist T-shirts:
The REAL Tour de Crawford
I think Cindy is going to have much more stamina for the road ahead than George. She knows what it’s like to keep going, pushing thru the pain.
George has no idea …
i’m working on a t-shirt design… if it all comes together i’ll post something tomorrow.
That’s exciting! Post it.
… thanks Susan, we will… 😉
I jsut got pissed this morning reading around, catching the drift on what Lance Armstrong was up to… he is welcome to go bike ride with Bush but the fact it a money making enterprise, uh no, that changes things. AND as I figured out the imagery from the ride was commercially embargoed, LOL I got madder!!. Meanwhile Cindy struggles as she is not tied into the corporatist’s game.
SO Wilfred said, let’s do something, and Wilfred is off and running… 😉
I totally agree. Wouldn’t Lance get better press for his cause if he publically refused to be seen with him?
If I were him I wouldn’t want to be photographed next to him…but then he wouldn’t be caught dead with me so I guess that makes us even.
I really wonder, though, how Lance can ride with Bush for 17 miles and not be tempted to ask him what the hell he was thinking during his 2 terms.
on the back roads of Crawford to make his AntiWar statement? There’s enough of em out there to keep cyclist racing all damn day and maybe ESPN would have shown up, and he could have still made money in some way I’m sure. What a dumbass!
Oh, do you mean Lance Armstrong the drug salesman who exploited his illness for big Pharma?
Bored with Lance.
Cindy Sheehan? she’s the 21st Century ‘Rosa Parks.’
What good are his comments about the war if he plays these games?
And I suppose he’s getting a small fortune for that TV exclusive. Fuck it.
Sybil, what did he do for big pharma? I missed that .. confess I haven’t followed his story that closely.
Lance who indeed!
Just read @EuroTrib – Of Flowers and Bullets
When Lance is not boring us with his exciting cycling exploits he advertises for big pharmaceutical companies on tv. He gives sales pitches for drugs that most Americans cannot afford.
After years of advertising drugs on tv, Lance Armstrong is being suggested as a general spokesperson for Big Pharma. From CNN Money.
Profits on one drug alone:
and the US Government just lowered the acceptable limit of cholesterol in patients, thereby increasing the “need” for the drug.
I’m sorry, politrix aside– I got a lot of respect for Lance Armstrong…
I’m just as anti business as the next man… Maybe I’m just to pro-sport… but forgive me the guy has a lot of chops when it comes to accomplishment in the sports world.
And at the very least hopefully some of are BK saturated video game junky kids might take a look at the dude and at least say, man maybe i could win something using my body instead of a joystick.
damn the politics for sure and corporate shill-ery, but acting like Lance is some kind of minor blip on any radar because which square he checks and how he signs his checks is no reason to poopoo his accomplishments as non-existent…
Not to dissagree with you Ronald..but it is possible to respect someone for what they do in one area of life and totally part ways with that one in others.
In Lance’s case, he excells at his sport while failing at the more important things.. like a respect for the lives and well being of others while he collects his fat checks. If he really is anti-war (did I hear that right?) he would do a lot better that cavorting and “vacationing” with the reason for that war.
To my way of thinking, Lance is being a bit like Tom Cruise here. I love cruise’s acting performance at times and I consider his movie career to be laudable. But, when he turns around and hawks scientology… well.. my respect for the overall man just plummets.
Hopefully, I’m not being too harsh here but I don’t think so.
I respect your respect for Lance Armstrong but I do not share it.
No use to explain why and annoy you further.
Now, how do we know Lance didn’t express his displeasure to the president over the Iraq war and stem cell research policies? Lance has spoken out publicly on those two issues, so why wouldn’t he bring them up in a meeting with the president in which he was raising money for his cancer research charity?
I agree he could have shown a bit more tact and sensitivity given that Cindy Sheehan has been parked outside Crawford for 3 weeks and W. has refused to meet with her. He could have and should have stopped by Camp Casey and/or refused to see Bush. But I wouldn’t villainize him for trying to further the cause of his cancer foundation.
Personally, I really like the fact that when Lance wins bicycle races, he doesn’t thank God for helping him win as so many athletes do, he thanks his teammates and trainers. Likewise, Armstrong doesn’t thank God for the miracle that saved his life from cancer. He thanks the doctors that treated him and the scientists that developed the treatments (the evil big pharma). He shills for big pharma because he owes big pharma his life. Granted, had Armstrong been a poor guy, he probably wouldn’t have been able to afford the treatments, but I can’t begrudge him his success. I wish I was rich, too.
From everything I’ve read, Lance is a moderate. He is friends with Repubs and Dems. He is against the Iraq War. He is an atheist (or at least an agnostic), so he is for church/state separation. He is pro-choice. He is anti-gun. He is pro-science.
He made a mistake by meeting with Bush while Cindy is in Crawford. But I don’t think he should be crucified for it.
Armstrong has explicitely extended his quite mild commentary against the war to state clearly that the comments in no way are a criticism of the president. He did so again after the ride, the Japanese print article I link to contains those qualifications.
I disagree, Armstrong gives a reprehensible president much cover.
Science is science is science. Armmstrong wants to hve his high priced, highly politicised science (and medical care) and tacitly endorse Bush’s anti science.
I have not crucified him. I have been critical. SOmething that is falling out of genuine American discourse. Laud, applaud and eventually revere. It does not work for me, dire days for the country.
We differ.
kinda don’t care if he did privately. So what if he did?
He is using his celebrity to:
And shitting on our soldiers dying in Iraq for nothing and all the innocent Iraqis dying in Iraq for nothing because giving W any positive press just slows down the process to getting to accountability. As an Army wife may I just take a moment to say FUCK LANCE ARMSTRONG!
If Lance is against the Iraq war, why is he giving positive photo ops to the man who got us into that war? Thousands of people have lost their lives to that war; why are people with cancer more important (as evidenced by Bush’s ability to bike ride with Lance, yet not have the decency to speak to Cindy Sheehan for 5 minutes)?
If Lance is pro-choice, anti-gun, anti-war, pro-science, and an atheist to boot, I think he should have gone bike riding with someone else, instead of lending his popular persona to shore up public opinion for an irresponsible playboy wannabe rancher.
Just my $0.02; clearly, Lance will get more than that from his meeting with Bush.
Maybe Lance was hoping for a photo op of him looking back at Bushie-poo tumbling off his training wheels? (That’s the best face I can put on it)
I used to respect him. No more.
Lance has health insurance to help him battle his cancer. Lance had the advantage that scientists were ALLOWED to investigate ways to find cures… unlike stem cell research.
Lance doesn’t have to worry about the economy crashing. He doesn’t ahve to worry about the state of our education.
Lance was hoping Bush would fall of his bike again.
No respect for Lance at all. Was just another photo op for him. He can take those socks and shove em.
did Lance go and show his support for the REAL anti-war activist? Did he sit with Cindy? Did he bring her water? Did he?
Just another photo op.
I’m a cancer survivor, Stage 4, 48 months out now, on a 60 month note. I ride a bike, too. I’ve always felt sympatico with Mr. Armstrong, like we had something in common, like I was going to make it too, like he did.
Here’s all I have left to say.
cutting the knot
wow! that’s a powerful graphic bay!
Fantastic BayPrairie!!!!!!!!