Mr. Reid-
I’ve got news for you. If you listen to people like former Senator John Breaux, and put other issues like gas prices over a woman’s constitutional right to have a first trimester abortion you are going to regret it.
Judge Roberts “is a good family man with beautiful children,” Mr. Breaux said. “You have to be very careful about how you approach digging into the background of somebody who appears to be a good guy.”
NY Times
It’s true that there are interest groups that are laser focused on preserving the privacy and reproductive rights of our citizens. But there are also millions of ordinary Americans that want those rights upheld. There are thousands of political activists whose main interest is elsewhere, but who feel passionately about these issues. There is a whole new progressive blogosphere that supports Roe and is in no mood for the kind of short-term political calculations of Senator Pryor:
First of all, gas prices are a juicy way to make Americans angry about the current leadership. But our real problem is educating Americans about the real costs of energy dependence, including the relationship between our desire for low prices and our presence in Iraq. Making cynical and ultimately counterproductive political hay over high gas prices implies that we have a plan to lower them. In fact, we want to encourage conservation and alternative fuels. So, drop the goddamn campaign to blame Bush for high energy prices and focus on the lack of support for people that can’t afford to make ends meet when their heating bill doubles.
Frankly, we don’t care that your constituents are more concerned about the price of gasoline than they are about the right to privacy. Judge Roberts is being considered for a lifetime appointment. He could easily serve on the court for 40 or 50 years. When considering such an historical nomination it makes no sense to make short-term political calculations about what your constituents are concerned about this week, or even this year.
Here’s the bottom line. We know that Bush was re-elected and that he is going to pick a judge that we don’t agree with on many important issues. We don’t expect to be excited or enthusiastic about any judge that Bush nominates. But, Roberts must answer the question on whether he will uphold Casey and Roe. If he doesn’t answer, and doesn’t answer affirmatively, we will expect every Democrat on the Judicial Committee and every Democrat in the Senate to vote ‘no’.
If you think you are just dealing with NARAL you are sadly mistaken. You are dealing with your entire base and your most politically effective activists. You are dealing with people who donate money, time, and effort. You will be pissing off the opinion leaders of the party. Any Democrat that votes for a Supreme Court judge that doesn’t swear to uphold Roe and Casey can expect to be vilified and to have massive support thrown behind any primary challenger.
You need to do your best to hold your caucus together and bring a filibuster on Roberts if he will not answer the basic question of whether he will uphold Roe and Casey. If you can’t hold your caucus together we will understand the difficulty of doing so, but we will work tirelessly to punish the appeaseniks.
And Roe is not the only issue. We will be watching the hearings with interest. There may be several other compelling reasons to vote against and possibly filibuster Roberts. You should insist on getting the documents that have been requested.
Bush is in a politically weak position and you have your base’s efforts to thank for that. We helped you fight off the Social Security bill. We exposed Guckert. We blasted away on Shiavo. We have kept the Plame case in the public eye. We have highlighted DeLay’s ethical problems. We pushed the Downing Street Minutes when no one else would. Now you want to ratfuck us by laying down on Roberts because he “is a good family man with beautiful children”?
Don’t fucking try it.
Nothing short of a two by four to the back of the head will get the attention of the democratic jackass these days. Including Harry Truman-not. Cindy has set the tone. Nothing short of the truth will do any more.
Well said. I certainly agree. I am very tired of the way many have spoken this week.
I am amazed.
I am truly f*cking amazed.
I am amazed that an issue that was decided some 32 years ago is still a wedge issue.
I am amazed that on one of the few issues on which Americans overwhelmingly agree, we can still find time to argue.
I am amazed that the traditional party of limited government has chosen as their hard stance to make government the reproductive-rights police.
And I am amazed that the opposition party is willing to bend or capitulate in any way to that.
It blows my mind. It really does.
(ps. Great letter BooMan. Let’s turn it into a petition and drop it off at the Capitol. Really.)
God dammit! Women are not an ‘interest group’–we are over half the population!
“Women” don’t actually matter. There really is no such thing as “women” and they certainly have no political weight. We can only understand them when we can break them down into little subsets with facile, catchy names like “security moms” and “soccer moms.”
I’m sorry if you don’t fit into one of those groups. But please remain quiet and go back to doing womanly household chores while we continue to manage your body and rights. God knows you can’t trust a woman to do it for herself, ha ha.
The Republican party
Great post JG
This bites me in the ass- I had many reasons for not having children— but nobody-NOBODY would have ever forced me to. That is reality DINOS. Get a grip, your strongest supporters are WOMEN– do you GET IT NOW? Hillary can you hear me?
The dems will lose fully half of their voters if they fuck around with this issue. This is nothing to ‘dick around’ with playing games in DC, and trading off right for right.
I got windburn from that one. Way to lay it down Booman. I think that left a mark.
yes, blistering
Let me state my position-there are millions of orphans all over the world who don’t have parents,don’t have childcare, childcare that kids in this country,or Europe get(actually better in Europe).
And I always ask people –‘if you are so pro-life–how many kids have you adopted?’Stops em in their tracks.
Put your heart where your mouth is.
Exactly…I had this conversation with the repub sis yeaterday. She’s against abortion only imo because she was unable to have kids. I told her no one is pro abortion and I would advise against it because I have been through one but I was able to make that choice, not Judge Roberts! As a woman, her statements shocked me. But then I have to remember she voted for Pretzelnitwit twice. Great letter Booman. I agree this should be turned into a petition.
And a hearty ‘indeed’ to that. They can kiss my vote goodbye, let alone any contributions to the national organizations.
‘Don’t fucking try it’and futhermore do not even think about it.
Oh and by the way, she never adopted either.She also beelieves that she and my other two sisters(I am the youngest of four girls)were punished because they helped pay for my abortion. She found out shortly after that abortion that she was sterile(due to Dr error but she never sued) sis two lost a baby to SIDS and sis three had a daughter move in with her ex. So they were punished for my abortion? Get real please!
Choose your battles. This is why the filibuster deal was IMO such a horrible outcome for us. Forcing the issue over those appeal court judges, especially Janice Brown who is clearly as radical as it gets, would have been much easier than over Roberts who superficially seems much more mainstream. The hearings will be key. They need to confront him with all that stuff he wrote back in the Reagan years and make sure the public is clear on the fact that he is no moderate. Unless that is he actually has turned into one over the years. I doubt it, but if that actually is the case let him through. However, if the Dems on the Judiciary Com flub it, it will be very difficult for red state Dem Senators to block him.
Any irony that Dennis Rader seemed like a “good guy” too?
The Dems on the Judiciary Committee will put their political asses first, still playing politics as usual as if the Supreme Court had any integrity left after they trampled their oath in Bush v. Gore. What has to happen before they actually call bullshit on anything?
Not only is this off topic, but satire either belongs in its own diary (I don’t even think this particular article deserves that) or perhaps, an open thread.
Please add something to the discussion, or take your thoughts somewhere that cares.
And, on a final note:
2 10 oz packages frozen chopped spinach
3/4 cup sour cream
2 Tbsp butter, melted
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
pastry for a 9-inch two-crust pie
1-2 Tbsp granulated sugar
Cook the spinach according to package directions. Placed cooked spinach in a colander and allow to drain and cool. When cool, take handfulls of spinach and gently squeeze to remove remaining water. Place in a large bowl, and blend in the next 5 ingredients. Roll out half the pastry and line a 9-inch pie pan. Spread the spinach mixture evenly in the unbaked pie shell. Roll out the remaining pastry to make the top crust. Place on the spinach mixture, seal the edges and cut six small slits in the top crust to allow steam to escape. Sprinkle granulated sugar evenly over the top. Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for 40 minutes or until crust is golden brown. The pie may be served either hot or cold.
What a wake up call! Great letter-I hope someone is listening, the majority of this country is uneasy about anyone poking into their private lives, let alone the government. If they lean on the denial of right to privacy that Roberts seems set on I really think that would turn the majority against his appointment. People are rightly worried about Roe but a lot of other rights will fall if they pull the right to privacy out from under us.
If they can’t recognize by now just how wounded and vulnerable Bush is, and that 2/3 to 3/4 of the American people support women’s reproductive rights, and fail to go to the fucking mat to block Roberts, then they will have proven to me, once and for all, that they’re not fit to lead this country. Reid has impressed me from time to time but there has always been a knawing suspicion about him and his anti-choice beliefs. John Breaux is no democrat, and is irrelevant now anyway. He needs to just STFU. This fight, more than the war in Iraq, global warming, or any other, is where the goddamned democrats better draw the line and make a fucking stand because if they step aside and allow Roe to be overturned, this country has no claim to it’s creed and deserves to cease to exist.
Mr Reid is old enough to remember what it was like before abortion became legal. I suspect those who can afford whatever they want these days have forgotten the bloody consequences of desperate women forced to seek solutions that they have no legal right to.
This is more than misogyny, it is racism and class war masquerading as religion and pragmatism.
You’ve elucidated the point about this better than anyone. If there was anyone with integrity in the Democratic party leadership who also stood up for core democratic principles, (rather than just standing up for their own ambition), you wouldn’thave had to write such a piece because these Dems would be doing their job.
We are poised on the cusp of what would surely be the greatest betrayal ever by the democratic party of the citizens of this country. If these self-absorbed and unprincipled creeps manage to allow Roe to be overturned in the name of helping their own electoral calculus, they will have pretty much destroyed the Democratic party as we know it. We in the grassroots will have to start from scratch and develop an entire new alternative, one that has virtually no direction from Washington.
The USSC stole it for him the first time.
And this last election isn’t exactly scandal free either…I think a good case can be made that the corruption in Ohio had something to do with bush ‘winning’.
Not that they’ll listen.
I’m to the point where I’ll encourage them to go ahead and listen to their bullshit staffers and the DLC, so we can get on with splitting this damned party to form a progressive one.
I’ve been reading about the rise of the Republicans as a third party in the (pre) Civil war era…thinking the current situation is looking more and more like an opportunity for real progressives to step up, if they could only find the support.
I agree that a new party would be the best outcome, but I think while we’re working all that out it would sentence us to many more years of Republican rule in the interim.
Let’s learn from what the neoconservatives and religious right have done to the Republican party.
I think the better way is to start getting some strong progressive voices elected. Then let’s start to use the DLC for our causes just like the moderate Republicans have been used by the far-right. We’ve already seen they’ll cave when faced with anyone with a spine, let’s make the one with the spine a fighter for what we believe in.
It would be interesting to re-run the primaries now and see how many would vote for Kucinich. I’m afraid that in the end, loyalty to the party will overcome distaste with the candidate, and we’ll have a re-run of 2004.
Even more than loyalty to the party, what scares me is ‘electability’. I hate that word. It shouldn’t be in primary vocabulary. The best candidate should get through the primary, and then the party can work on his/her ‘electability’.
Of course, that’s just my opinion as to how things should work…
booman wrote;
If you think you are just dealing with NARAL you are sadly mistaken. You are dealing with your entire base and your most politically effective activists. You are dealing with people who donate money, time, and effort. You will be pissing off the opinion leaders of the party. Any Democrat that votes for a Supreme Court judge that doesn’t swear to uphold Roe and Casey can expect to be vilified and to have massive support thrown behind any primary challenger.
actually i dont think this will be true
the progressives arent massively supporting pennachio vs casey….instead our own brothers are criticising us for being single issue voters (markos for example)…i wish what you said were true but it doesnt even look like rendell will take any heat for his part in the annointment of casey.
im feeling a new tagline coming on;
Santorum for Senate in 06 – Because it hurts more when the Democrats ass rape you.
Sorry, but markos isn’t any more progressive than Senator Reid. In fact, when it comes to women’s rights, he’s positively conservative. Most real progressives are extremely excited about Pennachio. There’s just so much pressure from the establishment behind the “safe”, Republican-lite candidate. Even though their track record is horrible, you can expect candidates like this to keep getting pushed as long as the conservatives and reactionaries within the Democratic party hold power, and as long as progressives by their BS about “circular firing squad”s and “pragmatism” and “ideological purity”.
If the Democratic party is unable to deal with multiple issues on multiple levels then it isn’t much of a national party at all.