In context now, THOMAS PAUKEN, who also served in the Reagan admin as a military-intelligence officer in Vietnam said in this Aug 20 article that Bush any his “neo-con cabal” would be “history” in this worst case scenario:

The worst possible scenario for the administration would be if it turns out that the Niger documents in question (which all now agree were forged) were fabricated by individuals who may have had a motive for getting us into the war. Shadowy figures previously linked to the Iran-Contra scandal have been mentioned as possible originators of the forged documents.

If there is any truth to these charges, the lid will blow off Washington — and the Bush administration will be history.

Again this establishment, pre-neo-con career Repub intel offical says that the whispers are that “Shadowy figures previously linked to the Iran-Contra scandal have been mentioned as possible originators of the forged documents.”

Uh uh UH.  I know the “shadowy figure” has been mentioned in previous diaries, but I can’t remember who he is.  Anyone?  Also, it’s always nice to publish articles of rethugs eating each other alive.