Cindy Sheehan has been on my mind for the past couple of weeks–or more properly, Cindy and her creation, Camp Casey. There has been some spiritual aspect to this protest that I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on, and it’s been giving me fits.
Sheehan cuts a prophetic sort of figure, that’s easy enough to figure out. She’s intense, and honest in a blunt, sometimes scary way. It’s not often that someone can cut through the gigantic pile of horse dung that is American public discourse at the start of the 21st century to say things that are simple and true: the war in Iraq is a purposeless trainwreck; our President is a liar, a cold-hearted bastard, and just this side of a murderer; his defenders are hypocrites, and indifferent to the suffering the President’s policies cause. She says these things, and the needles on the seismographs at Fox News jump.
I should say that I don’t know Ms. Sheehan’s religious affiliation, if she has one. I suppose I could look it up, but it doesn’t seem necessary.
For one thing, as I think she’d be the first to point out, she’s only the spokeswoman for something bigger than herself. Even if she’s not religious or spiritual herself, she’s certainly attracted a crowd of supporters with strong ties to the peace churches and synagogues, and they’ve added a certain flavor to the proceedings.
But it’s true as well that the kind of insight that Camp Casey has to offer are not peculiar to a particular tradition. One might be Buddhist and catch hold of them, or Christian and not see them.
For what the people at Camp Casey have seen is a vision of the Truth, a world ordered rightly: a world in which young men are not asked to die for vague “noble causes” that look suspiciously like Republican electoral gains, a world in which the President answers to the people he was elected to serve, a world in which peace is the highest priority.
As I say, one need not be religious to understand these things. But this is a sermon, so I’ll take a whack at it from my own tradition: in Christian language, this is life lived by and through grace, rather than the ways of the world.
To catch hold of that vision of grace is to have your entire life changed, forever. More to the point, it changes the life of your community. It creates the possibility of obedience–which is to say, finding the strength to put your feet in the street. For obedience is more than simply answering orders. It is the power to live life in response to one’s values.
This is the transformation that we have seen in Ms. Sheehan and her supporters. They are no longer afraid of the the powers that be, and they will not be intimidated or brushed aside or done in by fire ants the heat of summer in Texas. They have found “what is good and acceptable and perfect,” and they will stick to it, regardless.
But for me, the proof of Camp Casey’s spiritual power is the change it is provoking in others. Sheehan herself noted this is in a recent diary:
American citizens who oppose the war but never had a conduit for their disgust and dismay are dropping everything and traveling to Crawford to stand in solidarity with us who have made a commitment to sit outside of George’s ranch for the duration of the miserable Texan August. If they can’t come to Texas, they are attending vigils, writing letters to their elected officials and to their local newspapers; they are setting up Camp Casey branches in their hometowns; they are sending flowers, cards, letters, gifts, and donations here to us at Camp Casey. We are so grateful for all of the support, but I think pro-peace Americans are grateful for something to do, finally.
And a supporter writes:
[Martin Luther] King enjoined his listeners at Riverside Church to “seek out every creative means of protest possible,” in matching actions with our words.
Not all of us can join the march to Selma…I mean Crawford. So let’s be creative.
I wear a t-shirt with a representation of Arlington West on the front. At 7:30 AM every Sunday, Veterans for Peace in the area of Los Angeles bring white crosses, stars of David, and crescents, down to Santa Monica beach as a poignant reminder of those troops killed in Iraq. The crosses, stars, and crescents are arrayed respectfully in lines as hauntingly straight as those here in our own Arlington Cemetery.
When a few months ago I had the privilege of helping my veteran colleagues set up Arlington West, there were 1,600 crosses, stars, crescents, and it took three hours to set them in place. We are fast approaching 1,900; I don’t know how long it takes to emplace them now. When the veterans of Arlington West heard of Cindy Sheehan’s courageous witness in Crawford, they packed up 800 and drove all night to ensure that a large slice of Arlington West could be emplaced in newly created Arlington Crawford at Camp Casey.
That’s creative, no?
Here we already have “Arlington East” to honor the dead. But what about the thousands and thousands of wounded? Can we be imaginative enough to discern visually creative ways to witness to and honor our wounded?
This matches well with what Paul tells us:
..As in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us…
And he goes on to list some specific examples.
As with the members of the early church, so it is with us. Not all of us can or should be at Camp Casey; some can write letters or make phone calls. Not all of us can or should try to confront the President; some can march in anti-war protests scheduled for September, or stand vigil at ceremonies around the country. As Ray McGovern points out above, there are endless creative ways to act in response to the vision of peace and justice that Camp Casey has shared with the country. We have the power, and the chance to use it for the good of all. What a gift!
You can decide for yourself if that’s necessarily a spiritual message, or just good advice. I myself am intrigued by Paul’s examples of the gifts given to the believers he knew:
- prophecy, in proportion to faith
- ministry, in ministering
- the teacher, in teaching
- the exhorter, in exhortation
- the giver, in generosity
- the leader, in diligence
- the compassionate, in cheerfulness
I wonder which gifts we have received? What do you see in yourself, or in others? How might we best put those gifts to use?
Any prophets or teachers out there willing to take a stab at it?
one of the most important messages to take from this passages is that “no one can do everything”.
One of the most frequent causes of ministerial burnout is the fact that most folks expect the pastor to be everything to everybody: visit the sick, comfort the bereaved, keep the office running and organized, let everyone know what’s going on…oh, and if there’s any time left, preach the Gospel. It happens in other organizations too…how many of us have seen a person loaded down with task after task, until they finally collapse under the load? How many of us have been that person?
I’m not the greatest of organizers (if you saw my apartment, you’d heartily agree), and I’m not a public speaker (I even get tongue-tied picking up the phone)…but I know my way around a computer pretty well. I’m hoping to be able to put those skills to use this fall for non-profits who could use a newsletter redesign, or someone to update their Web site more than once a decade, or something similar — I may even get back to school to learn how to use the tools I’ll have available more effectively.
We’ve all been given gifts — it’s up to us to put them to use, and to use them wisely. Instead of sitting around complaining that nothing’s being done, it’s time to ask, “What can I do and how can I do it?”
“You hired me for my preaching, not my singing…”
When we look to our few leaders and surrogates, we need to remember that they, too, are not able to do everything.
We have lately seen critiques of Cindy Sheehan, as in the past we’ve seen them of a Dean or a Reid or a Randi Rhodes, that boil down to requiring the subject at hand to be an absolute messiah of liberalism. Many among us are rightly aware of the breadth and depth of the traditional liberal message, but we can forget that in the past it was never dependent on any one voice or actor.
No one figure or group can do it all, and in the past no one of them ever did it all by themselves.
This is from Pirkei Avot, which our Rabbi (Rabbi Steven Folberg of Congregation Beth Israel in Austin, TX) quotes frequently:
“It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to desist from it.”
Pirkei Avot — for the curious — is a book of ethics (Pirkei Avot means “Ethics of our Fathers”) that goes back, reputedly, to the time of Moses. Still useful today, I think.
I looked at the article Melanie Phillips article “No Surrender” that you sent me…
…and IMHO this kind of hate and fear mongering IS a form of terrorism. She might just as well start calling Muslims “ragheads” and then she would sound just like Mom. It upsets me so much when people convict an entire religion for the horrendous acts of a few extremists. However, Ms. Phillips is an excellent writer and an excellent apologist for a war that has made Iraq a breeding ground for terrorism, you gotta give her that!
She points out that 9/11 happened before the Madrid and London bombings, conveniently forgetting that there was never any link between 9/11 and Iraq to begin with.
Well, thanks to Bush and his warmongering war-profiteering pals, there is now!
Given all that has come out with the Downing Street Minutes, the Valerie Plame scandal, and the MIA WMD, I think it’s pretty clear that they were “fixing the facts around the policy” of invading Iraq, which is something many of us knew from Day One. Sigh. When are these people going to get their facts straight?
A practical, intelligent, fast-tracked exit strategy from the tragedy-that-is Iraq is not “surrender.” Giving into hate and fear mongering propaganda is surrender.
So, I agree! No surrender!
I think the interesting thing that’s happened with Cindy Sheehan (though I agree we should leave military strategy in the hand of the experts…. but so should our illustrious Idiot-in-Chief…) is that she is driving a wedge between the issue of being against the war and the issue of not supporting the troops.
The RNC smear machine is trying to take that one on, big time, but I just don’t think they are going to succeed with it. You can be a hot-blooded patriot, and still be against the war in Iraq. You can support the troops, and still be against the war in Iraq. It’s just not black and white.
Thanks for sending the article. It was very interesting! Hope you are all well.
As you may recall, Pastor Dan, I enjoy each Sunday comparing my United Methodist sermon with your Word for the Week.
Today, our minister did a splendid job of what I have seen her have to do on several occasions. That is, bring true Christian perspective to the Neocon and/or Bush agenda. The way I see it, she must walk a fine line on this one, for several reasons. In no particular order: there are parents and grandparents of people serving our armed forces; the IRS is always a possible bogeyman when it comes to a political sermon; and, there are conservative/Republican members of our congregation. My wife and I attend the “traditional” service, so we are with mostly elderly people — even so, I am proud to be a United Methodist, and our church specifically would be considered liberal as a whole.
Today, our minister chose Exodus 1:8 – 2:10 for her sermon. My wife and I were in an hour or two early to help out with some things before the service, but I read the Bible sections indicated in the program, and we were not quite sure where our minister was going to go with this. Midwives?
Well, it didn’t take long for our minister to beautifully lay out the power of an individual (or in this case two midwives, Shiphrah and Puah) to challenge the authority, even the power of the Pharoah, and to believe instead of the power of God — no matter the risk to their lives. In the face of the ruling power, two women went against the explicit orders — and did what was right. Our minister gave several examples, through the civil rights era — but stopped short of mentioning Cindy Sheehan. Now, when we are provided new information, we are free to interpret and use this however we please … it is part of what makes us human. I left with no doubt that this sermon was written because of the events at Camp Casey, and the risks and sacrifices all have taken by participating in all the ways we have.
Our minister laid out the power of a woman to challenge the status quo, the ruling power, the way things are … no matter the consequences — because it is the right thing to do. Whether one believes in God or not, we all have a conscience. Cindy Sheehan can be rightly compared to these two midwives, and we are stronger for it.
For background information, here are the passages read today in my church (and, per PastorDan’s suggestion, using the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible:
Because the midwives refused to do what they were ordered to do by no less than the Pharaoh, because they believed the power of God and the power of what is right, they allowed male babies to survive. For their risk, we were blessed with Moses.
I’ve been preaching at churches that use the KJV. Today was an off Sunday. Thank God. I can only imagine what that passage would have done to my poor tongue.
Hi PastorDan, the Sheehans are active Roman Catholics. Cindy was a youth minister for eight years and her son Casey was an altar server in their home parish.
The AP article had a good run-down of their church involvement last weekend. Here’s a snippet: