I don’t know if any of you are as angry as I am about Bush’s PR bonanza with Lance Armstrong this weekend, trying to get a leg up on Cindy Sheehan’s success so far in bringing about debate on the War. If you’ve missed it by some chance check this out:


and see the 6,430 links of publicity for Bush and his “Tour de Crawford” yesterday.

See how you can help below!
To counteract this large piece of spin, here is what we’ve done. Our own Theoria came up with the design and our own Marisacat came up with the slogan. We want to inundate Camp Casey with T-Shirts bearing the logo “The REAL Tour de Crawford. It will let Cindy and the citizens of Camp Casey know we are listening and that Bush’s spin doesn’t work, at the same time honoring their perseverance and the time they are taking out of their lives to do this month-long marathon of protest in that hell-hole knows as August in Texas.  The lettering mirrors this billboard that these poor folks have to look at every day:

Let’s show Cindy and all the citizens of Camp Casey that we’re behind them, and just think what a wonderful way to be photographed by the press while they are there, thus dampening Bush’s spin machine.

The link to the T-Shirts is HERE:


and the Cafe Press people have told me if you put the basic shipment price they will bundle and ship them all in bulk and they will arrive this week if the shirts are ordered by tomorrow. When ordering, please just choose your own size so there will be a variety of shirts arriving. Here’s the shipping address:

c/o Crawford Peace House
9142 East 5th St
Crawford, TX 76638-3037

Our goal to is get 1000 t-shirts shipped there this week. Please help! Also know this is a non-profit venture and any mojo at Cafe Press will be put right back into this venture. Please act now because we want the T-Shirts to arrive this week and Cafe Press has agreed to ship them all out within 24 hours!