All those in the liberal and progessive world who keep insisting that racist hatred of Black folk is “in the past” need to spend more time mining the news. I wrote about the “Whites’ Only” signs at Tyson Chicken in Alabama last week. Here’s some more fun in the news:
Hangman’s Noose at Black Man’s Door
Now, this is when I come right out and say it: had this happened to me, my family would have had to come get me out of county. The excuse made (“I put it at his door just to store it”) is a crock of shit, and only the most deliberately obtuse would buy it. (My gut says that if indeed the perpetrator was ignorant of the symbolism, a highly unlikely situation since this person was born in the US — and Iowa is notorious for quietly simmering racial tension, so he grew up with this — then someone else put him up to it, knowing full-well what the likely reaction would be.)
Store it? How about in a bag? How about on the floor? How about in his mailbox with a note asking “What do I do with this piece of shit?”
Today’s Quiz: What legitimate reason does a noose have to even exist at the US government’s metal shop or anywhere else in the National Park Service? Since when does someone need a noose to do anything with metal or parks?
Answers: None. You don’t.
Notice what happened, though, after the perfectly human response to this symbol occurred back in June (i.e. the brother started kicking the ass of the person who did it):
- The two persons of color involved were both put on administrative leave – the victim and the perpetrator – but just for one day, each. Equal punishment for equal crimes? Psychic attack on Black person vs. fighting in retaliation. I guess in a world where Black folks are supposed to just put up with meta-aggression with a smile, one that is actually human instead of super-human is just as much a problem as the person who provoked him.
- The National Park Service has done diddly squat to address the matter in the two months since this event, even after an EEOC complaint was filed.
I await with baited breath hearing the words “Get a Rope”. That’s the only place you can go from somewhere like this.
Let’s see, in just the past six months the following have made mainstream news:
a) Whites’ Only Signs posted: Tyson’s Racist Chicken
b) The Return of the Public Servant Siccing Dogs on Black folks: Black Bait for Fishing Dogs
c) The Return of the Burning Cross all over the county: Here’s just one recent example Racist Cross-Burning – Yet Again
(As a bonus, the burning cross is now become an equal opportunity terrorist symbol Anti-Gay Cross-Burnings)
Reviewing these stories in light of the number of hate crimes that haven’t made the MSM leaves one incapable of doing much more than putting one’s head in one’s hands.
I’ve said it before and I”ll say it again: dismissing these things as isolated events fomented by rare, deranged minds is a serious mistake. I wish it were that simple. I genuinely think that these events, which are increasing in frequency, presage a return to the honest anti-Black racism that has been the ugly, unresolved legacy of the country and its history (as opposed to the dishonest stealth kind we’ve all been putting up with for the last 25 years since Dr. King guilted white folks to death.) There will be more of them. Except that now, the targets aren’t just Black: our very diversity makes it far too easy to engage in the Hate of One’s Choice.<sup>TM</sup>
Given that our government is failing to nip in the bud the racist sentiments against Iraqis that allow most folks to continue to justify our unjustifiable war of aggression, it makes perfect sense. You can’t control hate, once it’s out of the box.
(And folks wonder why many Black people amongst ourselves are asserting that it is time to circle the wagons in our self-defense again. /sigh)
Please keep letting us know … I haven’t seen these news stories. Why not?!
You write so well. Thank you.
I hadn’t seen these stories either, although I am not very surprised, given the culture of hate our current administration and its supporters have cultivated.
Are these things happening more in the south (I think is south), or is it widespread throughout the country? Segregated Schools”-is the article linked. If you were guessing this is more in the South you’d be wrong. The 4 most segregated states concerning schools is guess what..Michigan, California, Illinois and New York…not necessarily in that order. Many of the rules/laws concerning desegregation have been relaxed to the point that segregation is making a comeback.
I’ve probably mentioned numerous times that racism is just simmering under the surface in many places if not outright in others.
One of the biggest problems to my mind is still institutional racism which makes it in a way much harder to fight against as people don’t want to believe or acknowledge it exists. If not acknowledged or talked about then the problem only grows worse of course.
Thanks, chocolate. I also looked a little further here and noticed that such crimes are pretty widespread, even if they aren’t making the news.
spl is such an excellent site…glad you reminded me of it, haven’t been there in awhile. I love the children’s pages and went again and looked at the ‘image’ page.
It’s hard to believe anyone would deny that racism is still a problem yet I know that way back in 1986 a woman I worked with insisted that racism was completely eradicated..why she’d think that I don’t know as just the year or two before someone had spray painted KKK on the signs coming and going out of our little town here in central Ca.
From all my daily reading.. hate crimes are on the rise around the country and particularly it seems against Mexicans.
Leadership on this issue starts at the top and there is a complete void there since bush took office.
Great diary Shanikka.
There are stories like this everywhere, just not on the MSM. I hear people say racist things all the time. The sad truth is that save for the protections that the government has put in place for people of color, things haven’t changed that much. Really. It’s there, all around us. We just don’t want to admit it as much anymore. The ugly American underbelly is lurking right below the surface in so many different ways, not just racism. This war is the latest example of that ugliness.
The level of hate in this country is just stupid! I can see why this kind of thing is done…look at the ppl doing it. stupid is as stupid does.
NO excuse what so ever for this action!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shame on America for letting this kind of thing happen and go on unpunished.
I’ve noticed the rise in hate too, I don’t think it’s so much that more people are bigots as that the current climate set by the people in charge, government and/or religious right makes it more acceptable to be a flaming hater these days. It’s sad and disgusting.
Great post. I blogged about the noose crap over the weekend as well. This sh*t is out of control.
And the AfAmTaliban wants to bed down with these people?!
I also blogged about the three cross burnings in ONE NIGHT in my town of Durham, NC back in May (your item on anti-gay cross burnings).
Those occurred right after the Fred Phelps people showed up to protest a production of The Laramie Project in town.
That’s absolutely crazy, and terrible.
Pam, has there been any progress in the investigation? Those were massive crosses placed in highly visible areas.
Mechanics Sue Over Rope Noose Left In NCDOT Workshop
POSTED: 2:14 p.m. EST December 19, 2002
RALEIGH, N.C. — Seven black mechanics say white Department of Transportation shop supervisors left a hangman’s noose displayed over a workbench for 35 days, including Black History Month.
The lawsuit alleges the noose appeared about three months after DOT managers proposed moving a white supervisor out of the shop and putting a black supervisor in charge.
The seven filed a civil rights lawsuit Thursday, and accused DOT officials of trying to cover up the controversy.
The lawsuit said the noose was displayed from Feb. 1, the start of Black History Month, until the first week of March, when the employees filed racial harassment charges with the Civil Rights Division of the state Office of Administrative Hearings.
The noose appeared about three months after DOT managers proposed moving a white supervisor out of the shop and putting a black supervisor in charge.
A high-ranking DOT official said the mechanics were mistaken about the meaning of the noose, but it was removed as soon as officials learned they were concerned.
Len Sanderson, state highway administrator, was adamant that the rope loop wasn’t a hangman’s noose.
“The device that I think is in controversy is a handmade tool. This tool was devised in order to pull hydraulic lines through trucks,” he said. “That is not a story. That is a fact.”
Boycott Tyson!
Oh Dear God will this shit never end?
Another small personal story,on the way back from a wedding in Chicago in 1991,we had the CB on listening to a guy talk about his family,grandkids etc,some redneck came on and told him to shut up ‘we will string you up and set you on fire’. I was ABSOLUTELY STUNNED-looked at hub–‘Did I just hear what I thought I heard?’Hub said ‘I think so’.I still can hardly even talk about that,it makes me so ashamed.Just awful.