For whom would you vote NOW?

There’s a very strong anti-war sentiment amongst liberal bloggers these days. But in the 2004 primaries the emphasis was on defeating Bush, even if it meant electing somebody who wouldn’t take a clear anti-war stand.

Would we do the same thing again, knowing what we know now?
In the runup to the 2004 election, Democrats had several candidates to choose between. John Kerry ended up winning, after a struggle, and without ever clarifying his position on Iraq. But eliminated early in the contest was Dennis Kucinich, the only strongly anti-war candidate.

Knowing what you know now, which one of these two would you have voted for?

I’m ignoring the other seven or so candidates, because Kucinich was the only clearly anti-war candidate. Howard Dean came close, but not close enough for this test. So basically, in this poll, it’s “Kucinich versus Everybody Else.”