Just cause I love you all I am putting this diary up tonight so you will have it ready in the morning. All nice and clean and ready to go…
You know the drill, everything is self serve, welcome to all newcomers, tell us about you.
What else, you tell me what I have forgotten, but most of all I just want to wish you all well and hope that this coming day will be the best ever for all of you.
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If you are not too busy stop on over at the Village Blue and browse around, lots of interesting things there, plus the handy link back to Booman. |
Here are a couple favotie pics…
I really should get to bed earlier than this!
Oh well, see ya all when this weeks spin-cycle of news starts all over again later on this morning…
Back from my trip and here at the Cafe. Have been trying to catch up with all the news as I only saw about 19 minutes of news while I was gone and no computer access. I am still going to Camp Casey on Friday. Again, anyone that may need a ride from Austin I will have a rental car. My flight arrives at 2pm. Leave a comment here if you need to hitch a ride.
Hope all is well with all of you. I missed being here terribly and it sure is good to be back from four days with the repub sister.
I am so excited for you 🙂 Hey, becareful about hitchhikers… you could end up with a demented blonde woman like me 🙂
Here’s wishing all a good week, and hope everything goes your way.
Aloha, have a safe trip, and it’s great your trying to help in every way, godspeed on your trip, and visit to Camp Casey.
I’m very proud to see all the support, and effort from the folks here for Cindy, Camp Casey, and the whole effort to awaken the American Public.
KUDOS to all, and peace be with each and every one.
Later Gator’s ; )
Hi Infidel…I just knew that it is something I have to do. I cannot remember ever having this deep feeling of commitment to anything.Anyone that can make the trip is one more thorn in the side of Bush. Hmmmmmmmm…Thorny Bush…I like that! I am so looking forward too to meeting Brinnainne and any other tribers there.
Morning, evening all, how is everyone.
I thought the cafe would be full by now but no, pretty empty in here.
Is it the service? I will try to improve, perhaps I could get some help…lol
Aloha, I can see you are ready for your trip and I am soooooo proud of you and all the others for taking this cause up so deeply. Anyone else who is planning a trip to Crawford, let us know…
You are coming from a trip and going on a trip, you are so busy, how do you handle all of this.
Infidel, have a good week away from home base again and we shall miss you until Friday or Sat. when you will be able to get back online.
Hi conneticut Man, the real early bird…
Early bird? NO… I posted that first comment just before I went to bed.
I am just getting up now! (I love summer, lol) I can sleep in in the summer if I want, since my 13 year old daughter gets up with the young’uns IF I want stay up late.
Nevermind that the real early bird was Oui, who had already reccommended this diary before I even posted. lol
A big shout out to Oui, btw Oui, I do miss you…chatting with you all the time as we used to.
You are such a good promoter of diaries and of this site, I appreciate you for that very much.
Beside I just like you too….bigggggg fan..
Conneticut man I have a 13 year old grand daughter, who is quite the glorious being. I bet you daughter is as well.
I have a sixteen year old daughter who needs to be placed in a ziplock baggy and frozen until she ages past fermentation! She is so stinky right now. She probably won’t eat much though during all of that. I really miss thirteen! Now she knows everything and I am hopelessly an idiot.
Having now gone through teenage years with 3 girls and now a grand d….no….
My feeling is that mothers should not talk to their teen age girls until they reach 18 or 19 when they are once again able to hear the mothers voice and errrr words, and maybe the mother can hear the daughters voice then. Just kidding you know…
Just should add, that now I have great realtionships with 2 of my daughters in their 20’s and its so much better you forget all those tough years, that is until you hear your daughter complain to her daughter about the same things you did and you chuckle to yourself or just laugh out loud, and say ‘you were just like that .’ (Sometimes I just can’t help myself)
that happened yesterday with my now 30 yr. old. and she laughed at the memory and how life repeats itself in one’s children, endless circle as it were.
Tracy, why don’t you make an entry on my diary, “What would you tell your 16 yr. old self” and show it to your daughter after you have written it.
My sister said that- once they are through the teens-they become human–finally.
Hey I didn’t say it, my sister did !
Is it about the 3, I think that was a mistake, as they usually always are on this site…
Nothing wrong with what you said…
I was trying to understand your comment so if that is wrong forgive me…just over here trying to catch up on the fellow boo tribbers.
How ya all doing!!!
Np. I just wasn’t paying attention. 🙂
I think it’s something like, “When I was 17, I thought my father was the stupidest man in the world. When I turned 21, I was amazed at how much the old guy had learned in 4 years.” 🙂
Then again, asking a childless person (me) for advice on child-raising is like going to a mechanic who’s never driven a car…
Good morning tribbers! Hope all is well. My friend Anne put up her artwork on my site (in sig), so please give her a warm welcome if you stop by. Peace!
Thought of an interesting idea, you listening Booman?
What if there was a separate recommended list just for the daily cafe? That way it wouldn’t have to do with the other rec diaries and wouldn’t know off a story, but give a nice place for socializing. Just one slot on a list so that a new one would knock off an old one.
Just a thought!
Just a quick stop for a cup-a-mud…then off to the field for a final inspection to wrap up a project.
Here’s The View for Today.
Have a good one…later
or do Diane’s pics look like jig-saw puzzles waiting to happen?
Drat, I dropped a piece of that 3,000-piecer somewhere in the corner of the cafe, near the piano.
Could I have a slice of that lemon-meringue pie with my coffee?
And here’s to Aloha for going to Camp Casey.
I’m having my 2nd cup of tea as I start packing some craft shipments and puttering around the indoor shop. We had a lazy NW partial-work-day yesterday with plenty of R&R time with our recovering-tummy-toto, he who ate too much sand and rocks.
Below he enjoys a shoreline tussel with Mrs. Gooserock (to reassure him among our heightened seaside dietary security measures!).
Now where did I put that packing tape?
Hope Toto didn’t roll in any dead fish-that is pretty nasty.
heightened seaside dietary security measures?????
Is that code brown?
Limelight, is it you that has the orchard?
Cause I just moved into a house with a huge front lawn that needs to be orchardized.This is VA so I can’t do citrus, but I was wondering about how to deal with the land underneath the trees, should I mulch the hell out of it or try to mow(grrrr)?It’s about an acre out there.
Today though…..I am sick of people attempting to treat W as if he is a literate rational humane adult. First I had to listen to Clinton tell me that he just loved America in a different way…….to many pink clouds after good therapy Bill, I hope reality has settled in a little better! Now Lance Armstrong has attempted to have a conversation with the idiot and now I have to hear all about that shit too….and it’s just shit! How did these people become so successful at their chosen professions and still manage to stay childlike and gullible when faced with dangerous perps who have no conscience? GOD, it’s so frustrating! Do they take valium? What is their secret?
Clinton HUGE ego! Very disappointed in Lance…another ego thing maybe. I just do not get the Clinton/ Bush friendship after the ringer they put him through. He must have lost a few thousand brain cells when he had his heart surgery.
Clinton was a good speaker and shmoozer-but very little else.When he was prez we had a very prosperous,peaceful society(except for Bosnia).Nevertheless, we also got NAFTA,which was a ridiculous sellout to bigbiz.
When the Chadwick summer clothing goes on super sale, it is summer clothing time almost every day of the year here. So I get a wardrobe update super cheap!
Tracy, I want to call you, should I use the number I have from Camp Casey days, or could you send me email with home phone no.
Amazing to find these intellectuals residing in the community of Leiden, such a wonderful historic place – Pilgrim Fathers and resistence to the Spanish siege October 3, 1574 as well as founding of University on February 8, 1575. A mere 201 years before the founding of the United States.
» Please click on pic :: site with lots of historic info!
Rembrandt van Rhyn
Post from my diary here and @EuroTrib.
Great Diary Oui, I just told Shirlstars about it as she has a particular affinity for Einstein, and energy!
I will try to make a comment, but keep getting side tracked by my site and the cafe and the real world work I have to do..
Hope you saw my ‘missing you’ comments above….
sorry for the neglect diane!
I have not kept quiet though, when you see a particular diary you like, let me know and I’ll surely divide my attention to post also in the Village Blue!
For Inspiration and Creation – my favorite.
Have you seen Sven?
I seriously need to talk with him – he was recently in London, wasn’t he!
Well then my dear friend I would be most pleased if you would post this current diary reg. Einstein on my site…I have been doing famous women, but will now create a new catagory under Forums, for famous men.
Sven was on site yesterday, and regularily…last few days.. I could pass along email to him if you don’t have his address.
published at Village Blue!
Please check, if it is enhanced by the beautiful surroundings – thank you.
Diane wasn’t around, so …
these little fellas ruined a flower bed.
Oh Oui they are so cute, no I don’t mind at all they got in my flower beds, I want them!!!
I just have to rec. this beautiful diary by Shirlstars at Village Blue: There is Nothing But Love
Typical Monday at the Scribe residence, at least these days. Good news is that the spouse’s blood pressure seems to be lowering finally (at least it is when he takes it at home), so he might actually be able to get back to work…for a couple of days before vacation, at least. (lol)
Final preparations are underway for our trip. I still need to find a tripod for my digital camera, and I want to get a set of speakers for my iPod (in case the radio in the motel room sucks). I also need to make a list of everything we want to take, so we can do laundry early in the week to wash what we want to take. I’m so excited, I want to start packing tonight! 🙂
Today is apartment-cleaning day, finally; the light above the dining table quit, so we’re going to have to have someone in to look at it — great incentive to get this place cleaned up! Talk to you all later…
You are soooo not going to believe this…I just got off the phone from an hour’s conversation with an ex-boyfriend! (It’s okay, the spouse knows all about him.) To make a long story short, he’s working with a guy who needs someone to redesign his website, and Mike (the ExBF) suggested me! I may actually be doing some constructive (and remunerative) work! Of course, first I have to look at the site and see if I really want to tackle the damn thing…and get some software I was planning to wait till I got back from vacation to purchase, but this is going to be soooo cool!
Oh, and he found me through the Internet; we’d lost touch so he didn’t know my email had changed, but he found the online copy of my mom’s obituary and it listed all us kids and the cities we lived in, so he was able to get my phone number through information. Jeez, you never know who’s going to track you down…
I’m really excited about this…I was actually just thinking about him the other day, and wondering how he was doing…
If anyone of you are heading out to Washington DC for the September March and Events and would like to be connected to other Trekking Tribbers please email me at azulism at yahoo dot com. So that way we can all have each others contacts and emails – as well as support, advice and plans.
OH.. and I’m in the market for a plastic pink rose lei I can wear in DC 🙂 Lemme know if you see one.
oh damn-i just threw a fabric lei away- do you’all have places to stay there -cause I have freebie Holiday Inn nights I can offer.
I don’t have a place and would be so grateful to take you up on your offer. I’m trying to contact Tracy and Cabin Girl
Will you be coming, too?
I won’t be there-except in spirit-Iam turning this over to hub since he has the priority account–will get back to you with details-Iam thinking Alexandria-close to the metro?
Send me your realname and I can make the reservation. this is hubs hotmail– painebill@hotmail.com🙂
Thank you!! Sending you an email pronto!!! 🙂
Military Tracy, CabingGirl – want to get in on this?
Everyone who is planning a trip to DC check out this site, just got an email..has transportation, etc.
ANSWER is the one reason I’m not protesting in San Francisco… 🙁
They make each march/protest look like a grab bag of issues. In fact this march of theirs isn’t just about Iraq and why some aren’t joining.
from five days in the “wilderness” — no internet and nothing but 4 local broadcast channels on the tv.
I was really surprised that the local morning news gave me updates on Cindy Sheehan and featured a Georgia mother who never got consoled by Bush after her son was the first from that state to die. She was going to Crawford to take up Cindy’s work, supported by Joseph Lowery and John Lewis.
Plus, I re-discovered how great PBS is. I probably would have missed “Spy” if I’d been at home with 216 cable channels from which to choose. What a cool show! I’m rooting for the over-weight “typical” British Mum to win. (Can’t remember her name but, I’ll get it next Thursday.)
I truly hate Atlanta now (the traffic!!!!) and felt a real sense of homecoming when I crested the ridge north of AltaVista and saw the lines of Blue Ridges ranked behind Lynchburg.
Now, I’ve got a hellava-lotta catch-up reading to do so forgive me if my comment isn’t currently topical.
Good to see you…we’ve kept your seat warm… 🙂
I can’t see straight.