The Governor Pataki Tapes (UPDATED)

(See updates with links below.)
from Raw Story via Taegan Goddard.  And transcripts are said to be available.  Like from the New York Post, Pataki’s usual rah-rah screed.  I guess this was too good to pass up:

Doherty later discusses the DMV problem with D’Amato.

Doherty: You want to hear this one?

D’Amato: Yeah.

Doherty: He’s a guy from Peekskill. He’s the No. 2 guy at DMV. I go through the whole thing. Why this man is wanted, you know. A big lift?

D’Amato: Did you ask him how the hell he got his job?

Doherty: I laughed at that point. I got off the phone, and everybody in the office said, “What did he say?” I said, “It’s a big lift.” They go, “How did we get here?” … I said, “Thank you.”

D’Amato: Stupid ass.

Doherty: Stupid bastard is what he is.

Ain’t that right.  Amazing what gets said on the Governor’s phone instead of serious business.  Such as the following…
More tales from the potty mouths and the preening mirror:

First Lady Libby Pataki complains to Pataki aide Thomas Doherty that she’s overworked and not getting enough publicity – compared with Mayor Giuliani’s then-wife, Donna.

Doherty: I see you all over [but] I don’t see your picture in the paper. I don’t see you on TV. I don’t hear you on the radio. So what the hell are you doing out there?

Libby Pataki: Exactly. They have me running around for so much damn stuff.

Doherty: Bulls— stuff.

Libby Pataki: Exactly. Take your mothers to day work (sic) [apparently referring to the Take Your Daughters to Work Day program]. I spent seven hours running from here to there, and there was not one sentence … There were pictures of Donna Giuliani all over the papers. It’s not that I’m not photogenic … I said, “George, I’m running around like an idiot. I’d rather be doing major, big events and not be doing all this bulls— crap, so that when I do have to go out six nights in a row, let them get something out of it. I’m not getting paid for this crap. I don’t have to do a damn thing if I don’t want to.”

Nixon must be rolling in his grave.  I guess he’s got a contender above ground for taped potty mouth. And Pataki wants a Cabinet post or run for prez? He, d’Amato, his wife and the rest of the clowns taped ought to join the Mafia.
Update [2005-8-22 22:16:28 by blksista]: Link to Newsday article: Pataki wants a Federal probe regarding why and how he was bugged–,0,240299.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
Update [2005-8-22 22:16:28 by blksista]: How the tapes got to the Post, via Capitol News 9–

Author: blksista

Living and writing in Madison, WI. Miss San Francisco and California, want to get back to 'civilization'.