Sharing something here that I wrote back in April elsewhere. I had no idea how much my life was about to change. How enriched my life was to be and how many new friends I was about to meet.  This rehash is dedicated to all those who are supporting Cindy in Crawford. To all those mothers and fathers who will not forget and will not simply go to sleep.  

Apathy supporters declare that there is no murder or crimes during war. Hmmm. Oh really? How soon some forget. “They’re just following orders!” and “They’re just doing their job!” and the all too familiar… “If you’re not with us…”

The below is from my trip to Boston. My brother flew us out to see him and my husband’s family after some nasty retaliation events regarding my fights with the school for my son’s special education these past few months (will make a diary of that nightmare at some point). I went there to relax, but to also do some soul searching and priortize. Searching in a city rich with history, rebels, revolution… and Patriots.
A dear friend pointed me to these cyber halls. I think she felt I could “relax here,  do some soul searching and prioritize”… I found that I’m not alone. That people do remember. That people do care. That caring about your world, your health, your children isn’t considered “mean and bitter”. That activism is indeed our way of paying rent for living on this planet, that apathy is not patriotic and it sure as hell isn’t “goodness and kindness”.  

I found that I’m not the only one who is outraged. If you’re not outraged, you simply are not paying attention. I’m outraged! Not because I’m smarter, dumber, religous or non-religous.  I’m not outraged because I have an obsession with boring things such as politicians… I’m outraged because I care. Because I’m awake.

Here’s some of my thoughts while I walked through the NEMH. Yes, I offended a Bush Supporter behind me. Fuck her and her willfull ignorance, her blindness, her “Fuck an A! USA!” She may feel that I am a mean person, but the elderly man ahead of me seemed to understand.

New England Holocaust Memorial

Illuminated, glass-like towers, to me they look like smokestacks, engraved with death camp numbers of the 6M lost representative of the Nazi death camps: Majdanek, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

As I walked through this site which has inscriptions from some survivors and the chronology of how this all happened, I couldn’t help but think of the attrocities in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, hell all over the world and the political realm we are living in. At the entrance is “Remember”. Not “Let it go”. Or “A Great Moment in the History of Liberty”

The towers… I saw smokestacks. The chilly New England air was stinging my eyes causing me to tear up, but it could have been the smoke gushing from the smokestacks – the towers. These towers? Twin Towers? The smoke. The tears. The screams. The loss. The forgotten. The Outrage.

“Look at these towers, passerby, and try to imagine what they really mean – what they symbolize – what they evoke. They evoke an era of incommensurate darkness, an era in history when civilization lost its humanity and humanity its soul . . .”

“We must look at these towers of memory and say to ourselves, No one should ever deprive a human being of his or her right to dignity. No one should ever deprive anyone of his or her right to be a sovereign human being. No one should ever speak again about racial superiority… We cannot give evil another chance.” , – Elie Wiesel

And then ask yourself and those around you how the hell anyone can support Bush and what we are doing and not doing at the prisons, Gitmo, Camp X-ray or Darfur, Africa.. spin the globe and point anywhere. No citizen of a free, educated world – no HUMAN BEING can justify or look away from damage we have caused by repeating brutalities and events from the not so distant past.

Again, “No one should ever deprive a human being of his or her right to dignity. No one should ever deprive anyone of his or her right to be a sovereign human being. No one should ever speak again about racial superiority”

Abu Gharib Torture Photos

Dignity. Are you awake?

First they did away with the gay community, controlled the media, they closed down schools, they started a euthanesia “project” for the physically and mentally disabled. Then they started in with the dissenters, political activists.  

I’m not comparing Bush with Hitler. I do, however, believe our nation and it’s citizens are asleep and apathetic. “As long as it’s not affecting me at this very moment…” “Fuck an A USA!”, “We’re Number One!” and Yellow Magnets that are basically band aids for our ignorance. Bumperstickers that are our permission slips to go to sleep till it’s all over.

We are a nation and government justifying the very things that we say we are fighting against.  

As I walked through, I made comments but I wanted to scream out. I wanted to push the book “1984” and the pictures of Abu Gharib into the face of every “W04” Supporter. Wake Up!

Is it too late?

Who will they come for next?

What else will we as a nation allow to continue?

While you were sleeping…

Breaking news: Brittany Spears is pregnant. EDIT: Runaway Bride mowed a lawn.

Will anyone be awake?