You are being bated folks! Watch out or you will be fulfilling the paranoid view that “Christianity is under attack in this Country by the Media and the Atheists”. You know you’ve all heard this theme in their media outlets, so watch out.
Follow Chavez’s example: take the high road.
I simply love his offer to the poor of the US to sell them cut-price oil directly to alleviate their suffering under the Oil company’s disproportionate hiking of gasoline prices.
Let these fools dig their own graves. Let the pendulum swing. “Wait and see?”
You must tell Pat about the ES&S contract with SAIC (1.2mb pdf) to change the democratic outcome of elections in Venezuela!
If the machines would have done the job, Chavez would have been “fixed” out of power and was second option of assassination not necessary. Someone at the religious wheel of ES&S should be held accountable and be fired, or at least have all gratifications for path to heaven taken away.
I simply love his offer to the poor of the US to sell them cut-price oil directly to alleviate their suffering under the Oil company’s disproportionate hiking of gasoline prices
That’s so great… I’d missed that. Clever of him. Let’s see .. which U.S. gas stations sell Venezuelan gas? We have none near us, unfortunately. But I’ve seen them in Seattle … and I recall that all 7-11 gas stations and convenience stores are owned by that company.
Found via a Google link to soj’s “Flogging the Simian” site:
“…PDVSA is the Venezuelan state-owned oil company. Most of Venezuelan oil sold to the United States is distributed by Citgo. For my American readers who drive cars, now you know where some of your gasoline comes from. Citgo by the way is a Venezuelan owned company, which buys 95% of its oil from PDVSA.”
That should have been linked to susanhu’s comment. Sorry!