In looking at the success of Bush in selling his fake war on Terrorism, his tax cuts,his election frauds,his linking of Saddam to 9/11 and Al-Qaeda,I was struck that most Americans who know what George Bush’s character is seem to have given a pass with a wink and a nod.The entire Congress appears to have moved in locksetp with the Fuehrer, not questioning any of his statements or actions.The Press, of course, has turned into a propaganda organ long time ago.
At the time Nixon went through his “crisis” someone remarked that Nixon is us and we are Nixon.That is why it is difficult for us to criticize him in depth because he is like a mirror to our own souls. I think that could be said even more truly about Bush.His murderous fancies, his deceitful nature,his contempt for the weak, his sense of entitlement are in tune with our own character as a people. His core support, that hovers around 40-45% is made up of people who think that the untermeschen of the world deserve a kick in the ass and owe us all their resources.And whatever we do to get it is OK because in the real world might makes it right.
His core support lives in fear: of terrorists, of perceived attacks on their “values”, and of the possibility of a crashed economy. Replace that fear with understanding. Slow process.
that many, many people are familiar with.
Of course, if we ever saw him in a group of normal people in a normal setting, he’d be seen as erratic at best and quickly shunned by about 2/3 of those who met him.
But with our public square having been moved to these fully controlled private mass media spaces, and with the Department of the Presidency preventing Bush from being seen except when accompanied by supporters, he looks plausible.
Bush is a familiar kind of guy with a personality that’s appealing on a cursory acquaintence. In the insane civic information environment of the United States at the present time, Bush is a reasonable choice for reasonable, busy people who aren’t special enthusiasts of news and politics.