If we assume – and this is a huge assumption – that Robertson actually is a Christian and not just a crook cold-cocking Christ for the cause of conservatism, then there are a couple things that Pat ought to bear in mind. There was this minor, somewhat unnoticed teaching of Jesus Christ that I’d like to bring to Pat’s remembrance. Jesus once said, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Now, Jesus was only distilling the totality of Scripture into one sentence, it’s not like He was saying anything important that Pat might want to bear in mind or anything, but I’d like to remind Pat of that – if you think it’s a good idea to kill people with whom you disagree then you shouldn’t have a problem when a ski-masked man slips into your bedroom and expedites your personal meeting with Jesus Christ. Remember, in that same passage Jesus also said, “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
It’s easy to call for someone’s death from the safety of your own pulpit. Let’s see Pat go to Venezuela and knife Chavez himself – at 75 years of age I have a hunch that Pat would not survive that encounter. As for me, I am about tired of political opportunists besmirching the name of Jesus Christ. We don’t burn heretics at the stake any more, but it sure does seem like a good idea sometime. I know, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” I just wish that reaping season would come more quickly, like right now. Pat should read Psalm 73 – and repent.
WOW! Great! You made me laugh and cringe all at once!
Yeah ditto Susans comment. I was sitting there chuckling for a sec and then just kind of had a stomach roll like when you are on a roller coaster and everything drops out from under you. They are really playing this up on the MSM too. Praise the Lord…lol!
Praise the Lord? Now I thought that meant “Pass the Loot.”
When did Christians start issuing fatwas? Am I included? I just bought gas at Citgo.
OMG…a fatwa is exactly what was issued here.
They do not get more evil than this bastard. Oh wait…I forgot our lord high mountain biker-in-chief.
Let’s make a list.
Oh well, too far away, camera’s always on.
Well, he’s got supporters.
Anyone who doesn’t support the troops we can’t send to get him.
Yeah, they’re just as bad.
What an asymmetric paradise of luxurious hatred Robertson occupies. His failure has no consequences. His successes kill and ruin.
He claims the moral high ground regardless of his vicious feelings.
Doesn’t pay taxes and lives off of suckers and the proceeds from the sale of public mass communication licenses which he still gets to use.
How charitable of us.
Wolf Blitzer is about having an orgasm over this Pat Robertson story. And isn’t it about as much fun as you’ve ever had watching the righties distance themselves from old fartbag Pat. Never did speak for me, Wolf….cough cough cough
BTW…this diary generated a Google ad about Ann Coulter. Get to know the real Ann. Too funny.
I agree that Pat Robertson is a complete waste of carbon, and probably does not deserve to live (if I were one to make such determinations).
However, lets think for a second about what would happen to the sheep if Robertson were to be bumped off. They would go crazier (if that is possible) and Pat Robertson would attain martyr status. Schools and (more) churches would be named after him. There would be one- and two-hour documentaries and stories of his life on all of the networks (who would play Pat, I wonder?). Jerry Falwell and James Dobson and other prominent wacko fundies such as George W. Bush would get on the air and constantly talk about how much of a great man old Pat was. There would be pilgrimages to his place of birth and death by thousands of people that would be covered live by CNN and FoxNEWS. Eventually, his ugly mug would end up on a postage stamp.
Assassinating Pat Roberton would elevate him to a status he can only dream of now. How about we just do what we cn to prove his extremism and irrelevance to his bleating followers.
I wasn’t actually suggesting that Robertson actually needs to die – I was turning his words back on him in a way that would “prove his extremism and irrelevance to his bleating followers.”
Congress should pass a resolution condemning Robertson, and the FBI should begin a criminal investigation.
Call your Senators and congressional reps today!
Dear Senator Roberts/Brownback,
I am writing you because of the expressed disdain that one Pat Robertson has for the rule of law in our society. It appears that Mr. Robertson has issued a Fatwa for the Assassination of a sitting Head of state, freely elected by the People of Venezuela. I can only accept that Mr. Robertson has in fact turned into a terrorist, based upon the criteria put forth by the White House and the Congress of the United States of America.
I hope that the Senate will investigate this Fatwa and if necessary have the IRS revoke the Tax Exempt Status that Mr. Robertson enjoys at the expense of the American People. That a supposed Christian would call for the killing of a head of state, clearly shows me that Mr. Robertson is little better than the Islamic Extremists that we have been fighting against for the last 2.5 years. I can only hope that you will indeed look into this matter and ask for an investigation and if any criminal actions are warranted, they are fully implemented.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Under the new criteria that the English have passed for deporting extremist clerics, Pat Robertson would be a certain candidate for expulsion!
But then, we have freedom of speech here </snark>
Don’t you dare kill ‘im off!
He’s my kinda jackass. Like for rednecks and their livestock lovers, us lib’ruls are having a hard time finding sufficient jackasses to go around.
Oh, sure, there’s W, but every li’brul wants a piece of him. He’s getting a little overused, don’tcha know.
And there’s Jabber the Hut, Wadio Wing-nut, but he’s getting passe, sorta like a dance club on SoBe — once all the rage, but now you can’t find a raver in it.
And the Three R’sses (that’s Rice, Rummy, & Rove), ‘rsses they may be but jackasses they ain’t. Even Cheney and Powell are not. They’re HONESTLY operating from their (perverted) convictions.
A real jackass is a rare thing, like a spotted owl, or like that “lord god bird,” the thought-extinct, Giant Woodpecker.
But Robertson? Now he’s an authentic member of the jackass species. Jackass veritas, as it were.
So don’t assassinate him!!! Instead, I propose let’s J E E Z U S him into oblivion. Let’s publicly thank him for showing us what it means to be a minister, to preach the Gospel, to teach others how to walk the path of righteousness and get right with the Lord; let’s be sure he and all who listen to his message of truth know that we’re grateful that he’s a leading example of what he means when he preaches Christian Love.
did a great job of skewering “Reverend” Robertson in his opening today…don’t remember completely what he said, but he ended by saying “the most amazing statement about Mr. Robertson…is that he is a ‘religious leader’.”
I’ll have to get the whole quote off the transcript tomorrow…Keith, you totally rock…
Don’t be so modest, Pat. We don’t need no stinkin’ covert operatives, either, not when we’ve got a Xtian X-Man like you. Just head on down to Caracas yourself, challenge Chávez to a kick-boxing match, and stomp him to hell for Jesus and Exxon.
Oh, thanks for making me laugh and for the excellent sermon, too, Oscar!
The next time one of my Republican relatives asks me “do you honestly support Teddy Kennedy?” I plan to say “do you honestly support Pat Robertson?”
of turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor, let he who casts the first, the log in your eye etc are really alive in our Pat as he prepares to meet his maker.
What a fuckin hypocrite.
Ever occur to anyone that as Pat prepares to meet his maker, maybe his maker ain’t who he wants us to think it is?
Perhaps he’s finally showing us the REAL flag he’s flying…
may also be in for a shock:
`Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord”, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?” Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.” [Matt. 7:21-23]
Somehow, I missed the Beatitude that said, “Blessed are the assassins, for they shall bring the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”…
You gotta learn to read more carefully. It’s right after the one that reads “Blessed are the greedy white guys for they shall be able to afford the skybox suites overlooking the pearly gates…”