Meet Bob Davidson, 78 year old Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, a devout believer in evolution and member of the First Presbyterian Church.

Oh, he’s also listed on the Discovery Institute’s list of “400 people with scientific degrees…who are said to doubt the ‘central tenets of Darwin’s theory of evolution.'”

Newsy below the fold
It turns out, Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat contacted Mr. Davidson and asked him about this.  Here’s what Mr. Davidson has to say:

“I’m kind of embarrassed that I ever got involved with this,” Davidson says.

He was shocked, he says, when he saw the Discovery Institute was calling evolution a “theory in crisis.”

“It’s laughable: There have been millions of experiments over more than a century that support evolution,” he says. “There’s always questions being asked about parts of the theory, as there are with any theory, but there’s no real scientific controversy about it.”

And reality sets in:

“It just clicked with me that this whole movement is wrongheaded on all counts,” Davidson said. “It’s a misuse of science, and a misuse of religion.

“Why can’t we just keep the two separate?”

Indeed…why can’t we?

cross-posted at Switzerblog