Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Hello all, I am putting up this diary as our deal Abbott, has not been heard from and it is his day for hosting..
Where is that man?
the Dinner Edition — anyone want to provide dinner theater? π
Things are looking up in the Scribe household — the doctor is optimistic that the spouse will be able to return to work after our vacation, but she wants to see how he does away from home. (We’re supposed to eat “healthy” during the trip…I think we can, I think we can…) He wants to concentrate on “us” and having fun, not meeting up with people, so looks like no get-togethers this trip down. π But at least it looks like I’ll actually have my life back in a couple of weeks; now I’ve got to figure out where I’m going to go on my solo vacation I told the spouse he owes me. π
Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to (a) enjoy vacation and (b) do a Web redesign, all in one swell foop. The purported deadline for the Web project I’ve been tossed is September 9th, a bare 5 days after we’re home from SoCal. Yeah, I could say “No”…but my friend Mike has so much faith in me, that I hate to turn him down (not to mention the fact that I love a challenge, and could use the portfolio fodder!). I’m looking at pretty much a bare-bones rebuild anyway; just something to make the site look more professional and readable — we can dress it up later.
Anyway, need to go print out some documentation, then head out to grab some dinner (I’m trying to avoid messing up the kitchen any more than necessary). Talk to you folks later…
Great news about things on the home front cali. Know we are all rooting for you. Have a great vacation and here’s to things looking better and better every day.
Right now, I’m trying to psych myself up to do some work on the Web Site from Hades…then again, I plan to spend all day at a local library slaving over a warm laptop (I’d say hot laptop, but Apple just had to do a recall of some of their laptop batteries, not mine thank God/Goddess/Whomever…).
I’ve been giving myself a crash course in web design, HTML and CSS, and getting to know Dreamweaver…at least my brain’s getting exercise, if not my butt…
Been sitting here with an empty coffee cup all day, waiting for the cafe to open. I guess now that it’s nearly 7 pm here on the east coast I could at least put a shot of Baileys in it.
Hey Diane, what do you bet we get some newcomers from kos…refugees from the “hippie” purge?
with excellent taste. I have learned to be very careful when ordering this out as they are always trying to ruin it by tarting it up by foaming the baileys or adding chocolate.
I was waiting/searching for it too and then I gave up and decided to put up one myself.
I am pooped tho from all the activity I’ve gone through today, so will not be able to ‘serve’ the cafe properly, I fear.
What’s this about the hippie purge…
Kos is taking exception to the wacko, peacenik, hippie types making the democratic party look unstable. Too many peace vigils and Cindy Sheehan support I guess.
I say that, of course, as a wacko, peacenik, hippie type.
Seriously though, why do those of us who attend peace vigils and rallies and who speak up against the war automatically get branded as “hippies”?
I have one less reason to visit now. It took nearly 3 months of not commenting to finally lose TU status, and I hardly recognize anyone there anymore.
I’m thinking more might come over to Boo Trib, that’s all.
That hit me too this morning, Second Nature.
I guess he’d think I’m quack for wearing PINK in DC. With a feather boa to boot. π
I’mg going to support C&J and the Conyers/Sheehan/Boxer (wish we could them to post here!) posts and some C&J diaries as well as the Rub’s works – but… pies and now division of just WHO is okay to protest… I’m sick of it.
Only so much “fuck you” and “STFU” tude a person can take.
Booman, has my heart. I’ve invited two people here today.
Well, let’s all put on our Sunday best and cut out the raucous jokes just in case they show up.
Sadly, my Sunday best is still bare feet and cotton knit clothes.
Mine right now are the clothes that I don’t mind painting the walls in π
And since “church” to me means the beach… however being a tenderfoot and I am the one who will always be the first to step on glass, a rock or itty bitty shells, I will run around in sneakers.
Hippies? I was almost embarrassed for Kos reading his latest. I knew there was a reason I was spending a lot less time over there. That and the repetitious diaries. The “Support the Troops” people just don’t get it. I’d like them to name on thing Bush has done to support the troops. Support the troops/Impeach Bush.
figure of the 60’s, wild-haired scientist type, a thinly-disguised Linus Pauling I believe?
. . . I guess I’d better stay over here.
I’d say the DLC is a much bigger threat to the viability of the Democratic party than we hippies are.
Man I can’t take any of the lib sites these days… It’s like hanging out with a bunch of Office Tech Support clones of the SNL character.
Since when should political movements start sounding like deoderant advertising focus groups?
That said I think the community here rocks (and I hope it stays that way as the other folks realize their lib community has turned into freep-vegas)…
This is really the only site that promotes warm fuzzies with the i’m pissed offs.
Cheers yall
with a shot of déja vu, too!
thanks, Brother. That hits the spot right about now, but who wants to go pick up my kid from his tae kwon do class?….cause after one of those I’m under the table. I’m a splendidly cheap date.
Sorry :{(…no coffee, but here’s something that might suffice,
Flaming Pumpkin
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 part Kahula Coffee Liqueur
1 part Baily’s
1 part Peppermint Schnapps
Pour in Kahula, top w/ Baily’s.
add Schnapps…
Light it and sprinkle cinammon on top,
Blow it out and down it goes…
That looks and reads good!!!! Thanks Dada Perfect for the Fall.
I just though of Pumpkin and Crab Bisque
1 sm Pumpkin approx 3 lbs (or
— substitute with 24 oz. can of pumpkin)
6 c Chicken stock
1 lg Onion, sliced
3 tb Olive oil
1 ts Cumin seeds
1/2 ts Nutmeg
1/2 ts Paprika
1 ts Cayenne pepper
1 ts Dried basil or dill
1/2 ts Salt
3/4 lb Crab meat cut up in 1/2 inch
— pieces (imitation crab
— meat
— works fine too)
4 oz Heavy cream (optional)
Freshly ground pepper to
— taste
If you are using fresh pumpkin, cut it up in pieces leaving the skin on and bake on a cookie sheet in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 F. Remove the flesh from the skin and keep on hand.
Heat the oil in a skillet and add the onion. Saute for 5-8 minutes. Add the cumin, nutmeg, paprika, cayenne, and basil or dill. Stir for a minute. Pour in the chicken stock and add pumpkin. Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
Puree the soup in a blender in batches. Return soup to pot. Add the crab meat and simmer the soup for 3-5 minutes. Add cream and stir. Serve with freshly ground pepper to taste.
But we have a FABULOUS and FESTIVE Self-service bar set up for you tonight. Help yourselves, and help your neighbors, have a great rousing time!
sorry about the pic width. . .my mistake. . .I better get on out of here before Diane sees it. . .
(Frog Jumping as fast as I can to the outer banks)
Oh shir that is fine, it’s on a new comment. like the pic too.
I assume by your choice not to capitalize “outer banks” that you mean the outer banks of the pond.
If, however, you mean Outer Banks…then I fully expect you to hop on by my house on your way since I am just a hop, skip and a jump away from there.
Be a lot a hoppin between the Frog Pond and the real Outer Banks. . .but look out yer door in a few days, I should be there all frogged out and needing a cool glass of water.
Is It Safe Yet?

Geeze. . .its so hard to be a famous frog. . .papafrogerazi everywhere you go. . .Great pic though, I think you caught my best side.
That’s a kick ass bar! I likey π
I want a little tiki hut type thatched bar in my “dream” home. The bar counter would actually be a fish tank.
Under the Mango Tree me Honey… π
Sounds great Damnit! Let me know when you open ‘er up. . .I’ll hop on by for a toast to the new addition. . .
It’s Thursday morning in Tasmania, and it’s looking to be a fine sunny day here.
Tasmania is one of the more southerly inhabited spots on the planet, at 42 degrees south of the equator. And during the winter (which it currently is in the southern hemisphere), we occassionally get to see the Aurora Australis. Like last night.
Barkeep: I’ll have a cup of tea, with some world-famous tasmanian honey, if you please.
Very tasty…here’s your tea

but we’re fresh out of Tasmnian honey
…organic Colorado do?
Gotta go make dinner,

the fire’s nearly ready,
here’s a goodnight sunset for everyone:
Wow, that is really beautiful! What a lovely place to be.
We’re lucky KD that we are far enough from the city lights of Hobart (about a 30 minute drive south of us), that we get such displays.
There were a few really long flares on the southwest horizon, but they were too quick for me to get a picture of. The photo above took about a 10 second exposure.
If you look closely, you’ll see the Southern Cross right in the middle of the upper frame. It looks like this, a cross turned on its side:

Uh, is toad-in-the-hole on or off the menu in Froggy Bottom Cafe?
Don’t wanna offend, ya know.
I’d never heard of toad-in-the-hole, so I looked it up on Google and it’s an amphibian-free recipe, so it should be OK…
Toad-in-the-hole is one of those “great” English food names. Along with ‘Spotted Dick’
And here I thought it was from the Kama Sutra… π
LOL…You still coming to DC, Super? Looks light we might be a wild crazy bunch of folks… π
I sure am, but I’m beginning to wonder about Janet! Not about DC, but just in general judging by her comment above LOL
Well, by all the recipes I’ve found, toad-in-the-hole involves no toads, frogs, or other amphibia. So … sure, it’s on the menu!

Would you like an angioplasty with that?
Hi folks,
I’ve got a bit of a problem – I won’t be able to post a Jazz Jam this Friday night, as I’ve got to drive my son in college to Rochester tomorrow, and help him move is stuff from RIT to Syracuse over the next few days for an internship he’s doing this semester.
So I’ll probably be scarce to absent for the next few days.
Anyone that wants to volunteer for Jazz Jam please feel free to do so; otherwise I’ll see you next week with news of everything I listened to while driving back from Syracuse (something like 14 hours) to dull the pain of all that expensive gasoline I’ll be using…
If you wanted to send me the code for a diary, I could post it for you. But I don’t know enough about jazz to actually participate in conversations.
Thanks for the offer, but I don’t have anything ready & I need to get to bed so I can get up early in the morning for the drive north. I was kinda hoping someone might pinch-hit for me. (hint hint you guys/gals)
put up a Metal Mosh Pit in its stead?
Sure, in solidarity with those kids in Utah last Sunday.
Each day, I think I’m going to hang out here, but I haven’t had the chance at all. Not even to lurk, or barely.
At work things are bad. A horrible thing happened to one of the guys on my floor (I don’t work with him, however) and it has everyone in a frazzled blown away depressed state. So it’s all anyone wants to talk about. And it’s the last thing I want to talk about. It shouldn’t be about us at all, but they seem to want some ownership of it.
* On a lighter note is it time to talk about the Froggy Bottom Photography Fair? *
“…is it time to talk about the Froggy Bottom Photography Fair?”
I hope so. Are you the organizer? π
Are there categories (suggestion: people, pets, still-lifes, man-made things, nature)?
Thanks for the reminder to go through my pics when I get back in town.
I’ll put up a diary in the morning to open a more public discussion.
I know it will have to have multiple pages for display — they might as well be categorized.
Maybe we should take suggestions through the morning & then vote with a poll on the ideas??
We can refine the ideas with successive diaries and polls.
I made us a 2-remote family yesterday. We laughed so hard for the first half-hour I thought we’d hurt ourselves.
Do any of you married or partnered folks also point a remote at the other during an argument and attempt to change the spouse?
I like the mute button, myself.
In the day I had a S.O., it was great fun to keep changing the chanels while they were watching something.
Yes the mute button, by all means. . .that was always good too.
for the volume control on the spouse for 18 years (including the four years we dated before we finally got married). He has a very resonant, carrying voice…last weekend when we were at our friend’s watching slides, the host asked him to speak quieter by saying, “Use your indoor voice.” I had to tell the guy, “That is his indoor voice.”
Volume well-honed in the era before in-bus enunciators…and since they don’t always work, a carrying voice is definitely useful in his line of work…
I do that with my son (25)all the time…never does work, and its just how we have fun tho. He is 6’3′ and I feel powerful pointing the remote at him…lol for sure.
What’s the button on the top right that the one on the left has, but the one on the right doesn’t?
and the other’s a 4-device. The 3’er is the new one, I was saving money.
I was wondering if it was just a different model, since there seemed to be some different text on the 3’er’s middle button that on the 4’er’s corresponding one. Thought maybe they just decided to break that out into a 4th button.
Some of you may have seen this elsewhere – but my Grandmother finally passed away last Monday night after her stroke a couple weeks ago. Her suffering in this life is over, and I’m thankful for that – but the cycle of emotions is underway nonetheless.
As part of my grieving process, I posted a memorial/tribute over on MLW .
One of the great blessings of my life is that I’ve been able to say, in one way or another, goodbye and I love you to all of my Grandparents. Be sure to tell someone you love how special they are while you can.
you are in my thoughts and heart.
Is anyone still up? West-coasters? Lonely drunks? Anyone?
I miss you guys….
Hey zander, I’m still up! I’m currently nursing a carpal tunnel flare-up in my left hand, so I haven’t been posting lately, sorta been missing all the fun. I’ve been lurking, but the pain of real typing is keeping me from joining in much. I have to type everything hunt-and-peck with my right hand…yuk!
How are you?
Blueneck! Hey there. I think I’ve had some mental carpal-tunnel-like thing happening with me lately…. thinking causes painful spastic cramps and I’ve tried to avoid it. I’ve also been browsing, but abstaining from engaging. A bottle of wine, generously provided by a neighbor for previous ‘neighborliness’ has broken the spell tonight…. I’m maudlin and … um… contemplating life in the universe. <sigh>
There is much in the universe to be maudlin over..and a bottle of wine can relieve the mind-cramps associated with such.
As for me, I’m on a caffeine high since receiving a new shipment from counter-culture.coffee.com this afternoon! So far, my near-universal search for the good beans has found none better.
What kind of wine do you like? Red, white, pink, a specific favorite variety or country? I have some faves, but will drink most anything! I like German Auslese for white or any good bordeaux or cabernet for a red. I recently had occasion to share some really fine German Beerenauslese’s with an old friend…it was a great visit, with my friend AND the wine!
You are entirely too knowledgeable about too many things! I’m drinking a South African Shiraz… Obikwa. Personally, I try to keep things local – I had the luxury of enjoying imported goods at will, for no good reason, while I was living large in my previous life – now I try to take transportation costs into account… however… a neighbor dropped off this bottle, and I certainly won’t refuse. I’m a lush. When I consider my own purchasing power, I try to support local producers and local distributors. Thankfully I’m in an area that has a very ‘new-world’ wine industry.
Well, broad knowledge, only sometimes deep. I’ve certainly been called a “jack-of-all-trades, master of none”! Glad you’re enjoying the wine. I do like a good shiraz. And I’m no snob about Eurpean wines, in fact I enjoy a variety of wines from around the globe. Fortunately my wife keeps a steady stream of good wines coming and I don’t have to do much shopping for it myself!
I could only wistfully aspire to ‘jack of all trades’ status… truly, I’m inadequate at everything.
You’re too modest! I can tell that you are good at living life, and who could argue that this isn’t the most important thing? You can enjoy a bottle of wine, for starters. Some can’t. I’m happy every day for the small things, like a chance to chat with real people like you, here, when I can’t seem to find anyone around this city with a lick of sense about what’s really going on in the world.
BTW, have you noticed the rapidity with which diaries are now scrolling down the list? I’m not really an old-timer here, but it has really changed lately, hasn’t it?
You’re too kind – and I feel the same way, most people in my life are quite clueless. It drives me mad!
It’s been a strange thing with me lately, that I’ve been more attracted to Kos because of the rapidly changing, always current aspect of it. When I’m not commenting or engaging here, it seems to move too slowly – odd, that perspective. I see a relationship with my own restlessness and lack of attention span…
Well, I can’t comment on kos because I don’t go there much anymore, but when I do I feel lost in the fast tempo. Maybe it’s my “Southerner” thing with the pace being too fast for me. I do check in there sometimes to catch up on which group has been alienated recently, and to check for a breaking story…
I noticed down-thread that you made a comment about turning thirty and feeling like part of a lost generation. Well, I’m ahead of you by twelve years and I have to say that MY age is the truly lost generation! I am old enough to called a baby-boomer by a couple of years, but I have NO affinity with them. I am too old to be a Gen-X’er, but have more affinity with them. But, none of the Gen-Xers understand the Boomers like I do, none of them remember the “Giant Leap for Mankind” on live TV (I was six). No Gen-X’ers remember black and white TV, VietNam, etc., etc. ad nauseum. I am really lost between the generational divide.
To add insult to injury, I feel an even stronger affinity with Gen-Y, but have the inklings of a real generation gap there, because my graying beard and thinning hair makes me “uncool”. I’m totally adrift here….
SO, is it your age group or mine? Or, perhaps each generation has its lost children, adrift in the generational seas….
My earliest ‘defining’ moment was watching Challenger blow up on TV while the 3rd grade (?) glass was gathered around. My only understanding of an earlier generation is secondary – I’ve read those books, listened to that music, etc. So disco, cocaine and Kevin Bacon didn’t leave you with a solid sense of self of generational self, huh? I really wonder if there will ever be another ‘generation’ in the same sense that boomers had one. There is no common music, no common news, no common… um.. anything for someone who is 18 or 20 today – or for that matter 25 or 29. I wonder if the entire idea of a ‘generation’ was really just a fluke. Diversity just keeps, er.. diversifying. The areas of affinity? Perhaps in a small area, or certain socio-economical group – maybe there are some parallels, but otherwise? Not much to bind a group together based on age alone.
I think the ever-increasing complexity of the world is the source of the trend we speak of. The choices are overwhelming now, so much so that people of the same age can live next door to one another, attend the same school, etc., but not experience the “same” world views. Increasingly diverse experiences may be the cause of fragmented generational identities…
It’s been nice chatting with you zander. I always appreciate your comments.
having a good piano player critique your typing?
I’m serious. Musicians have been dealing with these issues since centuries before computers.
I don’t play much keyboards myself; woodwinds are my specialty, but even some branches of our family have a body of teaching about posture and motion that seems to me to point as much towards health as fluency.
When I use a computer keyboard wrist pad I can feel the tendons, and I really feel them if I rest them down on the desktop in front of the keyboard, but if I hold them in a more piano type posture they’re higher, and there’s definitely less tendon sensation in the underside of the wrists.
If one of my students had these problems I’d insist on a long enough layoff for the immediate irritation to subside, and then when they begin playing again, strict adherence to the proven postures and motions even if it means cutting back on productivity for a while.
A common theme I find in musical instruments is to keep the wrists straight if not slightly convex, which for typing means well raised. It’d probably take 2, possibly 3 computer wrist rests stacked on top of each other to support the forearms & wrists in classical piano posture.
And the mouse? That sucker is strictly Abu Gar-ebb.
Thanks for the tips Gooserock. I am a saxophone player myself (tenor and alto), with a little clarinet thrown in for the strictly legit music!
I am certainly a keyboardist (typing kind, not musical) because I have depended on computers for my living for over twenty yrs now. I have NEVER had the problem I’m having now, and I have identified the causes and removed them. I had an office chair failure and grabbed a dinner table chair that was too low for my desk, causing me to get into the “wrists down” position. And, to top it off, I rediscovered “Asteroids”, the REAL old version, that a friend gave me. I played way too much of it shortly after the chair failure and didn’t notice, in my enthusiasm, that I was doing damage…. I am typing now with only one hand and I’ve been wearing a brace on my left forearm-wrist-hand and taking baby aspirins every few hrs…. hopefully it will get better soon. I do miss posting here and I have limited my work to only what is absolutely necessary. I just got a wild hair tonight and had to jump in and say howdy, so someone in the BTrib world would know that I’m still alive!
Thanks for your concern. Hope all is well with you!
I’m ripping out the last of the old bathroom fixtures, namely the tub and it’s frame.
Which I’ll have to be somewhat quick about, if I want to get the new tub plumbed in for a bath tomorrow.
What are you up to?
keres! Hey there – I noticed your diary earlier with the accidental fish farm… what in the world will you do with the little fishlettes? All that – and you’re plumbing too… I’m tempted to say that your life at the moment is all about water and managing fluidity in a zodiac kind of way… um… I don’t know what I’m talking about (by the way).
Thanks for the pics, by the way, of the ‘southern lights’… it was a cool revelation for me as a Canadian, accustomed to thinking in terms of proud ownership of the ‘lights’… sheesh, I really need to travel more. I’ve seen the Southern Cross during a trip to Chile, but wasn’t aware of the Aurora .. (um).. Australius(?) Very cool.
Having bred live-bearers in the past (this is my first egg-hatched clutch), the problem of numbers usually takes care of itself – as in many die and other are eaten. We have friends with a tank, who will probably get a few, and the rest we’ll try and sell to some local fish stores.
Well, I am a Scorpio, which is a water sign. But mostly I just hate lousy plumbing. Hence the redoing of the kitchen sink and the bathroom. Oh, and changing the water heater and plumbing in our header tank. It’s been a water-full 10 months since we bought the place.
I’ve seen the Northern Lights a few times, in Alberta once, and a couple of times from where I used to live near Lake Shasta, CA. They tend to be higher in the sky and more colorful.
Hey keres, what types of fishlets do you have? I used to breed bettas. The bubble-nests are really cool. Also developed some awesome guppies with veiltails and such. Haven’t been an aquarist for many years, but admire anyone who can maintain an aquarium well enough for the egg-layers to procreate.
I have plumbed a bathtub, too. I converted the shower-only in one of our bathrooms into a tub and shower. It was much fun, but I was glad to have another bathroom to shower in while I worked on it! I admire do-it-yourselfers.
I currently have three Rams, two Bettas, three Neon Tetras, one Siamese Algae Eater, and one Golden Mystery snail. In two small tanks.
I recently had Dwarf Gouramis (and before that, Guppies), but got interested in the Rams after seeing them at a wholesale/breeders place in the north of the state.
I tried to breed Bettas, once. The female was all gravid and “willing” looking. The male had a beautiful bubble nest. After I took out the glass divider, they courted and all seemed well – until I left the room. When I came back she had shredded him but good.
Around that time I was breeding Lyretail Mollies anyway. Since they were so prolific, it hardly seemed worth adding another breeding program, and more tanks, to the five I that already had at that time.
I’ve had lots of fancy Goldfish as well, and a tide pool set-up when I was in my teens.
It’s one of the beauties of keeping fish, you can keep changing the look of the tank by changing species and their habitats.
I love mollies, but living in the fungus capital of the U.S, the deep south, I had too much trouble with Ick no matter how hard I tried. It seemed that the mollies were most susceptible to getting it and most resistant to the cure. After I killed a few, I decided it was totally inhumane to keep trying.
As for Bettas, you do have to watch. You have to be aware that they sometimes don’t like the mate you chose. And divide the female out before it looks like they are totally finished. It is of course the male who tends the nest, so let him get a good number of eggs but put the divider back up or move the female out and put her in her own aquarium sooner rather than later. I will say that their mating “dance” is a beautiful thing to see…. Geez, now I’m thinkin about settin the old aquariums up again!
Weird about the fish… but I’ve never gone there, so I have no idea. You guys have so many animals around – I have a bamboo plant that I have a hard time keeping alive…. total antithesis.
I always try to pay attention to your posts – because I think the areas nearest the poles will experience the weirdest weather first… I’ve experienced it lately being in the far north where shit is changing … but I’m also interested in the places I’m furthest from…
Hmmm, you’ve been here, but I’ve never been there… <sigh> one of these days…
We’re definately seeing climate change here in Tasmania. It’s been one of the driest and warmest winters on record.
I’m glad we don’t have costal property, that’s for sure.
And now, back to the ripping out of the last brace from the old tub – and boy is it a stuborn one.
Hey what about the lonely blunt smokers on the east coast…
RonaldSnell – hello there. I’ve noticed a bunch of your comments lately, but don’t think I’ve met you directly yet… Hi!. It’s nice to make your acquaintance. Since I’m late to this party by … um… a month or so – welcome! I’m always happy to meet other nocturnal sorts…
Same to you…
I’m definitely nocturnal– I work the nightshift anyway… So it’s hard not to be…
Are you on eastern standard time too?
Nope – I’m westcoast. There always seems to be a deficit of west coasters in any forum – I’ve yet to figure out why.
better nightlife? =)
That’s entirely possible.
But… I’m 30 and wasn’t really into ‘nightlife’ even in my prime. However… I’m really craving Chinese food at the moment.. and that is not a problem… 2 blocks away…. I’ll be gone for a moment while hunting down chow-mein.
Man… what’s it like to turn 30 i’m a couple months from doing that…?
Don’t you have del tacos out and carls jr out west? who needs egg rolls when you can buy a big damn taco?
I admit it, I’m a Canadian… very different chains here – no Carl’s as far as I know. Hmmm, welcome to 30 – it’s .. um… well, I started practicing at 29 and 1/2 – just to see how it rolled off of my tongue. It’s a weird place to be – you don’t qualify as young, but still you have no cred in a place like this – you weren’t around for Nixon, don’t really remember much about Bush I – but you’re too old to have excuses. Frankly it sucks. It seems like a lost generation – I came of age during Clinton (and Chretien) and was more interested in the history of political extremism than the current shit I was living through. Bush II has been a shock – I personally have no precedent for this shit. Now that I think about it – this would make a great diary. Do you happen to have the skill to pull this off? God knows, I don’t….
You are a great diarist, I know you could do it.
It’s always great to see you here, I’ve noticed your name on some ‘recommended this diary’ lists and figured you were doing some lurking, I get in those moods quite often too. Thanks for the smile you brought to my face by seeing you here in the cafe. π
Is do to us all out looking for our friend and frogger, Zander! Wow! You sure were missed, girl.
Good to see you back, hope you will hang around for awhile or at least drop in a bit more often.
Hope all is well with you and Things in the Univerese to be pondered will allow you a little time to spread your sunshine here.
Glad to see you…thinking of pulling a late night to work on the Web Site from Hades project…hell, sleep is overrated anyway…
Hi there, I’ve noticed a couple of comments about that project, but haven’t kept up – is it the same one that comes from a friend who has trust in you? If that’s the case, then just remember that you have leeway, whatever your personal criteria may be…. don’t work harder than your friend/client expects you to… you’re supposed to be on vacation, non?
I could be confused, but are you also working on familiarity with CSS, Dreamweaver, etc? If that was you – know that you have my total respect and admiration…. I’ve stumbled, and tried, and .. realized that I don’t have the discipline to pull it all together.
I played around a bit with CSS several years ago in an advanced HTML class, but never really did much with it. CSS is really the standard for building web sites these days, because it makes it easier to keep a unified look on a site, and with the newer browsers there’s less chance of screwy tag interpretations (where a site looks great in IE, but totally horrendous in Netscape).
As for Dreamweaver, it’s new technology for me; my previous experience was Adobe GoLive, so it’s mainly adjusting to a slightly different interface. I picked up a great book on Dreamweaver, and from the looks of it the program makes it easy to implement CSS, so I’ll probably tackle the main part of the project tomorrow at the library, where hopefully I won’t be too distracted.
PastorDan’s Word for the Week (sorry, don’t have link at the moment) was on how each of us have gifts, and figuring out how to use those gifts. I’m not a public speaker, nor am I the greatest organizer…but I know my way around a computer pretty well, so I’m looking at ways to perhaps use those gifts to help peace organizations and other non-profits, whether it’s updating the membership database, redesigning a newsletter, or rebuilding a web site and making sure it’s updated more than once a decade.
I’ve been in a pretty major funk lately — the stress of having the spouse around 24/7 has been getting to me — but I’m starting to come around and feel a sense of purpose…maybe this project is the kick in the ass I needed to get out of myself and into other people. Plus, the fact that he thought enough about me to track me down, and to recommend my work sight unseen, means a lot to me…in fact, he still means a lot to me, and it’s been about 20 years since we were a couple…but that’s a story in and of itself…
I’d best get to bed…night everyone…zzzzzzzzzzz…..
G’night you – but I do have to say … kudos to you. I struggle with Dreamweaver and have bounced around the edges of CSS – and know that it’s tough shit to master – more than I have the nerve to take on. Nice job! I hope your talents benefit many people…
Just realized it’s 2:30 am… ouch. Sorry for any conversation that I’ve dropped – was good to chat with all of you. Night.
Oh my gosh, I missed you when you came on last night and me aching to talk to you….so glad you are back on line.
You are having a wrist problem, I have had that also and finally had to get a mouse pad with a rest for my wrist and that helped a lot. Also wrist brace for awhile till it heals.
Oh, please come back whenever you can and email me….
Everyone misses you and I don’t think anyone could more than I do. I am positive of that..
Diane! How could you possibly think anyone missed Zander more than I did. . .all the days and nights wandering around the homestead here in outback Idaho. . .calling out. . .”Zander, Zander. . .oh where have you gone?”
It would have to be a tie at the very least.