[From the diaries by susanhu.] Last week, in a scene strikingly reminiscent of the lead-up to America’s current foreign policy disaster in Iraq, we saw President Bush blustering against Iran, threatening to use force unless that country ended its nuclear program. Ignoring the ethical question of whether the US can consistently try and deny to another country a right it insists upon for itself, is this even possible? James Fallows considered this question in an article titles Will Iran Be Next? in Atlantic Monthly last year – and the answer is not encouraging for the hawks.
In an effort to get at the issues underlying an attack on Iran, Fallows got together with a group of foreign policy experts and a simulations expert from the US Army’s National War College. They conducted an exercise based on a “principals meeting”, with experts cast in the roles of CIA director, Secretaries of State and Defence, and White House Chief of Staff, and the simulation controller representing variously the National Security Advisor and top-ranking military staff. In other words, they ran a LARP – but one played by experts, who knew what they were doing, and with the aim of illustrating issues rather than having fun. The issues chosen were the level of threat posed by Iran, and what specifically military options should be presented to the President, rather than whether they should consider going to war at all. The material presented was
as accurate, realistic, and true to standard national-security practice as possible. None of it was classified, but all of it reflected the most plausible current nonclassified information he could obtain. The detailed plans for an assault on Iran had also been carefully devised. They reflected the present state of Pentagon thinking about the importance of technology, information networks, and Special Forces operations. Afterward participants who had sat through real briefings of this sort said that Gardiner’s version was authentic.
I’ll skip past the discussion on uncertainty and whether Israel should be discouraged from making a pre-emptive strike to the meat of the discussion: what could America actually do? Here, they were presented with three options: puntive airstrikes against Iranian military units, pre-emptive air-strikes on suspected nuclear facilities, and “regime change”. The participants were asked to recommend that the preparatory steps to make all three possible be authorised.
As mentioned above, the options were based as closely as possible on contemporary military thinking. The regime-change options relied on using bases in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Iraq, which had to be expanded, as well pre-positioned equipment. They also
minimized “stability” efforts-everything that would happen after the capital fell. “We want to take out of this operation what has caused us problems in Iraq,” Gardiner of CentCom said, referring to the postwar morass. “The idea is to give the President an option that he can execute that will involve about twenty days of buildup that will probably not be seen by the world. Thirty days of operation to regime change and taking down the nuclear system, and little or no stability operations. Our objective is to be on the outskirts of Tehran in about two weeks. The notion is we will not have a Battle of Tehran; we don’t want to do that. We want to have a battle around the city. We want to bring our combat power to the vicinity of Tehran and use Special Operations to take the targets inside the capital. We have no intention of getting bogged down in stability operations in Iran afterwards. Go in quickly, change the regime, find a replacement, and get out quickly after having destroyed-rendered inoperative-the nuclear facilities.” How could the military dare suggest such a plan, after the disastrous consequences of ignoring “stability” responsibilities in Iraq? Even now, Gardiner said after the war game, the military sees post-conflict operations as peripheral to its duties. If these jobs need to be done, someone else must take responsibility for them.
The reaction to this was unanimously negative. The US military may not have learned from Iraq, but foreign policy experts have. They went through the obvious glaring flaws; the preparations could not be kept secret, and would almost certainly provoke a response (such as an oil embargo, provoking unrest in Iraq and Afghanistan, assisting al-Qaeda, or even a pre-emptive strike) from the Iranian regime; the lack of planning for a postwar government or US exit would lead to mess like Iraq (unmentioned was the wholesale leakage of nuclear material and expertise); any moves in this direction would rule out attempts to resolve the issue diplomatically if they became public. In the words of one participant,
“One, it will leak. Two, it will be politically and diplomatically disastrous when it leaks … I think your invasion plan is a dangerous plan even to have on the table in the position of being leaked … I would throw it in Tampa Bay and hope the sharks would eat it.”
As for the other options, there was little objection to keeping the option of random bombing of military units open. But most participants did not consider pre-emptive strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities feasible:
The United States simply knew too little about which nuclear projects were under way and where they could be destroyed with confidence. If it launched an attack and removed some unknown proportion of the facilities, the United States might retard Iran’s progress by an unknown number of months or years-at the cost of inviting all-out Iranian retaliation. “Pre-emption is only a tactic that puts off the nuclear development,” Gardiner said after the exercise. “It cannot make it go away. Since our intelligence is so limited, we won’t even know what we achieved after an attack. If we set it back a year, what do we do a year later? A pre-emptive strike would carry low military risk but high strategic risk.”
The long and the short of it is that there is no military solution to the problem of Iran’s nuclear programme. The only effective tool the US has at its disposal is persuasion.
No Right Turn – New Zealand’s liberal blog
Fallows article on Iraq was just as convincing [51st State], and the administration was just as deaf, blind, and dumb. I’d suggest the first sign will the be “resignation” of top DoD general staff.
Excellent point. A few weeks ago there were (thinly sourced) rumblings that many in the flag corps were “secretly appalled” at what the administration was planning.
Flag-rank resignations would indeed be the first sign that something horrible was being put into motion.
They won’t let something silly like logic stop them. If Monkey-spank orders an attack, attack we will.
Oh, and don’t forget the nukes. This bunch has been just itching to let the nuclear genie out of the bottle. One of our Trident subs could turn Iran into a sheet of glass. If things don’t go as planned, and if the Irani army manages to counter-attack into Iraq, the wheels could come right off this thing.
Let’s hope it’s all bluster. I’m not so sure, however.
Oh, and don’t forget the nukes. This bunch has been just itching to let the nuclear genie out of the bottle. One of our Trident subs could turn Iran into a sheet of glass.
That is what really frightens me; they may conclude that an airstrike is too hard, and so see nukes as the easy way out.
But is the Bush Administration really that monstrous?
No Right Turn – New Zealand’s liberal blog
Good question. I’d like to think not, but I know, deep down, that this bunch are capable of anything.
Let’s hope we never have to find out the answer.
Well we all know this administration isn’t famous for finishing what they started because they are so greedy. They want that whole corner of the middle east for oil period. Look for more and more talk of Iranian nuclear threats. Cheney wants more of the pie for himself and his cronies.
I’m hoping that the radio shows have Fallows on. He’s been on Al Franken in the past … dunno about Terry Gross, but I’d think so / she’d do a good interview. And so would Amy Goodman.
I, have as yet, seen any scientific thoughts on this such as fallout and then when coud we go in for the oil then??!! It would be beyond our lifetimes and then many years after that one too. But who thinks this group is thinking! They are not thinking ever! They are just reactionary ppl.
I’ll have to search for the sites where I fierst saw it, but there have been studies about the potential problems with the aftereffects of bunker buster nukes. Scientifically there’s no indication that these bunker-busters are reliable enough to be sure to penetrate the ground deeply enough before they detonate. And nukes of this sort used against Iran, if they did fail n this way, would create a deadly radioactive cloud that would move south and west over India and Pakistan, potentially killing millions.
Cheney and his gang of psychopaths don’t care about such things. They’d never let such possibilities deter them from carrying out their insane agenda. The rest of the world would have to unite to stop them.
The latter description was my worry!!!
I find it so hard to believe that man can even consider to blow up a nuke with any sort of a nuke. Can you imagine the reaction to such a thing????!!! My mind is getting wrapped around such a thing and it blows me to bits just thinking of such a thing.
These people are not rational. that’s why it’s so hard for rational people to understand how maniacs like this can do what they do.
No one want’s to believe that their leaders are capable of perpetrating such atrocities in such a cavalier, routine way. Then again, there were thousands of parents who didn’t want to believe that what their child was telling them about being molested by the parish priest was true either.
Cheney and his cohorts pose a far greater threat to our way of life than bin Laden ever did.
Meh. I’m not sure it makes much sense to compare them. Each would be far less of a threat if the other didn’t exist. The Bush League at al and Bin Laden et al may be the perfect storm of powerful interdependent manipulators.
You’re right. The Bush regime and the now elevated bin Laden gang have a deep symbiotic relationship that serrves each other’s interests while inflicting death and destruction on the rest of the world.
Both need to be deposed, but of the 2, Cheney & Co by far have the greater potential for destructiveness by virtue of the weaponry if nothing else.
Yeah, I call it the “Nexus of Evil”.
I’d like to see those sites, if you can find them. I suspect that “deadly radioactive cloud … potentially killing millions” is overstated.
It’d be a bad idea anyway, but there’s no need to overstate the case.
Hell, it’d be a bad idea even if nobody died. Any use of nuclear weapons would be an extremely dangerous precedent. People bitterly joke about how various bad things are Okay If You’re A Republican. Well, lots of people in the US feel like a lot of things are Okay If You’re An American … such as having WMDs. And probably plenty of them feel the same way about using WMDs. But the rest of the world doesn’t necessarily agree with that exceptionalism. If the US uses nukes, even “just” bunker-busters and/or tactical nukes, the rest of the Nuclear Club will decide that if it’s okay for the US, it’s okay for them.
(Nukes have been used, in warfare, but few people think of that as a precedent. If they did, they might have to think about the fact that in that situation, the country using them used every nuclear weapon that it had.)
Here’s one link.
This link is not one of the ones I read before, (I still can’t find them), but it is representative of the analysis provided in those other sites, namely that the lack of pentrative ability of these bombs will in fact throw a huge cloud of radioactive debris skward where it will drift on the wind, causing harm to all it touches.
I’ll keep looking for those other sites since they came across as a bit more authorative. If and when I find them I’ll look for your sig somewhere and post a reply directly to you.
The government and corporate media by their silence imply that nuclear bunker busters are equivalent to underground nuclear tests. When in reality an air dropped bomb can never penetrate too far into the ground and are equivalent to surface nuclear blasts with all the resulting radiation and fall out. The numbers killed depend on the populations and sites of blasts. A nuclear explosion in an Iranian desert may not kill directly as many people as in North Korea but it sure would inspire the Revolutionary Guard to support their fellow Muslims in the battle with the perfidious Christians in Iraq.
Chris Floyd also has a good column on this:
Duck Soup: From Quagmire to Nightmare
Originally published in the Aug. 19 edition of The Moscow Times.
The counter-argument is that the Iranians – as a signatory to the non-proliferation treay – are “allowed” to pursue peaceful use of nuclear energy. Pointing to that fact, and the abrogation of treaties by this administration would help to mute the beast.
See Sirocco’s diaries. (I looked for, and found, articles by academics/others, but these two are the best I’ve read on the subject).
The next time these idiots open their mouths about Iran it would be well worth re-posting.