This isn’t terribly political, but it brought a smile to my face, so I thought I would share it. I was reading this article earlier from the sole remaining MSM outlet that I trust, ESPN. It probably helps that it’s about my favorite baseball team.
The article is about Andruw Jones, a baseball player from the small Caribbean island of Curacao, and how he changed the whole of his little island, simply by realizing his dream of playing Major League Baseball in the United States.
I thought about trying to relate all of this back to our entertainment industry, our misplaced idolizing of entertainers of all sorts, and all that. But I know you are all perfectly capable of making those connections, so I’m going to skip it, because this is more fun, dammit.
“Andruw Jones gave this country a gift,” Seferina said. “He gave all these little kids the belief that a Curacao kid can make it. He’s the dream they have, he’s the spirit that lights each one of their hearts. They listen and learn from every word he says.”
This is the American Dream incarnate, in the form of our American Pastime.
Baseball is one of the few remaining bastions of idealism in American culture; it is a deliberate game that has survived the me-first, instant gratification, 5-minute attention span era. It has flourished despite strikes and scandal, because in baseball, the players are human and can be forgiven. There is no cage over their face, they’re not ensconced in pads and armor. The game is based on one on one battles between men. We watch these players, and see that they’re human. We see them sweat, we see them grimace, and sometimes we even see them bleed.
Through it all, baseball has still maintained a reverence for the history of the game, something that no other sport in the United States can claim. The best announcers are the ones who know the history, and can tell you that a pitcher reminds him of a young Sandy Koufax, or that a batter has a swing nearly as smooth as that of Ted Williams.
OK, got a little carried away there…sorry. Back to Andruw. Just look at the joy he gave back on his first night of playing in the United States!
On a tiny island in the southern Caribbean, 2,500 miles away, Carnival had begun four months early. People flocked to the streets — singing, dancing and drinking. They shot off fireworks. They drove through the capital of Willemstad blasting their car horns.
I’ll admit, I was doing the same thing here at home, but I was the only one. For some reason, all of the U.S. did not join me in celebration of Andruw’s 2 home runs against the dastardly Yankees. I know, unbelievable.
I guess the reason I feel justified in posting this here, is that with all that we read nowadays, other countries opinions of us, all the hatred directed our way because of our leaders’ choices, sometimes we just need a break. We need to see that there are still aspects of our country that are good, that can still inspire and give hope.
Because I don’t know about you, but I’ve been kinda short on hope lately.
And after all, the ball is round.
I guess I should have been more specific in the poll.
The I’d rather watch football option refers to NFL football (or North American football, if you prefer).
never was there more glory than in Torre’s march to the sea.
I have a soft spot for Joe Torre.
I think it’s because the first time I ever heard of him was when I started collecting baseball cards, I had a 1984 Topps card of him from when he was managing the Braves.
I believe he also started out his career as a player as a Brave.
He was a Brave before he was a Yankee, so that makes him OK in my book. Unless your name is Gary Sheffield, I guess…
Still, if the Yankees don’t make the playoffs this year, I think I’ll throw a party.
Joe Torre could only manage an American League team with unlimited salaries to a championship. Imho, he is really just a loser hiding behind mega-million dollar salaries. In the National League, where they play real baseball, he couldn’t manage his way out of a paper sack.
Now, as for Andruw Jones, I’m a real fan of his. Moreso a fan of Bobby Cox, John Smoltz, and Julio Franco, though. I have been a fan of the Braves for a loooong time, from way back when they were perennial losers (with Joe Torre for a ‘manager’, too), so I deserve all these years of happiness!
Me too!
I couldn’t believe it, when the other night the Braves’ very own announcers couldn’t answer the AFLAC trivia question, which was: Who are the only 3 Braves to steal 40 bases in a single season?
They got Furcal and Otis Nixon, but they couldn’t remember…
Are you ready?
Gerald Perry! He was my favorite player back in the day. I even had a Geral Perry TOPPS folder in my trapper keeper at school.
Ahh. They were so terrible, it was a potent shot of pure joy each time they managed to squeak one out.
Did you catch the news that Gerald Perry was in a fight today? I don’t know all the details, just caught a bit on espn a few mins ago. He’s the hitting instructor for the Pirates I think…
Hey, back in the day, at least we had Perry and my faves Murphy and Horner! I remember watching Horner’s four homer game on TBS. I also watched the game where Ted Turner managed(and lost)! AH, yes, we had to be happy, or at least amused, with what little pleasures we could get….
I didn’t catch that about Perry…I’ll have to go look for that story!
Dale Murphy was definitely one of my favorites too. And remember when Andres Thomas came up, and was supposed to be the next big thing at shortstop? Nobody even remembers him anymore.
Of course, he was no Jeff Blauser π
“Nobody remembers him…”, including me! That was a real blast from the past! I certainly forgot him and now that you’ve reminded me I do recall his name, but not his face.
Apparently the dust-up before yesterday’s Pirates-Reds game was over a collision at second base the day before….
And, for one more memory, how about Mark Lemke! If he could have won a World Series by himself he would have! I forget the year, but he hit over .400 in the postseason. I think that year the Braves won their first round and lost the second.
Yes! That was the ’91 series, I think. Back when he was turning double plays with Rafael Belliard (who, IIRC, actually batted quite well in that series too).
Ahh, those were the days. I remember that I didn’t have a VCR, so I recorded audio tapes of the NLCS and the World Series so I could at least listen to them.
I can still hear the announcers after Francisco Cabrera’s hit into left field that year in the NLCS. “And Bream is….SAFE!! SAFE AT THE PLATE!!! The Braves are going to the World Series!!!
You left off:
“It’s only half as boring as Cricket.” π
Former American living in Cricket obsessed Australia.
And for those of you out there who have never tried to watch Cricket, you should familiarize yourself with the rules.
Simple, yes?
Curacao is playing Guam tomorrow for the “privilege” of facing Japan, who crushed Canada 11-0 today. Winner of that game will go on to face the US representative for the championship.
<click on pic for stats>

Game 1 recalled the ’95 opener with an astonishing ten separate pitchers making appearances on the mound with Smoltz and Pettitte starting. Fred McGriff mirrored his last debut as well with a homer and teammate Andruw Jones followed as the youngest player (nineteen) in World Series history to hit a home run.
One inning later, he became only the second player in World Series history to hit a second homer (in his first two at bats) – after Oakland’s Gene Tenace – and Atlanta and its newest sensation sent the Yanks packing with a 12-1 massacre. The opening loss was especially devastating to Pettitte who was christened “Sigh Young” in the New York papers the following day.
Curacao is still a bit of the old country – the Netherlands!
I was wondering if you’d kick in about the Netherlands, Oui :p
Man, I still remember watching that game as if it were yesterday. I was so pumped!
when I googled for the two homeruns in the World Series, it was dated 1995!
I checked it to be sure, the impression was it’s just a few years back – time flies!
Did I miss the sport news on the European Baseball Championships?
The Netherlands continued their reign as European Baseball Champions by defeating their eternal rivals from Italy: 15-0 in a game shortened to seven innings. Dutch coach and ex-professional short-stop in the majors, Robert Eenhoorn saw his team overcome a difficult 3rd inning and use its power hitting to gain the 19th European Championship.
Robert Eenhoorn Stats
The victory was very sweet, as their rivals Italy wasn’t given any chance in this one-sided game. The Dutch needed to revenge themselves for a poor showing at the world stage of the Athens Olympic Games.
Star pitcher Patrick Beljaards came in as reliever in the third inning, when Italy had the bases loaded and two out. Patrick struck out the batter to finish the inning and never got into trouble during the rest of the game.
In the 5th inning, team Orange scored five runs with a timely double by Evert-Jan ‘t Hoen, clearing the bases. In the 6th it was the bat of Sidney de Jong with a grandslam-homerun. Ivanon Coffie hit his eigth homerun of the European championship in the 6th inning, making certain the ten run margin rule ended the game after the Italians failed also in their last at bat to score a single run.
Winnersgroup, Saturday:
Germany 2 France 0
Italy 6 Chech Rep. 1
(7 innings)
Final Standing
NETHERLANDS * 5-10 Germany * 5- 4
Italy * 5- 8 Chech Rep. 5- 2
Spain * 5- 6 France 5- 0
* participant World Cup 2007 in Taiwan
3th/4th place, Sunday:
Spain 7 Germany 3
Finals, Sunday:
(7 innings)
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
I didn’t know that there is a baseball World Cup! How exciting. I’m sure I won’t be able to find it televised here in the States.
How do they determine who all gets in there? From the sound of it, the top 4 European teams, but what about everyone else?
Should have read your next comment before responding π
Thanks for the links, this stuff is great!
From 2-17 September 2005 eighteen countries will be contending in five Dutch cities for the world title. On this site you can find information on the competitors, the cities hosting the matches, the programme and the latest news on the Dutch team and the organisation of the Baseball World Cup.
XXXV Baseball World Cup 2003 – Cuba
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!