It’s late, I’m tired, so I’ll keep this brief.
Everyone wants to know what the Democrats would do differently in Iraq. You want a strategy for Iraq?
Impeach Bush and Cheney. I’m serious. They are delusional and incompetent, mendacious and irresponsible. And since Dennis Hastert has been accused of being involved in Turkish drug smuggling, arms dealing, and accepting bribes, and since his likely replacement, Tom DeLay, could be and certainly should be indicted anyday now, we need to go further down the chain of succession to find an honest and competent replacement. We have to go to Senator Ted Stevens who is the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
My plan is to make Ted Stevens president and let him create a coalition government. Short of that, nothing we suggest will be listened to anyway.
came to power. The King George “victory” over Gore could easily be seen as a bloodless coup. At least it was bloodless until King George started his wars. Anyway the nature of how they came to power certainly suggests the need for extreme measures to remove them. Good suggestion BooMan.
“bloodless coup”
i’ve used that exact phrase many times (especially after reading Edward Luttwak’s Coup d’Etat). i guess that’s one of those things that makes me a “tinfoiler” on certain corners of the web.
It always amazes me how many of the so called left still want to believe that our electoral institutions still work however discredited they have become. Who really are the tinfoilers, those who continue to believe in things that evidence suggest are wrong or those who try to expose a truth, which may of course challenge peoples core beliefs in their own society?
reading much of the (revealed) history of the 60s-80s was a pretty good education in why NOT to trust the government. and truly it is the 80s all over again, but way worse. instead of a hidden war in Central America, it’s an overt war in Iraq to create another reactionary government (one that can ostensibly maintain power, though that’s starting to look rather debatable in Iraq).
and I think that when we talk of a “reality based” community we should take into account that what was once thought tinfoil was actually later exposed as the truth.
5 or 6 years ago I would have said that all of those who screamed “PNAC IS COMING! RUN FOR YOR LIVES!”… Well, I would’ve called them conspiracy nuts.
Someone on dKos said to me “Yeah well, I would’ve pointed you to a website to prove it even then…”
So what? I can build a website in a day. Doesn’t make anything on it true… Just look at MAF that susanhu diaried on yesterday. lol
Today… I would say that only a fool isn’t worried about PNAC and their agenda.
I have learned a few things from that.
OK… So I am kidding about the duct tape.
It has to start at the top… We need to get bush impeached, then the cheney’s and other PNAC twits will collapse with the entire house of cards.
If we don’t start screaming “IMPEACH BUSH!” EVERYWHERE WE CAN… It will never happen.
I am talking impeach signs every where bubble boy goes. Every single person that is thinking impeach would have to have a sign on their front lawn. Every letter to every member of government signed with “Impeach bush!” Every call to a radio station mentioning it, every letter to the editor, every blog, every means of communication you can think of has to refer to impeaching bush.
Right now about 60% of Americans think bush lied us into war.
He lied to Congress (You know he did!) which is an impeacheable offense.
Cheney has Haliburton ties out the ying-yang nevermind that both he and bush may be in hanging territory for outing plame.
If ever there were a time to strike,
The rest of the cards would tumble, and we would be left with one time consuming lame duck after another in office until ’08 came along to sweep them out.
You see, all of you make an assumption that whomever takes over bushies thrown would be able to accomplish anything. How can you accomplish anything when you are too busy covering one ass after another?
But that is just my opinion…
(and the opinion of about 300 people in one of the Email groups I belong to aptly named “Impeach bush” lol Any guesses as to our main goal?)
<twiddling my thumbs and looking all innocent now…>
and just to be clear… I meant “thrown” ’cause i will gladly toss them out personally.
ha. funny. (or not). but it certainly rings true. i think you’re dead on and some crazy shit could (should?) be around the corner. trust me, there are lots of conservatives that i would be willing to work with to get rid of this horrific piece of shit of an administration. forget watergate and lopping off the head, we actually need to totally clean house. think it’ll happen? (yeah, me neither… at least not yet)
It’s late and I’m tired too, but I think this is the best damned idea I’ve heard in a long time. What’s more, I think I’ll still love it in the morning.
BooMan … do you know Ted Stevens’ record on a woman’s right to choose?
Yes on criminalizing abortion
Yes on ban for late abortions
Yes on ban on abortion on military bases
Yes to disallow overseas military facility abortions with private funding
Rated 21% from pro-choice groups
You want someone who votes against women’s rights to choose on even the most conservative legislation against abortions.
I’m frankly stunned. You not just support but choose a man who would criminalize abortion to be our president?
Do you also think a democracy in the year 1900 should be a model democracy we should be thrilled with? How far back should women’s rights be taken? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? 50 years?
I’m not considering Ted ‘Pork’ Stevens’s positions on anything. If you have some reason to impeach him or to make him resign, then we can push it back to Condi Rice, who comes after Stevens in the line of succession. After Rice is Treasury Secretary Snow.
Who’s next after Snow?
Sorry if I took this too seriously. It’s been a bad day and I should have gone to bed hours ago.
it’s not like my suggestion is likely to happen.
But as bad as Steven’s is on policy and pork-barrel spending, I’d choose him over the alternatives.
* Vice President
* Speaker of the House
* President Pro Tempore of the Senate
* Secretary of State
* Secretary of the Treasury
* Secretary of Defense
* Attorney General
* Secretary of the Interior
* Secretary of Agriculture
* Secretary of Commerce
* Secretary of Labor
* Secretary of Health and Human Services
* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
* Secretary of Transportation
* Secretary of Energy
* Secretary of Education
* Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* Secretary of Homeland Security
when all of those Bush appointees are indicted for some form of corruption?
How far down in succession do we have to get before either Jon Stewart, or Splinter (the Ninja Turtles’ mentor) is president?
of succession lists so many unelected political appointees. Never really thought that was very democratic.
As they say on the playground, “Do Over!”
They all suck and it’s not like anyone elected them.. So maybe we need to have a war court and get rid of them all and start over.
Here’s a project for someone with scholarly skills and a lot of time, or maybe a few grad students or administrative assistants: Find out step by step how the GOPers accomplished the impeachment of Clinton. Who was the first to suggest it publicly, what politican first got behind it, who ran the show, when did the media start taking it seriously, etc.
With emphasis on: how did it start, what did it take, and how long did it take.
If we’re being serious, let’s be serious.
Doesn’t take much skill or time, there are volumes written. The difficulty comes in the process. The House generates the Articles of Impeachment, Senate tries the offender(s). Try that with reep control.
WaPo Clinton Impeachment site.
maybe after they get back from recess, this will develope. I heard that some rep congressman came over to Lee’s side for this very thing. They were talking that more might after the recess is over. Wouldn’t this be great??!!! A republican congress doing it to a republican president. I still think it was a rash statement, but who among us is not a dreamer??!!
I’m game–how do we do it?
Booman, this is exactly why a Presidential system sucks, and a parliamentary system like Canada’s rocks. In a parliamentary system, there would be a vote of non-confidence and an election would be called.
No impeachment crisis, just the system working as it’s supposed to.
As it is, we have to wait two years for a shot at shifting the congressional majority, and four to get rid of a guy who, 60+% finally agree, is doing a horrible job and should be booted out.
I say RICO them all. If you can find brave lawyers willing to file suit. Some are already in progress. That’s the noise to be making. Get the gangsters out of the government, forget respecting their high office.
RFK says in “The Enemy Within”
Thanks to Cindy for making us all see that now.
And Kennedy continues:
Alice, I have said that very things for over 4 years now. Get them all on RICO charges….
that’s fantastic!!!!!
Good one Boo! If you can’t impeach someone for starting an illegal and stupid war….well maybe you can’t. We need an intern who’s attracted to a president who is incompetent and dimwitted. Its a shame Coulter has a job (sort of).
…in debating with friends over the Iraq war, the excuse I seem to hear most of is “Well, so what if we didn’t have justification for going to war when we did – we would’ve eventually had to deal with Saddam anyway, so sooner is better than later.”
Have you heard this approach before, and how did you respond to it?
As colin said “He is unable to project any force on his neighboring countries” (Something like that)…
This is a fact. All of the countries that surrounded Iraq were not in the least worried about Saddam anymore. He had been castrated in the Gulf War, and the no fly zones enforced with Desert Badger and Desert Fox (I think those were the operations?) essentially cut off his entire dick and removed his spine at the same time.
The rest of the countries surrounding Iraq were quite content to sit and wait for Saddam to die. Yes, we know that Uday and Qsay may not have been an improvement, in fact they could have been worse, but I don’t think that they could have even been considered as a credible threat by Iraq’s enemies just for the fact that they were willing to wait out Saddams death.
In fact, I think it would have simply resulted in a civil war when Saddam eventually died, instead of a civil war after we had lost 1800+++ soldiers and missed the boat on Bin Laden completely. Just look at the radical clerics that are active and supported now.