Cross-posted at CA-48: Turning Orange County Blue.

Unpopular California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger scheduled the special election primary to succeed “business-friendly” Chris Cox, recently confirmed as SEC Chairman, on October 4, 2005. Good for him. Bad for us.

October 4th is the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and a day on which most Jews traditionally do not conduct business or vote. Jews are a reliable Democratic voting bloc and California’s Jews support Democratic candidates by, at the absolute worst, a 69-31 margin. Sixty to ninety thousand Jews reside in California’s 48th congressional district.

In other words, Arnold has quickly and quietly cost Democrats thousands of votes. As with Paul Hackett, a few thousands votes could make the difference. It’s time we respond.
(1) Write a Letter to the Editor asking Arnold to reschedule the election.

Local Newspapers

Daily Pilot

Orange County Register

Orange County Weekly

Los Angeles Times

New University Paper

OC Metro

Orange County Business Journal

Irvine World News

Orange County Blade

(2) Write Arnold.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633

To send an Electronic Mail please visit:

(3) Contribute to the eventual Democratic nominee. (Likely Steve Young).

More context here, here, and here. Note that, importantly, a run-off will take place on December 6, 2005 should no candidate secure more than 50% of the vote on October 4, 2005.