Cross-posted at CA-48: Turning Orange County Blue.
Unpopular California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger scheduled the special election primary to succeed “business-friendly” Chris Cox, recently confirmed as SEC Chairman, on October 4, 2005. Good for him. Bad for us.
October 4th is the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and a day on which most Jews traditionally do not conduct business or vote. Jews are a reliable Democratic voting bloc and California’s Jews support Democratic candidates by, at the absolute worst, a 69-31 margin. Sixty to ninety thousand Jews reside in California’s 48th congressional district.
In other words, Arnold has quickly and quietly cost Democrats thousands of votes. As with Paul Hackett, a few thousands votes could make the difference. It’s time we respond.
(1) Write a Letter to the Editor asking Arnold to reschedule the election.
Local Newspapers
Daily Pilot
Orange County Register
letters@ocregister.comOrange County Weekly
letters@ocweekly.comLos Angeles Times
letters@latimes.comNew University Paper
editor@newuniversity.orgOC Metro
sthomas@churmpublishing.comOrange County Business Journal
reiff@ocbj.comIrvine World News
reiff@ocbj.comOrange County Blade
(2) Write Arnold.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633To send an Electronic Mail please visit:
(3) Contribute to the eventual Democratic nominee. (Likely Steve Young).
More context here, here, and here. Note that, importantly, a run-off will take place on December 6, 2005 should no candidate secure more than 50% of the vote on October 4, 2005.
This is set by constitutional statute and the first time I’ve seen Sam really blow it. Sorry Sam. You are a day late and dollar short on this story. And it’s not on your blog.
Several of the Candidates called for a new date. Can’t be done. Period.
OC Supervisor Bill Campbell, (read very conservative),after Candidate Steve Young’s solution was made public suggested having early balloting set up for the 48th. That is perfectly feasible except for the public’s cost.
Steve Young committed publicly the day after the gaff was discovered to have his campaign distribute Absentee Ballot Applications to every affected person, Jewish or Muslim. We are already planning that effort which will begin very soon. We are the only Campaign to make that pledge. And it is without public cost.
Steve also joined Marilyn Brewer in calling for a date change prior to realizing that wasn’t possible. His solution is much more feasible.
The Governor could only have avoided this problem by picking a different General election date.
Think pennies? Get pennies.
Think dollars? Get dollars.
This is a story that will fire up the base. We should therefore keep it in the news — even if our requests fall on deaf ears.
As you well, now, I’ve been blogging about this story for weeks now. Not a “day late and a dollar short” by any means.
Heck, I was the first to solicit and obtain comments from each of the five major candidates — before the LATimes, OCRegister, etc.
And, as noted in a comment above, I don’t even know if Arnold can change the date.
But what is important to me is firing up the base.
And the longer this story stays in the (Orange County) news, the more Jews who will get
(1) fed up with Arnold and not vote for his “reform” projects, and
(2) fired up about voting in the special election primary and the general election.
Your average Jewish voter doesn’t care about when the Governor ignored their holiday, s/he cares that Arnold was inconsiderate.
Keep. It. In. The. News.
Good for Steve Young for distributing absentee ballots. But that is standard campaign operating procedure. And for it to be effective, Young would be well served to have the media continue to write about this story.
(Alternatively, he’d also be wise to mail absentee ballot request forms to every Democratic voter with a Jewish-sounding last name…)