That’s the TITLE in the crawl on MSNBC right now.
(P.S. That’s the real Dutch Boy on the cans of paint with the same name. Nice site, by the way, for you decorating show addicts!)
Update [2005-8-25 22:19:10 by susanhu]: It’s now “JORAN’S ANGER PROBLEM.”
Earlier, the crawl headline was “OLIVIA’S LOVE VANISHES.” (Which, for some reason, I first thought meant that Olivia’s love for her boyfriend had dissipated, but then realized — silly me — that it was her BF who’d vanished!)
Chocolate Ink asked me a couple days ago if I was kidding about what I heard the CNN news reader say Monday during the news break on Aaron Brown’s show. Nope.
I looked up the transcript and found the actual text from the news reader’s “latest news” break during Aaron’s show:
A judge in Los Angeles made it official, signing off today on Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s divorce. They were married nearly five years ago. Many people remember where they were when the engagement was announced. But it’s now over, the paper citing irreconcilable differences. The decree becomes final in October.
Now, maybe if they spent more time dancing the tango. It couldn’t hurt, anyway, huh? They might have even made the finals. You’re looking at the World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires. Nearly 400 couples took part, but only one couple won. He’s 19. She’s just 18 and already hot to trot —
Aaron, back to you. (CNN Transcript.)
Ah, I remember it well. I was — thinking — oh yeah — I was picking up the broken sack of trash that splattered all over the kitchen floor, a slimy mixture of cat litter and moldy fruit, and realized that Jen could have just called her maid to do that for her. Just kidding. Haven’t a clue. WHERE WERE YOU?
haven’t they had other people they were going out with every week?
Ohhh … I’ve got you pegged now. You read the National Enquirer in line at the grocery store.
But I never buy one!
to “never inhaling?”
where I was and what I was doing. I was on Earth, living. <sigh> Fun times, fun times.
Susan you are just a hoot! It’s like, who gives arats ass about Brad and Jen? I have been divorced several times and never got any media attention for Cripes sake!!! LOL
O/T: I AM SO WIRED UP FOR TOMORROW TO COME! tHE BAG IS PACKED AND i AM READY TO GO. Tomorrow I get to meet Brinnainne and JanetStange hopefully. Maybe some other Tribers. Tomorrow I get to hopefully hug Cindy and thank her for giving us all hope and for getting the world to pay attention to this Illegal Occupation, this chaos that W has thrust upon this world, Iraq, this country. Even now he is trying to divide the country of those that are either you’re with me or you’re aiding the terrorists or harming the moral of the troops. Bullshit I say and boy what I would give to say that to that Assholes face. But I will go to Crawford and peacefully stand next to all the families of fallen soldiers. Tomorrow I will meet new, loving and compassionate people that just want the President to answer one question:
I care and love my country. I want my grand daughter to know the freedoms I took for granted for far to long. But not anymore. NO MORE GEORGE! NO MORE! Peace to all who tread here. Peace to our troops and their families and Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all mankind. I love all of you so veryy much. and will bring bacck with me all I can to you. You people rock!!
We’re EXCITED FOR YOU! I can’t wait … and I hope i do a better job reporting than I did when Tracy and Brinnaine were there … LOVE YOU! Have a blast!
You did a SUPERB job of reporting. I will give you a call Saturday. Hugs to all. I am heading off to bed. See you all Monday morning!
… a rat’s ass? This is unacceptable. You must pick a side — are you with Jen or Angelina?
Also, do you or do you not know the whereabouts of Olivia Newton-John’s boyfriend?
Darcy and I are HUGE Angelina Jolie fans. I even did a diary about her UN Human Rights work.
And Brad is into that kind of work too, so they’re a good match. Plus he loves kids and now Angelina has two. The adopted baby from Somalia is just gorgeous.
Definitely Angelina…she’s so ndependent, strong cool, into good causes…Jen is kind of wimpy.
I have to confess Olivia’s BF is here with me and we just made wild passionate love. LOL
LOL, alohaleezy! Now there’s only one more question — what would Bono think?!?
btw, in all seriousness, have a wonderful trip!
Now if I could have Bono here with me………ah a gal can dream. Thanks Izzy!
Soooo …. how is he? Or is that why Olivia’s love vanished?
Let me put it this way…eh. No wonder no one reported him missing for over a month.
‘Leezy, I’m so excited for you! Have a safe journey, a good time with the Austin trib folks (who seem so wonderful!), and give Cindy a hug from me. Can’t wait to read the reports!
Thanks Cabin Girl, Susan and Izzy for being the real deal!
and the reporter’s hair is blowing and he’s shouting over the wind and his microphone is shaking … and the waves are thrashing and the trees are quivering ….
…and suddenly, Olivia’s boyfriend is spewed from the sea and hurled into the frame, stage left!
The only thing worse than wall to wall hurricane coverage is rebroadcasted hurricane coverage. Anybody catch that on CNN? As if I couldn’t get enough of a yelling Anderson Cooper clad in a yellow rain slicker standing at a 45 degree angle to demonstrate wind speed.
They actually rebroadcast that today? I felt sorry for Anderson Cooper who I think has some brains and some class.
They rebroadcast last year’s hurricanes this year.
And Cooper lost me with his “when animals attack” series, which devoted one entire show to CHIMP attacks (having an uptick are we?) that actually had Dr. Gupta discussing how to treat CHIMP wounds.
Bad chimps, bad chimps
whatcha gonna do
whatcha gonna do
when they bite on you…
On comedy central … Jon Stewart.
Oh god .. Christopher Hitchens will be on!
SHOCKER: Jon Stewart just reported that Lance Armstrong has a jet engine in his anus.
TAKE THAT, CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS! Jon Stewart just told him off. C&L HAS to post this video.
Look, if we’re really gonna do this thread (which is made even sillier by contrast to Alohaleezy going to Crawford) then I’ve gotta ask a big Celebrity-type question: Where are the breasts in this thread? I’m down several comments and still no breasts. Is this a celebrity thread or not?
Good on you Alohaleezy. Go get ’em, Tiger.
Hmm. You would normally have a good point, but this thread seems to be predominantly female so far.
I can’t help you, but I can provide this handy link to photos of Jude Law’s penis.
Now that I could look at for quite some time. How the hell I am going to get any sleep now? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
… that wide-eyed artist in Crawford better watch out.
Heh, I generally like two and much more refined. But you’re right, that one has been on the supermarket magazines.
No breasts cause they’ve been cancelled on account of ‘skininess’.(unless fake ones) No major female star has breasts anymore that I’m aware of anyway.(and no Pamela Anderson is not a major movie star)
I don’t remember what I was doing. I wasn’t watching CNN, thank god, because I would have put my head through the picture tube.
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston are in engaged? Wow. I didn’t know that.
The Brad Pitt fella sounds vaguely familiar. He was one of the UN folks looking for WMDs in Iraq before the invasion, right? Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of Ms. Anniston. Was she his translator?
Am I unAmurrican if I don’t know these things?
Brad Pitt I know. He played the perfect stoner in a really bizarre Christian Slater movie (Slater is often visited and directed by the ghost of Elvis). Pitt also was completely believable in a movie called 12 Monkeys.
Anniston is some skinny chick that has been in some truly lame movies and I think had a tv show or something but that is fairly redundant with saying “truly lame movies” isn’t it.
bizarre Christian Slater movie is pretty redundant too.
Di you know that Brad Pitt is Robert Redford’s secret love child? Take a look at a picture of the two of them side by side and tell me it’s not true.
Now this is REAL investigative reporting!
hey susan, I didn’t really doubt you heard that but it’s just so freaken bizarrely stupid. I don’t think the entertainment shows I watch even said anything that jawdroppingly inane.
But in aswer to that serious news question ..ah yes I remember so well where I was when I heard the news of their engagement. I was in the process of climbing the Himylaya’s and listening of course to CNN news on my headphones. Hearing Pitt was off the marriage market caused me to gasp while clutching at my heart. This caused me to slip and I plunged downward ten miles and landed luckily in a huge pile of yak dung cushioning my fall, while crying copious tears of heartbreak-those copious tears luckily also washed away most of the yak dung. Once cleaned up I wandered aimlessly through Europe with visions of my beloved Brad in my head kissing that skinny broad named Jenny Friends, I believe her name was..ah my heart was breaking while I was also having trouble blinking-those copious tears had left my eyeballs so dry.
Brad Heartbreak Hotels sprung up all over Europe and I checked myself into one hoping to find solace with others who had fallen in yak dung and couldn’t blink and had their heart broken by the ungrateful to his fans mr. Pitt. What a healing experience, we sat in circles and sang Ku-bah-yah and hugged each other while again with the copious tears and washed that man right oughta our hearts.
I found the courage to go on and once again started to climb the Himylaya’s and upon reaching the top paid loving tribute to the Bradster by putting up a huge and tastelessly garish ‘I heart Brad’ banner defiling the pristine mountain top. My healing was complete. Well not quite, I am now having to spend thousands of dollars in medical expenses for tear duct transplants to rid myself of a rather freaky looking medical problem dubbed-‘My eyes have become Pitt’s of dryness and now I can’t blink-honk if this has happened to you Friend’.
Oh you say you wanted the seriously real story of what I was doing when the engagement was announced?
Well, how this less than stellar recollection: Who gives a flying fuck anyway. Seriously.
LOL… worth hearing about Brad and whoever just to get this yak dung and Brad Heartbreak Hotel story ;).
Well done!