That’s the TITLE in the crawl on MSNBC right now.


(P.S. That’s the real Dutch Boy on the cans of paint with the same name. Nice site, by the way, for you decorating show addicts!)

Update [2005-8-25 22:19:10 by susanhu]: It’s now “JORAN’S ANGER PROBLEM.”

Earlier, the crawl headline was “OLIVIA’S LOVE VANISHES.” (Which, for some reason, I first thought meant that Olivia’s love for her boyfriend had dissipated, but then realized — silly me — that it was her BF who’d vanished!)

Chocolate Ink asked me a couple days ago if I was kidding about what I heard the CNN news reader say Monday during the news break on Aaron Brown’s show. Nope.

I looked up the transcript and found the actual text from the news reader’s “latest news” break during Aaron’s show:

A judge in Los Angeles made it official, signing off today on Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s divorce. They were married nearly five years ago. Many people remember where they were when the engagement was announced. But it’s now over, the paper citing irreconcilable differences. The decree becomes final in October.
Now, maybe if they spent more time dancing the tango. It couldn’t hurt, anyway, huh? They might have even made the finals. You’re looking at the World Tango Championships in Buenos Aires. Nearly 400 couples took part, but only one couple won. He’s 19. She’s just 18 and already hot to trot —

Aaron, back to you. (CNN Transcript.)

Ah, I remember it well. I was — thinking — oh yeah — I was picking up the broken sack of trash that splattered all over the kitchen floor, a slimy mixture of cat litter and moldy fruit, and realized that Jen could have just called her maid to do that for her. Just kidding. Haven’t a clue. WHERE WERE YOU?