Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Is anybody new to this pond?
Please speak right up and introduce yourself so that we can welcome you and dribble 4’s all over you.
T’sup with everybody today?
And do check out Katiebird’s diary about the upcoming photo fair. It’s going to be grrreat.
remind of the Budweiser Frogs 🙂
Morning Kansas! Morning Pond Jumpers.
Here’s a link to the diary that explains it all!
Please stop by, comment, suggest and recommend. All advise welcome!
Hi all! I’ve been lurking/reading here for some time, putting off joining up, but the Stupid Shit Open Thread today was too good to pass up! Just had to comment on a proposal by one of our esteemed repug county commissioners in a county budget hearing.
I’ve been active for years, mostly in local Democratic Party stuff, having been inspired by the Kennedy brothers and “the 60’s”, then Nixon and Watergate, etc.
I’ve been both a career and volunteer firefighter since 1969 and did crash rescue with the USAFR until 1987. For all you here in recovery, I’m a friend of Bill W. too.
I’ll be campaigning for local office again in 2006 and am currently serving as one of two dems on our county council. It’s frustrating at times, but there are certainly times we can get in victories and good zingers on the repugs. Got one in progress now.
Glad to be here.
Glad to have you onboard Indianadem!!Someone that is that active in politics has alot to offer this site. Don’t be shy and stick around. There are fabulous writers and great thinkers here. We have a few comedians too…lol! Enjoy!
Hi, Indianadem! Anybody who is attracted to a thread called Stupid Shit is our kinda frog. You’ve sure had an interesting, contributing kind of life. Glad you’re here! Help yourself to the free drinks and food.
What part of Indiana do you hang around in? I’m originally from Indy, went to school in Evansville, and have lived in Brown County since 1979.
OMG! We live in the same county! Now I really do feel at home here. You know me as Steve on the county council.
And even better — I voted for you!
Anyone have a cure for a severe case of the Mondays that refuses to adhere to a 24-hour time frame?
Allow my to wish you a heartfelt “Happy Thursday, my friend” . . . and Monday be gone. Poof!
Well hello there, I was wondering which part of the pond you were lurking these days. Thanks for banishing the evil cloud of Monday. It’s a stubborn bugger that latched on when I returned from vacation.
Sounds like you need another and immediate dose of Mexico, mi amigo.
Well, it is only 45 minutes away…although I would much rather be driving down that oceanside highway that I took to get to Ensenada rather than I-19 between Tucson and Nogales.
I almost wore my ‘Brain Dead, M-F 8-5’ shirt today underneath my work clothes. Things are on the upswing though, now that Anomalous has Poofed! away my shadow 🙂
My brother’s favorite under-the-work shirt is one that I gave h im:”The beatings will continue until morale improves”.
Seems like a good counterpart to my Office Voodoo Kit that I keep stashed for emergencies.
I’m glad they included this important warning in the product description:
‘Coz everyone knows, for effective voodoo ya gotta make your own dolls!
I forwarded your voodoo doll to one of my clients…he needs one¡
the Bozo Punching Bag. I’ve perfected the art of shooting paperclips at the bulls-eye.
the link takes you to ‘Big Brother Bozo’. My little guy is less than a foot tall. The idea of having a 4 foot clown in my office freaks me out. I wonder what my officemates think since they have to deal with me all day?
Are you the X-foot tall clown at the office? (I’m just kidding!)
I think I’ll have to forward that link too…I think it would make a LOVELY surprise to just show up in someone’s office one morning…
I assured them that I would only wear the red nose before and after work hours, but that helped very little. :o)
Scarier than a horse head on a pillow.
Ugh. Yes. Mine have been hanging around all week, preventing me from getting any work done. Real pain in the ass.
Good morning, evening all…..how is everyone today..
Did you all notice that Zander stopped by last night!!!
Manee what is that condition you have Monday what? Don’t think I know that one.
Katiebird, I got a realllllllllly cheap dig. camera last week, and the quality is way to poor for your contest, wish that I had spent a bit more and bought a better cam. but it was totally impulsive and wrapped in one of those impenetrable plastic wraps, that you have to get a chain saw to enter, so of course you cannot take it back.
Speaking of people we like and whom we haven’t seen for awhile. . .where’s Lorraine? Has anybody seen her around on other sites?
Shirlstars said on another thread that “Lorraine is in the process of moving and is shuttling between temporary shelter and does not have internet connection available much of the time.”
Good to know. Shouldn’t there be a law that our friends can’t be caught between internets?
I kept forgetting to post one the blue dot pictures my husband took for you on our vacation back in July but the photo fair talk reminded me. Unfortunately, the best one doesn’t work at this small size, so I’m having to settle for the second best one.
I’m the blue dot walking across the moraine. The other blue dot is Lake Louise.
Lol!! It’s perfect! He has a definite talent for spotting them.
In case anybody wonders what this is all about. . .eons ago, AndiF posted a beautiful picture of the Grand Canyon. I thought I saw a figure of a person in it–somebody wearing blue–and asked if that was AndiF, herself. No, she kindly informed me, that was THE COLORADO RIVER.
Since then, the blue dot lives in hilarity and infamy and also in very many photographs. But be warned–it is contagious. While they were on vacation, AndiF’s husband caught the Rocky Mountain Blue Dot Fever, as you can plainly see from the photo above. (AndiF is the one in blue.)
That’s very good photography. No, really.
I think AndiF and her hubby could do a whole FBC photo gallery showing of their own (admittedly excellent) pictures…sigh!
Hell, they could do a gallery of nothing but Blue Dot Specials!
would set up a special category just for us?
I already offered to give out the Ks. Prize for Best Blue Dot. Although it just wouldn’t be right if it went to anybody but you or your husband.
I found your philosophical discussions with Booman in the your diary very interesting to follow (though I would have probably liked them more on a different subject).
Yes, I go over there and read stuff about once a week. NO, I did not badmouth Kos while at Camp Casey and discuss pie wars (I know, you’re all shocked at my developing emotional intelligence and are overlooking that I deliberately harassed Entertainment Tonight). Cindy finished her diary by saying that she knew that when her time comes Casey will be waiting for her and will have a hug for her and tell her GOOD JOB! We all become weary at times here but how she finished that diary brought to me the truest most honest inspiring reason why I show up here day after day and WORK ON CHANGING what has happened to my country and my family. If you are a nonbeliever please take a moment to dwell on the fact that your footsteps will ECHO IN HISTORY. If you are a believer please take a moment to dwell on the fact that God is watching us from a distance and that when it is our time our loved ones are waiting with hugs to tell us all GOOD JOB!
Did you see they had a bit of a dust-up there this week? I’ve been wondering if we’d get a few more refugees.
I should have shared my thoughts and nightmare with you guys. Instead I did elsewhere and my heartfelt openness was construed as “drama queen routine”.
Several saw it for what it was, just me being myself and about to embark on a journey that truly has changed my life and will change it even more. I’ve been having nightmares about the trip. I go from excited to see you all you people and voicing my anger at this regime, to doubting WTF am I thinking.
Thankfully I was able, as always, to laugh it off and find someway to bury my thoughts with finding ideas and solutions and … making fun of myself. The news lately, or the LACK of news really, had me upset, angry, letting go of some friends AGAIN, and the French Press fell on my face from the cupboard LOL… I was just reaching out. And… as usual I was out of the funk as soon as I hit “send” 🙂 ‘
As most know I don’t ever feel sorry for myself and I would never endur someone feeling sorry for me. so the remark really hurt me. Can’t totally sever the ties there as one bad comment can’t wipe away all the goodness that is over there.
But I think that while I’m gearing up to go and my mind is very open and my heart is somewhat raw… I’ll stick with the supportive group here.
Good rule: Don’t be a prick. Or a prickette.
Now… who the hell has the cream or half and half?
I was all happy that the incident with the French Press, the GLASS French Press, that whomped my side of the nose, causing it to bleed – which totally freaked out my son (he has a thing for insisting he dial 911 – and we’ve had the Sheriff out here one too many times when he was a wee little dude) lOL
Anyways I was all happy that the blow to my nose didn’t break it, AND that it didn’t leave a mark nor bruise. It was very tender though, as if Koko the Gorilla had been trying to pick MY nose with her big gorilla toes or something.
Well this morning I woke up and ZOINKS, the bruise fairy visited me last night LOL. It’s just a luna shape near the corner of my eye by where the brow turns toward my nose. EL Lovely. Not.
Drama Queen, over and out.
Oh, Janet, I didn’t see that exchange, but it hurts even to think about it–much less to have been on the receiving end of it. It was a bruising day altogether, eh?
Yep, I do believe it’s easier and safer to be ourselves over here, unless ourselves are pricks or prickettes, or course. 🙂
I was in the kitchen refilling the creamer!
I went back and read my emails to see if I was being a drama queen or an attention hound. I wasn’t all whiney and bitchy and asking for lovie wuvvies.. I was just being me. Write it out like a story. Afterwards, I was back to joking and stuff…
Anyways… was kinda nice to see that several here including CatNip even have been feeling smacked around by the counter-Cindy protesters. Having the same feelings. The state of this country… I dunno.. was just venting so I could clear out the cobwebbies.
Also I have some fucking freeper Trolls in our hockey chat. So that had my panties in a knot, too. ROFL
That kind of creeps me out, visualizing a freeper knotting a woman’s panties. I didn’t think freepers did things like that without getting approval from some NeoCon Voodoo doctor. Or at the minimum asking Ricky fecalmatter Santorum if it will lead them to the door of hell if they did do it.
Very true Ghostdancer. Instead of knotting our undies, the GOP would be insisting on Chastity Belts and Oaths against Enjoyment. Locksmiths would all be considered the “usual suspects”.
A much prettier image was the Gorilla picking my nose eh?? 🙂
picking freaked me out less than the knotted panties by a freeper, lol
Then you’d love the kiddy book I’m “working” on. ‘Bout a little boy who throughout his day attempts to show various people his “Canka Soah” but his mouth is filled with disgusting matter each time. This results in him not getting the information or attention needed and by the end of the day he’s sure aliens have infested his mouth with alien larvae – why else would everyone he knows recoil in disgust.
It’s really disgusting 🙂
Good morning/afternoon everyone,
Hope you’re enjoying your day.
I had a discouraging start at work this morning. I’m on a mailing-list for UN-headlines in the news, and what I read there compelled me to write a diary entry. Please check it out and sorry for the whoring.
Here’s a link to ask’s Most Excellent Disturbing Diary. LINK
Ask, that made me think of how certain Dems downplayed this appointment by saying, oh well, he’ll only be there a little while. A “little while” in Bush-speak is more than enough time to wreck an economy, ruin a nation’s honor, kill tens of thousands of people, spoil the work of years and months, and now in the “little while” this man has been at the U.N. he is already is inserting chaos.
At the very least, wouldn’t it be nice if they followed some kind of politician’s Hippocratic Oath and did no harm? Just to do no harm in the world. . .what would we give for that?
for missing yesterday. it’s orientation week and I have not seen a computer since Sunday… I think I am haveing email withdrawal. Not to mention not seeing a paper, or a blog has made me feel surreally withdrawn from the world.
anyway – miss chatting with you all but I’ll be back soon enough with tons of stories about all the Type A personalities I’m meeting and tring not to be scared of… =)
Don’t even give it another thought, Abbott. We knew you would, if you could. I’m just glad to know all is well. My son is starting his 4th year (one hestitates to say “senior,” lol) year at KU, so I know how these things go.
Diane posted a diary last night and people took to it like, well, frogs to water.
Don’t let the Type A’s bite!
Kansas I swear you are the ‘hostest with the mostest’!!
Abbott, sorry we missed you yesterday….’Duh’, it took me most of the day to decide you weren’t going to make it and then I finally put a diary up when I just needed some place to gather with my friends here.
I did have some other excuses, I have been wrestling with some computer probs. and they are still going on, so I am on and off.
Just hanging out before working on starting to pack; the main packing will be tomorrow, but today at least I want to start so I can make sure we have everything, especially sundries. Did white load last night; today will be jeans and shirts. It’s getting so much closer, I’m really excited about the trip!
Now I’ve got to get inspired to get some work done on the Web Site From Hades…
If you get a chance, tell us again where you’re going, for those who may have missed it earlier.
Happy packing!
Starting out in LA to see the King Tut exhibit at LACMA, then heading over to Anaheim to check out some Mickey Mouse organization. 😉
We haven’t been down there in 18 years — our first big trip as a dating couple was Disneyland. And we’re taking the train, which is a new experience for me as well; I’ve never been south along the coast, and there’s some beautiful scenery that you can’t catch from a car or bus. Hope I can capture some pictures through the windows for the photo fair!
I’ll have the laptop with me, so I’ll be checking in occasionally, mostly early morning or late night…
Web-design can be so frustrating. I love doing it, but only when the code does exactly what I ask it to do. Don’t you hate when it throws a tantrum?
On a related note, growing up my mom has always referred to our laundry as the Wash from Hell. Your Hades reference gave me a chuckle.
I’m using Dreamweaver for the basic construction, then will go in and tweak code as necessary.
If it was my own site, I wouldn’t be so worried, but my friend thought highly enough of me and my skills to recommend me, so I don’t want to disabuse his trust. It’s a matter of pride…
I’m feeling a lot like georgia10 and catnip these days myself – so I’ve been taking a mental health break. After the whole attack on Cindy Sheehan … man, I just had to back away. But, I’ve been lurking and reading. Clicking away from the more upsetting things. Anyways, good to see the Cafe filled with familiar faces (and great to see zander back).
Anyway, thought I’d post up another of my bees. The other day there were so many bees buzzing around the rose bushes that I could hear them through the kitchen window. They never bother with me, though. Even when I get right in there with them to snap their pics… :^)
(Click here for larger view, where you can see the individual pollen.)
Hope everyone has a good day!
That’s incredible! I have never before seen a bee with pollen on it.
As for burn-out, don’t forget we’ve got Sven’s sauna here. Now if we could only line up a massage therapist, some aromatherapy, a Rolfer for the truly tense, a little acupuncture, and a hot tub.
We would be the Froggy Bottom Cafe & Spa.
That sounds rea-l-l-y good – sauna, massage, aromatherapy… mmm.
Here’s some rosemary – my contribution to aromatx. I’ve got two big pots of it growing on my kitchen windowsill, and besides cooking w/ it, when I do dishes I reach out and brush it every so often to release the scent … mmm. Smells good.
It’s the BEES KNEES!!! 🙂
only because I didn’t say it first!
Good day, all.
My how the kids grow. They’ve already lost their spots. By October they’ll be hearing from the recruiters.
I hate to do this, but I’m pleading for recommendations on my Photo Fair diary. I would like everyone here to have a chance to see it and it’s way down the Recent Diary list.
Here’s a link!. Thank you, thank you!
Will do. Heading right over!
you read scribes latest diary. It kicks ass and takes names. Damn I am proud to be a member here.
Yeah! TGIT! Be sure a check out Katiebird’s Photo Fair Diary comments requested, and support her efforts…nuf said.
Todays sunset photo: Vancouver, BC

Courtesy of KatKam check it out for current image.
Keep pluggin’ tomorrow’s FRIDAY!
…or some back-patting “there-theres” if you got ’em. Had to kick out the alcoholic/mentally ill housemate (nearly literally-changed the locks & put his stuff in the driveway) a week ago and still whacked out from that. And almost simultaneously had to rat out my worker bee for abusing sick time and not doing what he was told to do. He had many bizarre reasons for his behavior as told to our supervisor, none of which he had mentioned to me.
So…a return of poor sleeping habits and emotional eating, both of which I was getting a handle on recently…wah! wah! wah!
Here’s your hug ((((‘Soup)))) and … well damnit, Kitty is laying on the living room blankie that is generally used for nappies.
When she gets off it, it’s all yours 🙂
Leads to African fine ::
Swazi King Mswati III didn’t set much of an example when he impregnated his ninth wife in 2001 when she was 17, two months after announcing the ban. It is said, Mswati III compensated his sin by donating a quality milk cow.
Must read the thread, this can’t be duplicated!
A little intro even though you might already know me. I still frequent dKos, even after dropping the handle the holy handgrenade (which I used here as well), but now that I know that I am a smelly hippy, I need to do a little thinking about hanging out there. But, I’m not here to bash that place, I’m here to introduce the Booman community to my new nickname.
As part of my recovery from alcoholism, I embraced a lady whom I had ditched a long time ago, due to drink, I once again make lovely to lady poetry (if I do it well is for anyone who reads my writing to decide). During the course of a chat with some friends, with a little dabble into where I grew up, one friend dubbed me a white trash poet. I liked it and now use it for pretty much all my on-line writing (although I am quite open about my real name).
I have been writing a number of political poems lately, some of which I have posted on Kos and MLW to little response. Ah well, I will keep on writing regardless.
So, hello again everyone!
To some of us you’ll always be HHG, though WTP has a ring to it too. “WTF? It’s WTP!” Good to see you ’round the pond!
It’s funny, even after weeks of using WTP, many still call me HHG, which is cool, they’re all just nicknames, ya know?
I am finding it difficult to even read the front page over there anymore, so I popped by here today for the first time in a long time and found some really excellent writing. Soo, back to the frog pond for me.
I’ve been meaning to make a general comment, but the commentary here the last couple days has truly been outstanding. Even above the normally high level of discourse I’ve come to expect here. Are you thinking of coming down for the march on Sept 24th? There will be a small BooTrib cadre there; I haven’t heard yet what the DCKossacks will be up to.
Welcome back! How are all your girls doing?
And of course, definitely think about joining the rest of us dirty (or was that smelly?) hippies in DC for the march.
Welcome back 🙂
I will admit, when I stopped by and saw JeffDem’s diary, I had to reregister under WTP, ’cause I knew that I’d be coming back.
We do know you and it’s so nice to have you here, you smelly hippy you! 🙂 Lotsa smelly hippies here, so you’ll feel right at home, I hope. Fortunately, in this world of virtual reality we can’t smell each other. I’m not sure that came out right, but you get the drift. or maybe you don’t want to get the drift. . .ANYway, I’m sure lots of people will be delighted to see you here. I certainly am.
have you seen Kid O’s latest offering on the altar of war pragmatism?
Thanks for the tip. I’ll read it soon.
Good to see you back WTP/HHG.
Wow, well over 2000 users registered by now…
a lilly pad in your hair. There be hippies here. This year my age is my draft number.
Welcome back!
I was thinking about getting back into some poetry during the vacation, but I’ll probably be too busy having fun and working on the Web Site from Hades. If/when that project gets done, and my life returns to normal (or a reasonable facsimile thereof), I might give it a shot.
I used to do, of all things, religious poetry — I did a piece on the first woman that Gabriel appeared to, who came up with all sorts of excuses as to why she couldn’t bear the Chosen One. It actually wasn’t too bad…
Sending blessings, piece, and lots of hugs to you, Mrs. WTP, and the little poets… 🙂
I just got an email from this
site, code pink to send Cindy roses to put with the crosses lined up there.
Three dollars to send one rose…
Thought I’d just blow in and seek some shelter from Hurricane Katrina. Pardon my dripping — am I making puddles on the wooden floor?
A nothing event here in my neck of the woods, really. Just some blustery gusteries tossing the trees around — they all look like self-conscious starlets, flinging their hair.
Neighbor’s cows throw their heads up into the wind (coming out of the west as the storm’s about 35 mi. NE of the house) and sniff strange scents being blown out of the Everglades.
Didn’t start really raining until about 2 hours ago. But it’s nice and warm, and we haven’t lost power. Didn’t even do shutter drill. No time.
Anyway, this kind of weather puts me in the mood for a frozen margarita and some Carr’s water crackers and chevre. Hmmmm…thought I saw some in the back of the Cafe fridge.
I hope this one’s frozen. Can’t quite tell from the photo. Froggy Bottom’s Up!
Hi, Pam, good to see you here. I remember the 60’s. Some of it. I distinctly remember that night in 1963. I wonder if he remembers it, too. 🙂
Sure do remember the 60’s, I gradutated in 61, had first child in 62, and it feels an awful lot like it did back then..more so everyday..with the exception of the draft, which is looming over to the side there.
You know all those old songs are very appropriate now it seems, they fit right in..
margarita. It’s a wild night out there what with Hurricane Katrina now showing her personality and the Kid Oakland Insurgency going on at dKos.
Sober me up with a double shot of tequilla. Two dead so far ( just reported one young man crushed by a tree when it fell on his car) here in Dade Cty. in this category 1 storm.
Please excuse if this gets posted twice, am constantly being blown off line by the winds. Yep, out here in the country no fast DSL.
Stay safe and dry!