This uncensored anger is laser-directed at any and ALL men who continue to choose to use women’s lives as bargaining chips in their pursuit of “political victories.” If the shoe fits, wear it.  (and I hope it gives you freakin’ blisters.)  

I’ve just about had it self righteous, arrogant men (of BOTH parties) strutting around the blogosphere making proclamations about what is and is not “moral” behavior for women, or who otherwise gamble away  women’s freedoms and womens lives for the sake of  “political strategy.”
I’m sick to the teeth of smug, superior-sounding  males telling me over and over again, to take my concerns about preserving womens rights to the back of the freakin’ bus, where it won’t sully up their grand plans for the party. (Oh hell yes, they have the right to do this if they wish, they own the busses, don’t they?)

I know many of you put much sincere effort into writing long explanations and arguments about how right you are about everything, to help educate us down here in the “underclass,” but did you also know how many of us see it for what it is? Intellectual masturbation, based on nothing else but your worship of your own intellect and your limited perspective as a male.

What it’s NOT based on, and can never be based on, is the life experience of being born into a female body in this white male run culture. If you are not a minority male, you have never experienced being seen as a second class citizen from the day you were born. Your biological gender and your color has insulated you from that very educational experience.  

You have never had to wake up in the morning hoping against hope to see blood on your sheets, knowing that if none comes, your whole life will be altered, one way or another, from that time on. Your life, but not necessarily the fathers, who may or may not stick around to help. (“Papa,” you see, has, and has always had the choice, to stay or take a walk away from the consequences of HIS behaviors).  Women do not, and never will, have that choice. WE must deal with this consequence, which is the formation of a baby made by TWO adults, not just one.    

So, your “learned opinions” and “proclamations” about matters like abortion and pregnancy and sex, and womens rights, and what is, or is not “moral” behavior for women, come across to me like so much fucking hot air, being expelled by arrogant, ignorant, immature windbags.

But even worse than that, is the fact many you don’t even WANT to know, from women, how it really is. Oh no.  That might interfere with the pending orgasms in your heads, as you dream of succeeding in trying to “fix” the world, as only you, of course, in your infinitely superior male wisdom, know how to.

So what do you do?  You ignore our voices. If you can’t ignore them, you demean them, dismiss them, or otherwise try to piss us all so badly we leave just to get away from the arrogant likes of YOU, because beating ones head against the same damned brick walls for whole lifetimes gets old after a while.

In any case, you accomplish your goal of not being interfered with by messy women’s realities you’d rather ignore, in your continued pursuit of political power.

Well, who can stop you? Go right ahead and screw it all up for women, generations of which have left their blood, sweat and tears, and LIVES, on the front lines of the battle for equality and reproductive freedom.  (The battle, by the way, that you have never had to fight, not for one damned day in your whole male privileged drenched lives.)

But I can and will promise you this: you will never have one tiny shred of my respect, and you sure as HELL will never have my vote for any of your chosen anti-woman candidates, even if it means I stop voting all together. Better that, than to vote against the very issues I’ve fought all my life for.

(PS: I also wonder, with all that supposed “brain power,” you revere so much, why can’t you SEE you’ve been very skillfully co-opted by the very right wing power structure you say you’re fighting against? You’re being played like a friggin harp, my bright young
buddies, into doing their work FOR them.)

As for us? As for women? Hell, we’ll survive. Survival is our specialty. Creating things, like homes and families and foundations, with whatever we have to work with is our specialty.  We’re wonderful weavers of the intangibles than make life really worth living, that give you have a warm place to come home to after a day of competition and fighting each other for your beloved “King of the Hill” status.  

Like I said: if the shoe fits, wear it.