When Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, I was hoping that the Press would take the trouble to describe Chavez’s accomplishments since his last referendum and educate Americans on the nature of the man and his reform movement in Venezuela’s society that favors aristocracy over the poor.As usual, I was mistaken.Our Press does not deem such educational material relevant because it deals with people who do not matter to most Americans. They only matter now because Venezuela holds  large reserves of oil.

For the record, Chavez is the legitimately elected President of Venezuela.He believes in empowering the poor who have been sent to the back of the bus literally by the aristocracy in Venezuela .That aristocracy tried to stop Chavez from implementing his land reform program and his program to bring education and health care to the poor using oil revenues that have been used as piggy banks by the rich in Venezuela.He has put the oil companies on notice that they have to pay increased royalties for the oil, pay their taxes fully and if they have been evading taxes in the past they will have to make restitution.These are not designed to endear him to the Robertsons, Bushes and the Exxon/Mobils of the world.

Because venezuela also own the Citgo corporation in the U.S. it has announced a program to subsidize gasoline costs for the poor in the US and provide medical care to them.That is going to rile up our medical and drug establishmentarians, who believe in ever more costly drugs and procedures beyond the reach of most ordinary Americans.The model Venezuela has adopted is based on the Cuban system which believes in preventive medicine that also includes providing clean water and public hygiene as part of a public health program.

It is clear that Chavez poses a danger to the Robertson/Bush version of Democracy.If his vision spreads,Latin America will no longer be the playground of the US.And that could well spread to Asia and Europe.

This is why Chavez must be stopped. Watch the right wing shills launch their demonization program this week.