There are 490 female students at Timken High School, and 65 are pregnant
The newspaper also reported that students will face mounting tensions created by unplanned child-rearing responsibilities, causing students to quit school and plan for a GED. This will make it difficult for the Canton City School District to shake its academic watch designation by the state.
According to the Canton Health Department, statistics through July show that 104 of the 586 babies born to Canton residents in Aultman Hospital and Mercy Medical Center had mothers between 11 and 19.
This is interesting because officials like Democrats for Life Tim Ryan who have made a career out of politicize abortion have not taken responsiblity for the havoc they have created in the state of Ohio.
Some of the key factors contributing to this failing grade are:
- 91% of Ohio counties have no abortion providers
- Between 1992 and 1996, the number of abortion providers fell from 45 to only 37–an 18% decline
Women in Ohio face numerous barriers when exercising their right to an abortion, including:
- A counseling ban
- An “Informed Consent” 24 hour waiting period
- Health insurance for state employees do not cover abortion except in medical emergencies or in the cases of rape and/or incest
- Minors must receive parental consent before obtaining an abortion
- Only physicians are permitted to perform abortions
- Women eligible for medical assistance may not obtain public funds except in medical emergency or in the cases of rape and/or incest
“Who Decides? A State-by-State Report on the Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights” shows that we are facing the most hostile political environment to women’s reproductive liberty since Roe v. Wade. As a result of increased state restrictions and the first-ever federal ban on abortion procedures which was signed by President Bush, the nation’s grade on reproductive freedom was reduced to its lowest ever, a “D.”
Anti-choice lawmakers and judges are attacking the fundamental right to choose from every angle. State governments are intruding further than they have in years into women’s private lives and decisions. We now have a patchwork of restrictions reminiscent of pre-Roe days. The surge of anti-choice activity at the state level highlights very real concerns about what could happen if the Supreme Court further guts the protections of Roe v. Wade thanks to new justices nominated by President Bush.
This report clearly documents the importance of NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio’s mobilization to protect the right to choose, and reinforces the fact that Ohio’s pro-choice majority must act immediately and powerfully to safeguard our liberty or lose it.
Tim Ryan is the man that the netroots want woment to “TRUST” to protect their reproductive rights…. I don’t think so
Ohio is a harbinger of what’s to come if people like Tim Ryan is elected to the Senate. There is no compassion here… ALMOST ONE FIFTH OF THE BIRTH IN CANTON OHIO ARE FROM 11 TO 19 YEAR OLD GIRLS
Not only do these girls face the onslaught of fundalmentalist wingnuts but now Democrats are aiding and abetting these fraudsters. Kerry and Hilliary joind forces with the number one wingnut Senator Sanatorum to “protect” phramacist from being booted out of a job for not wanting to prescribe birth control to jerks who use their political seats like pulpits to moralize on girls lives who they will never meet or care to…
School officials are not sure what has contributed to so many pregnancies
Perhaps it was this one woman wingnut who declared a “Morality War” on sex eduaction in Ohio.
Too outrageous to believe, I said.
I was wrong. It’s in the pipeline for Ohio public schools. I believed it only after reading copies of grant documents and hand-outs from training sessions, and talking with a Hamilton County teacher who attended and described the Woodies and other things we can’t print in a newspaper.
The Ohio Legislature squelched a radical sex education agenda for schools in the 1970s. But the sex educators are back with a vengance, underground this time, using behind-the-scenes regulatory power of the Ohio Department of Education and Department of Health, with public money from the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC). For several years, they’ve been training selective teachers and others to implement a model that has not yet been approved or seen public light until this fall.
Last week, Gov. George Voinovich asked Ohio School Board President Jennifer Sheets for a “thorough review into the Department of Education’s activity on the proposed model,” and halt action until the review is done. He also asked the board to “justify constructing a model (sex ed) program when no such program is required (although permitted) by Ohio law.”
Powerful polemic, Parker.
I am so sick of these guys making these laws and just walking away from the mess that they cause.
It is even worse than I first realised:
This is what is on the table for Ohio
Bill Number: OH H 228
Summary: Prohibits abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy without exception. Prohibits state funds from being used to pay for insurance coverage of abortions.
Sponsor: Brinkman (R)
Introduced: 04/28/2005
Last Action: Introduced
Bill Number: OH S 66
Summary: Prohibits organizations receiving state funds from counseling or referring women for abortion services except in cases of medical emergency. Appropriates funds for abstinence-only education.
Sponsor: Schuring (R)
Introduced: 04/02/2003
Last Action: To Governor
Last Action Date: 02/01/2005
Bill Number: OH S 66
Summary: Prohibits organizations receiving state funds from counseling or referring women for abortion services except in cases of medical emergency. Appropriates funds for abstinence-only education.
Sponsor: Schuring (R)
Introduced: 04/02/2003
Last Action: To Governor
Last Action Date: 02/01/2005
Bill Number: OH H 228
Summary: Prohibits abortion throughout all stages of pregnancy without exception. Prohibits state funds from being used to pay for insurance coverage of abortions.
Sponsor: Brinkman (R)
Introduced: 04/28/2005
Last Action: Introduced
Bill Number: OH H 239
Summary: Prohibits insurance coverage of abortion for government employees Requires separate policies be purchased for insurance coverage of abortion Restricts low-income women’s access to abortion except in cases of life endangerment and in limited cases of rape, or incest. Prohibits use of public employees and public facilities for abortion services.
Sponsor: Schneider (R)
Introduced: 05/04/2005
Last Action: Introduced
Bill Number: OH H 239
Summary: Prohibits insurance coverage of abortion for government employees Requires separate policies be purchased for insurance coverage of abortion Restricts low-income women’s access to abortion except in cases of life endangerment and in limited cases of rape, or incest. Prohibits use of public employees and public facilities for abortion services.
Sponsor: Schneider (R)
Introduced: 05/04/2005
Last Action: Introduced
Bill Number: OH H 239
Summary: Prohibits insurance coverage of abortion for government employees Requires separate policies be purchased for insurance coverage of abortion Restricts low-income women’s access to abortion except in cases of life endangerment and in limited cases of rape, or incest. Prohibits use of public employees and public facilities for abortion services.
Sponsor: Schneider (R)
Introduced: 05/04/2005
Last Action: Introduced
Ryan needs to clean up his back yard—
These little girls don’t stand a chance…
That’s disgusting. Forcing children to to complete a pregnancy, and what happens then? Is there funding for them to go to college and help pay for daycare so they can support these children? I bet not. And does Ohio have those lovely welfare laws saying they won’t increase the welfare payments if you have additional children while on welfare? I’m going to go try and research it.
This DFL bullshit has got to go, along with all of it’s proponents.
Parker, I beg you to come post this on Ohio Watch; I would like for more Ohioans to read this and be accurately informed on what exactly Tim Ryan represents.
while your at it Parker, would love for you to cross post it at Our Word.
i second that too, everyone in these threads at booman is welcome at our word.
wow! you’ve done some great research here Parker!
What’s the AOC in that state?
And how many adult males go to jail for having sex with little girls? And for how long?
I like the way CHILD CARE for the students who are having the babies is NOT a response. Gosh, I guess they will drop out of school. The officials are “concerned”. Well, take a classroom and make a F*UCKING CHILD CARE CENTER.
These people are just so mean.
who had been in a really good mood
Ohio. Indiana. Missouri. South Dakota. Mississippi. Georgia. Louisiana. Alabama. And Texas, my Texas.
In all of them and more, this “pro-life” gospel and its attendant statutes and regulations are spreading like the tendrils of some pernicious woman-crippling plague. And I couldn’t have been able to go on for even this long if I didn’t believe that sane and reasonable people would act to stop it if they only knew about it and understood, and that some day, inevitably, they would wake up and react.
For years now, people like me — we who see every day the dreadful damage wreaked upon women’s lives by the righteous and heartless burghers of New Gilead — have lived in a lonely place. I don’t have to feel that way anymore. Thank you, each and every one of you whose fire and caring are filling my heart with hope again. OK, I’m going to dab my eyes and go back to work now. See y’all later.
There was a good thread going at MyDD
Moiv, I can’t tell you how glad I’ve been to see you and Parker posting here. You both have such a great way of explaining how these insidious laws and regulations play out in the real world, so that people can understand why they should care wabout what’s happening
This is what happens when there is no sex education in our schools and GIRLS have no rights of choice.
I was raised in a small Northern California town. The population was just under 11,000. I lived in a Norman Rockwell neighborhood, my sister and I lived next door to Marcie and Beverly, Marcie is still my best friend some 50+ years later. Sister’s best friend her entire life, Julie, lived half a block down the street.
We were between 15 and 18 years of age when we all got pregnant within 5 months of each other. 5 GIRLS on one small town block got pregnant and were forced into motherhood because we had no other choice.
Sister, Marcie and I all got married. Sister divorced 8 months later when her husband threw her through a glass sliding door. Marcie married at 15, it lasted for 3 weeks when her husband threw her down a flight of stairs. I was married at 17 and divorced one year later when my husband backhanded our son for touching his penis in the bathtub. My son hit his head against the back of the tub and went underwater. My mother saw what happened and scooped him up probably saving his life. That night the scum who nearly drowned our baby son slammed my face into the medicine cabinet mirror for screaming at him that all little boy babies explore and touch their little penises.
Julie went to an unwed mothes’ home. She was shamed every single day she was there. Beverly went to Reno and had an illegal abortion. She nearly died in a seedy motel room because she started hemorrhaging.
Five GIRLS, four of us teenaged mothers, all of us with a horror story to tell, all of us abused one way or another, four of us forced into motherhood before we knew anything about life or to go after our dreams, one of us never able to have children after a botched abortion.
I defy anyone to tell me the difference between what is happened to young GIRLS in 1996 that isn’t happening to young GIRLS in 2005.
The same veil of ignorance and not caring enough to know what the fuck is really going on persists. The same stealth abhorrent agenda is being perpetrated against our young GIRLS now as was happening then.
What in the fuck is wrong with this country that we allow women and girls to have their rights stripped from them, that we go back to a time in the Victorian age where women were corsetted and told to shut up, told that religion is good for us, that legislators know what is right, that we allow our bodies to be used as someone else pleases instead of ourselves?
It isn’t just the men in this country, it is all of the women who sit idly by, don’t want to know, refuse to scream their bloody fucking heads off and demand that this stop NOW.
All of our children were born just 5 months apart. They are all close and loving friends. They are like brothers and sisters but then why not? They were born to children so we all raised each other together. Our children should not have to raise their mothers, it’s criminal to place that on any of us, young GIRLS or the babies they have. It’s fucking criminal.
my god, what a story.
and i ask myself the same thing too. what is wrong with this country.
and it isnt the world. its this country. something about america isnt it. they dont have this problem in the netherlands, or france or germany or europe in general.
how did we get so lucky?
who pander to religious fundies to get money and votes. And I do think we (progressives) are somewhat to blame because we have gotten so wrapped up in national politics that we’ve ceded state and local offices to right wingers. Once upon a time, my very, very red state (Indiana) passed the ERA because the supporters of ERA worked to get people elected who would vote for it. That’s the thing about state and local elections — a small number of motivated people can make a big difference in who gets elected to school boards, city and county councils, state legislatures. Unfortunately, those motivated people are the fundies and the far right, not the progressives.
And let’s remember that the problem in Ohio isn’t going to be cured by changing who goes to U.S. congress; it can only be fixed by changing who is elected to the state legislature.
Bravo and absofrigginlutely. I’ve been in this battle a very long time. We had a head’s up in California because Reagan was governor and it was crystal clear what direction he was taking us.
People for the American Way became a powerhouse. We also had Bill Lockyer who made the ‘religious right’ his mission. Lockyer went from county to county railing against the extremists. He held ‘townhall’ like meetings for local constituents. He didn’t leave many stones unturned. His message was that the ‘religious right’ got it, that it starts with the school boards and then works itself up. Hemet, California became the first school district that got statewide media coverage. They were the first district that waged a recall election to remove the religious rights members of the school board and they won.
Ralph Reed was still the poster ‘religious right’ boy for Pat Robertson. Reed and Robertson had others who marched in lockstep with them. Lou Sheldon was very vocal on where women belonged and didn’t belong. It was the same shit we hear today, at home, silent, the submissive little wife that obeys her husband. They espoused ad nauseam what their goal was. In the early eighties they claimed they were going to start with school boards and work their way up, supervisors, assembly, state senators, representatives in Congress, US Senators and they said they would own the White House by the year, you guessed it, 2000.
It’s been both shocking and disgusting watching them take over this country. I blame them and I also blame all of the voters for not being involved, not getting what has been happening for over 25+ years. It could not be truer what you said, all politics starts at the local level. The ‘religious right’ knew it, they had a plan that reached over decades. They were patient, they never deviated from that plan. The systematically moved up until they had, not only the White House, but every single branch of government.
For me personally, I’m through throwing all of my energy and rage towards the White House and the Congress. I’m sick and tired of fighting the Democrats on Kos. I’m really fed up with having to defend women, not just our rights but who we are in this party. I’m also done just railing against the men, it’s the friggin’ women too. We are a minority, those of us who refuse to shut up. There are generations of women out there that have everything to lose. The rights lost now will be gone for friggin’ decades. It’s time to wake the fuck up.
My inspiration comes from watching the suffragists in action. When I need to remember how hard women are willing to fight, how loud women are willing to yell, how a few can fight for the many I watch things like PBS’ “Not for Ourselves Alone.’ I do get reenergized but I shouldn’t have to look back to the 19th century to get that inspiration. I should be able to click on the here and now to see women marching in the streets, reading articles about our struggles, watching friggin’ Oprah who should be doing shows everyday on women’s rights. How about a Woman’s Angel Network, you’re one of us Oprah, start doing your part, show the women of this country who we are up against and what they stand to lose.
So it’s not just men be damned any longer, it is if you’re not willing to stand up and fight, then you women be damned also. It won’t make me give up the fight but it sure as Hell will made me mad as Hell and will in turn make me turn up the volume.
I defy anyone to tell me the difference between what is happened to young GIRLS in 1996 that isn’t happening to young GIRLS in 2005.
That should be 1966.
I read this last night was too damn angry to comment, I’m still angry but I can at least manage to thank you for posting. It’s good work, it just infuriates me that this is what the religious right feels is acceptable. And it’s so damn hard to see us lose everything we worked for-it’s as though we built a dam and they’ve been removing it one stone at time and now, the flood.
Parker needs to apologize, blame Ralph Regula
by Jeff Seemann For Congress
“My shit don’t stink (if it’s in someone else’s district)” school of thought.
Holy mother fried chicken wingnuts.
Those poor kids. Mother and daughter. Wow.
Just wow.