I cannot describe how I felt, just now, as I stood transfixed in front of my television set — wondering what channel I’d turned on? could it be CNN? — and seeing Cindy’s ad. Oh, I’ve seen her ad aired on talk shows. But it’s nothing like seeing that ad — speaking directly to me, on my livingroom television set — outside a political talking head context.

It is utterly simple and overwhelmingly powerful. I’m thrilled this ad is being aired nationally. Would that this ad could be aired on every TV station. There’s not a person alive who would not be touched by Cindy’s sincere message and honest, pure face.

She is Casey’s mother. And she mourns him. She only wants to know why he died. It is the ceaseless, gnawing question of every mother who’s ever lost a child, particularly in a dangerous environment in which a powerful leader has placed her child.

We can donate to the group listed at the ad’s conclusion, FamiliesForPeace.com where you can view Cindy’s ad.