The FCC acknowledges that all the science points to safety, but wants to keep abortion happening by requiring the age group most in need to have surgical abortions instead of using emergency contraceptives.

FDA Delays ‘Morning-After Pill’ Decision

The Associated Press
Friday, August 26, 2005; 4:38 PM

The government today put off its long-awaited final decision on whether to sell emergency contraception without a prescription, saying the pill was safe to sell over-the-counter to adults but grappling with how to keep it out of the hands of young teenagers.

The goal here, to state the obvious, is to keep clinics open and operating for young vulernable women. The clinics provide an effective target for operations.  Obviously alot of 30 year old women won’t be signing up because we are, frankly, more organized and better at planning than we were twenty years ago. This is for the condom break, or the antibiotics on vacation moments for most people. But for very young women, it is critical. Esp, apparently, for one high school in Ohio.

The people who support criminalization want to hurt women.