Enough with the banning, on with the frivolity. What do you get when you combine the President of the United States with a chimpanzee? Answer below the fold:
Discovered in the Sima de los Huesos (“Pit of Bones”) at the Atapuerca cave site in northern Spain in 1992 and 1993 by Juan-Luis Arsuaga. It is about 300,000 years old, with a brain size of 1125 cc. The face is broad with a huge nasal opening, and resembles Neandertals in some traits but not in others. This is the most complete pre-modern skull in the entire hominid fossil record. (Arsuaga et al. 1993; Johanson and Edgar 1996)
I think everyone should be banned whose user number ends in an odd number. Unless that’s me, and then it should be everyone with an even number.
Ban ’em all! Ban ban ban! 🙂
Hey did you know the root for the word “ban” means to “curse” someone?
I’m tired of people “talking” all the time on this blog. We need more quiet worship of our Dear Leader Boo, that’s what I say 😉
uh oh, soj, should have gone with evens.
Oh well that’s what I meant to say 😉
Hey Boo I wrote a whole diary just for you. Just cuz you’re an all around decent guy who made this blog a nice soothing green color…
commences Boo-worship
Aha! the Pater Familias?
Come on, wise up…God created that skull 5,000 years ago and made the carbon seem as though it’s 300,000 years old. That’s the only logical explanation…
So the creation is deliberately deceptive?
It seems to me that we have the number of a deliberately deceptive supernatural being, and as I recall it’s about 663 greater than “trinity.”
This theory has the added strength of explaining without countless messy caveats how humans could have been made in the image of the Creator.
Is God deliberately deceptive? I take it you’re never given birth! Try selling THAT upfront.
God got a skull (they’re piled neatly a few miles from the pearly gates, reached back in time (which looks remarkably like a top hat, btw), tapped the skull three times with His great big staff, and presto! He gently placed that skull just in the right place at the right time to test his Intelligent Design flock (and to mess with Pat Robertson’s head).
errrr, ‘designed’ ?
On the day of man created in His likeness, or the day the other critters were created?
If God created the entire universe in 6 days, how come it took him 40 days and 40 nights to flood a tiny speck of it?
I saw an interesting show on Discovery, History Channel, TLC — one of those, checking into that 40 day thang.
From memory, I think first they pointed out that it not possible to have had the world covered in water (something along the lines of “where would the water be now?”) Then, they illustrated how there could never be an ark, no matter how many cubits, that could have held 2 of every species. So, then if we move into what the author’s perspective was, rather than a literal interpretation, we can allow that everything visible to “Noah” may have flooded — in fact, seasonal flooding along the Euphrates fit with other geographical clues. And, the species along the Euphrates at the time could have been brought along, but most likely that would have “Noah” being Assyrian and running a thriving trade business.
But, why let science get in the way of a Pat Robertson-type’s literal translations? After all, we can’t have our Biblical heroes such as Noah wearing <gasp> a dress and eye makeup, as the Assyrians of the time would have, now could we?
How do fundamentalists reconcile this? If they believe the Bible literally, do they just use Intelligent Math, or…
NOAH: How you gonna do it?
GOD: I’m going to make it rain 4,000 days and drown them right out.
NOAH: Right! Listen to this, you’ll save water — make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights, and wait for the sewers to back up.
GOD: (pauses) Right!
Got the dang thing practically memorized…
This seems accurate, the skull fractures appear to be as a result of several bicycle accidents. Damn those stone wheels!
A Bushicle
Actually… I heard they found a petrified pretzel nearbye the skull.
“resembles Neandertals in some traits but not in others.”
It must be intelligent design – it’s a forshadowing of dear leader: neandertal in the grunting speech, prehensile lips and knuckle-forward gait; but not resembling neandertals because they had the ability to learn from mistakes, and so develop.
“What do you get when you combine the President of the United States with a chimpanzee?”
A Wimpanzee
Who would be so cruel as to do that to a chimpanzee?
Recent find fragments of a skull in Bulgaria in search for Neanderthal man – so I figure easy google to find story ::
Result here
Now I know how all those cracks got into skull – man’s ancestor were supporters at 1st sport event. Geez. Hooligan does have a cave sound.
Speaks for itself:
for tagger and I guess I’d have to say ALL of Faux News, Murdoch on down:
Supernatural Intelligent Design…Hmmmm!
There were many “missing links” between the earliest ancestral apes and modern Homo Sapiens. Scientists learn about these extinct species from fossil remains.
Here is an example (at left) of a fossil found near the famous “Lucy” fossil discovery. It is the skull of an australopithecine male, named “Desi” by its discoverers. Another couple, named Fred and Ethel, were found in a nearby cave, but Desi is the best preserved specimen.
Scientists can learn much from a relatively small fragment of skeleton. From this fossil, it was deduced that Desi stood about four-foot seven inches tall, walked with a slight limp, disliked zucchini and was a registered Democrat.

Text and image by Tom Weller in Science Made Stupid.
The non-pictorial answer to the riddle “What do you get when you cross our president with a chimp?” is
A chimp with a learning disability.
New Bush slogan: LET THEM RIDE BIKES.
A satisfied first lady?
a pig with long arms.
So this is the Bush connection with Yale?

Bush comics
Bush supports Lance a lot,
threatens France to use Bolt on Power,
to change menu in ALL floors of UN building in New York ::
reverse to Freedom Fries!
Those Were The Days In Crawford …
Now why would anyone want to go and mess up a perfectly good bunch of chimpanzees like that? I think they’d call it “Unintelligible Design”, especially after they heard the creature (mis)speak.