Right when I thought that I would not have to bring up the evils of Pat Robertson and the Christian Right any time soon, the sequel has arrived. This time it is Fred Phelps, the wacko from Kansas that is notorious for his anti-gay protests. This including a recent protest of a military funeral, even though the former soldier was not gay.

Well, now Mr. Phelps is on his way to Sweden to pull a Pat Robertson.  He is personally going to hunt down the Swedish King.

“We’ll hunt down your king,” he said ominously to Expressen. “It doesn’t make any difference where he tries to hide.”

Now that sounds more than the veiled threat that Robertson gave to Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez earlier in the week. But, Phelps is a tad more crazy than Pat was – he is actually going to go to Sweden for his “King Hunt”.
The issue that got Phelps all hot and bothered was the conviction of Pastor Ake Green in Sweden from a speech he gave in 2003. Green stated that homosexuality was “a deep cancerous tumor on all of society.” Green was convicted for hate speech, but the decision was throughout on appeal. It is going before the Swedish Supreme Court on an appeal from the State.

Phelps, of course, is the king of homophobia. Maybe it is because he wants to show Green, who is the biggest homophobe (or bigger asshole). You see, Phelps has a stated how he will convince Swedes that they are doomed.

Phelps claims that Sweden deserved to suffer in the Boxing Day tsunami catastrophe in southern Asia and has designed a monument to ‘celebrate’ the deaths of over 500 Swedes in Thailand.

That’s a good way to convince people over to your side!! Why not after you return, Mr. Phelps, to the US, you go to Greenwich Village in New York City and scream that all those killed in the WTC attacks of 9/11 “deserved” it. I think some guys with no necks named Greedo, will may change your mind, or your face.

Well, let’s see how this one plays out. I think Phelps is going to see the other side of Swedes, when he shows up.

Cross Posted at Six Degrees of Aaron