Gallup Polling has been the most favorable to Bush of all the polling outfits. They now show Bush at 40%, but I think they are still a little optimistic.

CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll

“Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?”

Approve 40%
Disapprove 56%
Unsure 4%

ARG has Bush at 36%, and falling. We might not feel it here, but for the first time the Democrats are more united in opposition than the GOoPers are in support. Bush’s support among independents has fallen to about one in five.

Maybe it is Social Security. Maybe it is Terry Schaivo. Maybe it is gas prices. Maybe it is the Downing Street minutes and the war in Iraq. Maybe it is Valerie Plame and Karl Rove. Maybe we didn’t vote for him in the first place.

Whatever it is, Bush is in Nixon/Watergate territory. And I think the blogosphere has helped nudge the bad stories about Bush into the public consciousness. We need to keep on pushing. We are starting see dividends.

Santorum looks like the most vulnerable Senator up for reelection. Sen. DeWine in Ohio looks like he is in trouble. Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana is looking shaky. And our prospects of taking back the house are looking less and less hopeless every day. Do you want to see John Conyers chairing an impeachment hearing? I do.