This is too funny. The right-wing has no idea what to do with the Able Danger story. They want it to somehow discredit Clinton. They want it to be true. But if it’s true then why the coverup? Why wasn’t Congress told? And now, they have a whole new angle which either shows data mining sucks as an intelligence tool, or that is works great and Condi Rice is a traitor. LOL.
“The Pentagon canceled its contract with the private firm shortly after the analysts — who were working on identifying al Qaeda operatives — produced a particularly controversial chart on proliferation of sensitive technology to China, the sources said.
“Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, the veteran Army officer who was the Defense Intelligence Agency liaison to Able Danger, told The Post China ‘had something to do’ with the decision to restructure Able Danger.
“Sources said the private contractors, using sophisticated computer software that sifts through massive amounts of raw data to establish patterns, came up with a chart of Chinese strategic and business connections in the U.S.
“The program wrongly tagged Rice, who at the time was an adviser to then-candidate George W. Bush, and former Defense Secretary William Perry by linking their associations at Stanford, along with their contacts with Chinese leaders, sources said.”
New York Post
The New York Post is a totally uncredible rag. You can’t even believe their sports pages. So, take this all with a pillar of salt. It’s still funny.
Whaddya mean ‘wrongly tagged Rice’?? six degrees to China, those stiletto boots the Premier gave her (ok, i made that up..or did I? Boy, I’d like to tap Halliburton into that database asn see what it says
What’s scary is: what if the program IDed her correctly? I happen to consider her a threat along with the rest of the Bushistas.
I agree..ha and the way the article puts it it sounds more like that Kevin Bacon game-6 degree’s of separation than intelligence type work.