Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’d love to see some more labor-related diaries (unions not birthing, not that there’s anything wrong with those). Also, I like that you posted the Gallup numbers earlier today. Perhaps if you come across other polls for Senate or House races that seem appropriate to share, you can put those up in the Regional Threads.
Just some thoughts on a Saturday morning when it hurts to exist. (self-inflicted headache, if you get my drift)
I’d also like to see more about labor issues and especially how they relate to other matters, such as the environment, or gender and so on (from what I understand, women are becoming the major part of the unions/labor force, at least in membership).
I have a feeling that there are more like me, though, who support unions and so on in a general way, but don’t know a lot about the issues, or realize not only the historical but present importance of them.
(BTW, Man Eegee… I’ve not forgotten about the immigration thing! I’ve had to shove a bunch of plans back a little, but will catch up soon.) This is John and Elizabeth Edwards blog and how they are trying to get minimum wage raised and working with unions. Link also has a cool map where when clicking on each state shows witch states have passed laws in their state raising minimum wage, which haven’t.
Good place to get info on this and also any politician who has a book blog/discussion is just too cool I think.
Pre-season field hockey festival in Oirschot near Eindhoven.
To get back in shape as hockey referee for competition games within two weeks time and have some fun, this day was rewarding.
As referee guided teams in 8 short matches of 25 min. each – a bit over three hours total – with men’s and women’s teams.
Just saw a headline about Crawford and the voice over was jabbering on and on about the THOUSANDS of counter-protesters while showing groups of perhaps 10 (at most people) standing around here and there — the thing that really pissed me off was that they were trying to make it seem that all of the footage of Cindy supporters and their efforts while yabbering (the crosses, the flags, the big Jesus wept sign, etc. etc.) could be attributed to the c-ps!! Omifingoddes!!
This kind of crap just makes me scream!! (This is why I do not normally watch TV news)
Dualing protests my ass. There is NO comparing people who have been there for 3 weeks with people bussed in for the weekend.
Wouldn’t sound too good. Furthermore, CNN thinks that Democrats are only one tenth as important as Repbulicans. Something like the way women under Sharia law are worth only 1/2 as much as a man.
Jon Stewart recently made fun of CNN and their focus on trivia, even Paula Zahn looked ridiculous.
is encouraging, maybe even energizing. How can 4 out of every 10 Americans though be completely out of their fucking minds? We must have an epidemic of personality disorders or something occurring right now culturally.
Hurricane Katrina has entered the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to strengthen and eventually hit the U.S Gulf Coast. I am not going to try to predict where or when it will hit (or even if!) or how hard, but I am absolutely certain that some end-time cultist will blame Cindy Sheenan’s vigil for it. Or a gay-pride parade, pro-choice demonstration or “activist” court decision.
So I’m (presumptuously) issuing a wing-nut alert. The person casting blame this time may not be Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson but he or she will quite likely be a fellow member of the Council for National Policy, possibly Harry Valentine of the Capitol Hill Prayer Alert.
The blame casting may be intended for a small group of true believers. It would be fun to blogify it; to call the attention of a wider audience to it, to watch the sparks fly.
I was asking that Dean just speak up, not run, just speak out. The air in the ethernet is already so thick with the 08 stuff that the tension began right away. In the name of peace I deleted it. But it is ok to for me to post that he needs to speak out. It is not ok for everything one says to taken in context of 08. It turns people off.
It is a shame it is that way now. I deleted it to keep peace.
I have no clue who I want in 08, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care. I just want to be able to calmly and peacefully post a wonderful op ed by Dean without having it turned into something else. Doggone it.
Pretty soon, I will know who I don’t want, if it gets to where I have to tiptoe around.
I read your diary, and saw it for what you intended.
I linked to your diary in a comment here, but I was just saying that Feingold could be a hero for the party, not necessarily in ’08 (though I hope we do have a hero in 08). Heaven (or whatever) knows we need more than one.
I did a bad job of trying to link one person’s idea with another’s powerful rhetoric. It wasn’t my intention to confound the two ideas with each other. I hope you’ll accept my apologies; we definitely need someone to speak up for us before the races begin as well as after.
I will probably go for Feingold as far as I know now. However there is just no reason for anyone to even act like Howard Dean is not a powerful voice for the party.
He can get the media coverage, he can get the word out.
It is getting too much to have someone jump in to let me know that he is not running, vote Clark or Feingold. That was not what it was about, and I appreciate your mentioning it.
There are old rivalries that die hard, and are kept too much alive by the internet bunch. It has to stop, it is hurting our party.
I will repost my diary tomorrow, with the disclaimer. I think Dean can be a voice right now that Feingold and Clark can not. He has already suffered the arrows from his own party, the GOP and the media. He is in the peculiar position of having nothing to lose.
That is what we need right now. The other person should not have jumped in. My diary was clear. It has to stop at all the forums. Dean is not competing. He is building the party.
I think Dean can be a voice right now that Feingold and Clark can not. He has already suffered the arrows from his own party, the GOP and the media.
I think you’re absolutely right, and opinion of him has not noticeably sufferred because of it. It’s my dearest hope that he’ll continue to speak his mind.
To go slightly O/T, it’s my opinion (perhaps arrogantly) that the majority of the U.S. agrees with Democratic principles.
The problem is that the right has done a much, much better job at getting their troops mobilized. It’s in part because they speak in absolutes, and in part because we haven’t taken a solid stand.
So it’s our job to get OUR people mobilized. And it becomes way easier when our party leaders take a stand that people can believe in, and relate to. So I hope as many Dems as possible can step up and speak their minds, because despite conventional DLC wisdom, I think we’ll gain momentum from that.
I saw a lot of cute kitty pics in the other thread. She is the reason I found Booman. I wish her to be ok very soon.
You know, not every one of God’s creatures has to be pretty. Even a Wood Stork has his redeeming qualities. This one was just feet away from us at a lake near our home. It’s a keeper.
I’d love to see some more labor-related diaries (unions not birthing, not that there’s anything wrong with those). Also, I like that you posted the Gallup numbers earlier today. Perhaps if you come across other polls for Senate or House races that seem appropriate to share, you can put those up in the Regional Threads.
Just some thoughts on a Saturday morning when it hurts to exist. (self-inflicted headache, if you get my drift)
I’d also like to see more about labor issues and especially how they relate to other matters, such as the environment, or gender and so on (from what I understand, women are becoming the major part of the unions/labor force, at least in membership).
I have a feeling that there are more like me, though, who support unions and so on in a general way, but don’t know a lot about the issues, or realize not only the historical but present importance of them.
(BTW, Man Eegee… I’ve not forgotten about the immigration thing! I’ve had to shove a bunch of plans back a little, but will catch up soon.) This is John and Elizabeth Edwards blog and how they are trying to get minimum wage raised and working with unions. Link also has a cool map where when clicking on each state shows witch states have passed laws in their state raising minimum wage, which haven’t.
Good place to get info on this and also any politician who has a book blog/discussion is just too cool I think.

Bush comics
Just flip through a number of Bush topics – extreme humor!
It’s good practise to recoup some high school French too.
Pre-season field hockey festival in Oirschot near Eindhoven.
To get back in shape as hockey referee for competition games within two weeks time and have some fun, this day was rewarding.
As referee guided teams in 8 short matches of 25 min. each – a bit over three hours total – with men’s and women’s teams.
Sunday back home at HCKZ in The Hague
Starting at an early age …
See also post on recent Orange Success – EU Champions
Just saw a headline about Crawford and the voice over was jabbering on and on about the THOUSANDS of counter-protesters while showing groups of perhaps 10 (at most people) standing around here and there — the thing that really pissed me off was that they were trying to make it seem that all of the footage of Cindy supporters and their efforts while yabbering (the crosses, the flags, the big Jesus wept sign, etc. etc.) could be attributed to the c-ps!! Omifingoddes!!
This kind of crap just makes me scream!! (This is why I do not normally watch TV news)
Dualing protests my ass. There is NO comparing people who have been there for 3 weeks with people bussed in for the weekend.
Wouldn’t sound too good. Furthermore, CNN thinks that Democrats are only one tenth as important as Repbulicans. Something like the way women under Sharia law are worth only 1/2 as much as a man.
Jon Stewart recently made fun of CNN and their focus on trivia, even Paula Zahn looked ridiculous.
Click here for fun
Great stuff, check out The Daily Illustrated Scribble
Later, enjoy yerselfs…
is encouraging, maybe even energizing. How can 4 out of every 10 Americans though be completely out of their fucking minds? We must have an epidemic of personality disorders or something occurring right now culturally.
Hurricane Katrina has entered the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to strengthen and eventually hit the U.S Gulf Coast. I am not going to try to predict where or when it will hit (or even if!) or how hard, but I am absolutely certain that some end-time cultist will blame Cindy Sheenan’s vigil for it. Or a gay-pride parade, pro-choice demonstration or “activist” court decision.
So I’m (presumptuously) issuing a wing-nut alert. The person casting blame this time may not be Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson but he or she will quite likely be a fellow member of the Council for National Policy, possibly Harry Valentine of the Capitol Hill Prayer Alert.
The blame casting may be intended for a small group of true believers. It would be fun to blogify it; to call the attention of a wider audience to it, to watch the sparks fly.
The Vietnamization of Bush’s Vacation
LOL the headline alone.
It could also be entitled “Bush vs The Mother”
Who are “the slick left-wing political operatives” who turned Cindy Sheehan “into a circus?”
I did not get the impression that Camp Casey was a circus and it seems to me that she is her own person, not a puppet of “operatives.”
Anyway the rest of the article is very good.
I was asking that Dean just speak up, not run, just speak out. The air in the ethernet is already so thick with the 08 stuff that the tension began right away. In the name of peace I deleted it. But it is ok to for me to post that he needs to speak out. It is not ok for everything one says to taken in context of 08. It turns people off.
It is a shame it is that way now. I deleted it to keep peace.
I have no clue who I want in 08, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care. I just want to be able to calmly and peacefully post a wonderful op ed by Dean without having it turned into something else. Doggone it.
Pretty soon, I will know who I don’t want, if it gets to where I have to tiptoe around.
I will take part responsibility for that.
I read your diary, and saw it for what you intended.
I linked to your diary in a comment here, but I was just saying that Feingold could be a hero for the party, not necessarily in ’08 (though I hope we do have a hero in 08). Heaven (or whatever) knows we need more than one.
I did a bad job of trying to link one person’s idea with another’s powerful rhetoric. It wasn’t my intention to confound the two ideas with each other. I hope you’ll accept my apologies; we definitely need someone to speak up for us before the races begin as well as after.
I will probably go for Feingold as far as I know now. However there is just no reason for anyone to even act like Howard Dean is not a powerful voice for the party.
He can get the media coverage, he can get the word out.
It is getting too much to have someone jump in to let me know that he is not running, vote Clark or Feingold. That was not what it was about, and I appreciate your mentioning it.
There are old rivalries that die hard, and are kept too much alive by the internet bunch. It has to stop, it is hurting our party.
I will repost my diary tomorrow, with the disclaimer. I think Dean can be a voice right now that Feingold and Clark can not. He has already suffered the arrows from his own party, the GOP and the media. He is in the peculiar position of having nothing to lose.
That is what we need right now. The other person should not have jumped in. My diary was clear. It has to stop at all the forums. Dean is not competing. He is building the party.
Thanks for the comment.
It was a great diary 🙂
As far as this:
I think you’re absolutely right, and opinion of him has not noticeably sufferred because of it. It’s my dearest hope that he’ll continue to speak his mind.
To go slightly O/T, it’s my opinion (perhaps arrogantly) that the majority of the U.S. agrees with Democratic principles.
The problem is that the right has done a much, much better job at getting their troops mobilized. It’s in part because they speak in absolutes, and in part because we haven’t taken a solid stand.
So it’s our job to get OUR people mobilized. And it becomes way easier when our party leaders take a stand that people can believe in, and relate to. So I hope as many Dems as possible can step up and speak their minds, because despite conventional DLC wisdom, I think we’ll gain momentum from that.
I saw a lot of cute kitty pics in the other thread. She is the reason I found Booman. I wish her to be ok very soon.
You know, not every one of God’s creatures has to be pretty. Even a Wood Stork has his redeeming qualities. This one was just feet away from us at a lake near our home. It’s a keeper.
I also found Booman through Susan!
There are swans and geese and ducks at the same lake, a very wonderful place. The others are squawky and fussy, and will bite for bread crumbs.
The nicest ones are the Wood Storks. I appreciate tham.